Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/413

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ii s. x. NOV. 21, ion.] . NOTES AND QUERIES.


The next panel southward is thus in- scribed :

In pious memory | of | Henry Adlington | Laurence Parm-in (Henry Wye | William Hally- \vel | Thomas Bower | George Searles | Edmund Hurst | Lyon Cawch | Ralph Jackson | John Derfall | John Routh | Elizabeth Pepper | Agnes George. | On Saturday, June 27th 1556 | these 11 men and 2 women | were brought pinioned from | Newgate and suffered death | here in the presence of 20,000 | people for their firm ad- herence | to the Word of God. | They were all burnt in one fire | with such love to each other | and constancy in our Saviour | Christ that it made all the | lookers on to marvel.

The remaining four panels commemorate the following :

(1) Patrick Packingham, aged 23, suffered here, 28 August, 1555.

(2) Stephen Harwood, " a brewer and associated with Thomas Fust of Ware. The one suffered here and the other at Ware 30 August 1555."

(3) Elizabeth Warne, widow and gentlewoman, suffered here 23 August 1555. " Her husband suffered in Smithfield, as also her daughter Joan, and her son was either burnt or died in prison, a whole family of martyrs."

(4) Hugh Laverock, a lame man, and John Apprice, a blind man, suffered here 15 May, 1556.

The lower half of this panel is inscribed :

In honoured memory | of the | Revd. Thomas Rose | Chaplain of the Earl of Essex | and Vicar of West Ham | A.D. 1551-1563 | who although not a martyr | was tortured and exiled for | preaching against auricular | confession, trans- ubstantiation, | purgatory and images. | He | was a distinguished Preacher | of the Reformation j and greatly encouraged these | Mirt/r. .

Appropriate texts of Scripture are inscribed on all the panels.

I desire to offer my thanks for valued help rendered to Sir John Brunner, Bart., Mr. Wm. Brett, Miss Jessie Spurrell, Mr. Tlios. W. Turner, Alderman J. Lawrence -Mitchell, Mr. Roland Austin, Mr. B. E. Stillman, and the Rev. Dr. Bindley.


Long Itchington, Warwickshire.

(To be continued.)


l"n til the 6th inst. it was thought that the grim annals of the Tower were closed, and that its historical associations were all of the long past. The execution of a spy within its precincts is an event in its modern history to be recorded. Carl Hans Lody, the man exe- cuted, was a lieutenant of the German Navy who had been tried at the Middlesex Guild- hall, Westminster, by a court-martial pre- sided over by Lord Cheylesmore. The charge against him was one of communicating

to Germany information of Britain's de- fences and preparations for war.

The execution took place in the miniature rifle range at the Tower at dawn on Friday, the 6th inst. Eight soldiers under the command of a sergeant and an officer formed the firing party. The body was buried within the precincts of the Tower.

A. N. Q.

INSCRIPTIONS AT CADENABBIA. (See 10 S. vi. 446.) The following inscriptions, taken down in May, 1913, are an addition to my former note. They are from brass tablets in the church at Cadenabbia. The former series would be more correctly described as " Inscriptions at Griante," since they are from the Campo Santo at Griante, where the Cadenabbia interments take place :

13. Francis Reginald Blackburne Daniell, b. 23 Sept., 1882, d. 21 Sept., 1903 ; bur. 23 Sept., 1903, in the Campo Santo of Griante.

14. Don Giuseppe Brentano, architect, whose generous aid in building this church all who worship therein gratefully acknowledge, d. 31 Dec., 1889. R.I.P.

15. Edward Lennox Boyd, d. 9 Feb., 1905, and his w., Georgiana H. Boyd, d. 21 Nov., 1901. Erected by their s. and daughters.

16. Marianne, wid. of Laurence Oliphant, of Condic, Perthshire, d. 24 Feb., 1895. Erected by her children.

17. Susan Oliphant, w. of J. Maitland Thomson, of Whim, Peebleshire, d. 12 Feb., 1900.

18. Ethel Mary Edwards, b. 12 Sept., 1861, d. 1 Aug., 1900.

19. Hie stepe Deum veneratus est | Ricardus Durnford, S.T.P., Ep. Cicestrensis, | vir sapientia insignis, literarum cultor assiduus, | amicua unice dilectus. Basiliffi | ob. xiv die Oct., A.S. MDCCCXCV., anno set. xcii.

20. Annette K. E. Long, d. 12 Dec., 1886.

G. S. PARRY, Lieut. -Col. 17, Ashley Mansions, S.W.

SPONGE CAKE. The earliest quotation in ' N.E.D.' is dated in 1843; but in "A New System of Domestic Cookery, by a Lady" (Mrs. Maria Elizabeth Rundell, 1745-1828), published in 1808, there is a recipe for making " spunge " cake. The interesting biblio- graphy of old cookery books in H. W. Lewer's 'Simples' (1910) may be referred to in this connexion. M.

VANISHING CITY LANDMARKS. (See US. vii. 247; viii. 446; x. 26.) It may be of interest to record that Deakins's (formerly Hibbert's) old-established restaurant and drinking-bars in Finch Lane and Royal Exchange Avenue are about to be razed, the premises having been acquired by a big