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ii 8. x. NOV. 28, ion.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


DENE HOLES (11 S. x. 249, 314, 390).

Essex, The Dene Holes in (Journal of the British Archaeological Association, vol. xxxviii., 1882, pp. 346-8).

Ks*rx, Dene Holes in (' N. & Q.,' OS. vi. 247-8, 414, 436 ; vii. 309-10).

K-srx, Deneholes of (Science, N.Y., vol. v. p. 113).

Kssrx Archaeological Society and the Essex Field Club. Joint excursion to the Deneholes in Hangman's Wood (Essex Naturalist, vol. x., 1897-8, pp. 408-9).

F.s^.'x, Victoria History of, vol. i., 1903, pp. 309-11.

Essex Visit to the Deneholes in Hangman's Wood (Essex Naturalist, vol. vii., 1893, pp. 143- 148).

Essex Field Club. Exploration of the Deneholes in Hangman's Wood, near Grays (Essex Naturalist, vol. i., 1887, pp. 202-3). See also full ' Report ' by T. V. Holmes and W. Cole.

Third Visit to Hangman's Wood (Proceedings of the Essex Field Club, vol. iv., 1892, pp. 20- 23).

Forster (R. H.), Notes on the Hangman's Wood Deneholes (Journal of the British Archaeo- logical Association, N.S., vol. iv. pp. 95-100).

Porster (T. E. and R. H.), The Chislehurst Caves (Journal of the British Archaeological Associa- tion, vol. lx., 1904, pp. 87-102). Authors ^re mining engineers who believe the " caves " to be disused chalk mines about 200 years old.

Pox (A. L.), Excavations at Mount Caburn Camp, near Lowes (Archwologia, vol. xlvi., 1881, pp. 446-52).

Pranks (A. W.), Exploration of Pit at Dunbury Hill, Hampshire (Proceedings of the' ty of Antiquaries, First Series, vol. iv., 1859, pp 241-2).

Hat rill (J. M.), Notes on a Discovery at Green- hithe, Kent (Archaeological Journal, vol. xxxvii., 1880, pp. 193-5). This denehole was about ft. deep, and remains of coarse Roman pottery were found in it. Underneath the debris three human skeletons were lying side by side.

Gentleman's Magazine, 1803, p. 401. Describes denehole in Swanscombe Park Wood, known locally as Clabber Napper's Hole.

Goddard (A. R.), On the Origin of Deneholes (Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society, N.S., vol. vii., 1900, pp. 252-5).

end. A New Twin-Chamber Dene Hole (The Times, 14 Sept., 1907, p. 10 ; 17 Sept., 1907, p. 10).

Grays, Dene-holes at (Transactions of the Essex Field Club, vol. ii., 1881-2, p. 18).

Gregory (R. R. C.), The Eltham Dene-hole (' The Story of Royal Eltham,' p. 295).

Gfriffin (W. H.)], A Vindication of the Archaeo- logical Importance of the Chislehurst Caves (The Kentish Mercury, 13 Dec., 1907 ; 10 Jan., 1908).

Hamer (W. H.), The Deneholes of Hangman s W..od, illus. (The Idler, vol. xiii., 1898, p. 162).

Hammant (W.), Crayford, pamphlet, 20 pp., 1911. Describes the deneholes, and gives references t<> Diodorus Siculus and other early writers.

Harris (J.), History of Kent, 1719, pp. 84, 94, 123.

Harrison (J. P.), Additional Discoveries at Clss- Iniry (Journal of th<- Anthropological Institute-, May, 1878).

Hasted (E.), History of Kent, 4 vols., 1778-99. Refers to deneholes at Crayford, vol. i. p. 211 ; Dartford Heath, ib., p. 226; Mamton, vol. ii. p. 611 ; Faversham, ib., p. 717. Hasted thinks they were hiding-places in the time of the Saxons, where the inhabitants secured their wives, children, and effects from the ravages of their enemies !

Hayes (J. W.), Deneholes and other Chalk K\- cavations : their Origin and Use (Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 1909, pp. 44-76). Reprinted in pamphlet form. The author adopts the " chalk hole " theory.

Notes on the Deneholes (Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 1908, pp. l:M- 135). Reprinted in pamphlet form.

Hibberd (S.), Chalk Pits at Grays, Essex ('Re- creative Science,' vol. iii. p. 33).

Histoire de 1'Acarlemie R. des Inscriptions, torn, xxvii. p. 279, illus. Contains an article by M. Lebceuf on the souterrains of France.

Hollingbournc Caves : Descriptive Guide, pam- phlet, 14 pp., Maidstone.

Holmes (T. Rice), Ancient Britons and the In- vasion of Julius Caesar, 1907, pp. 253, 515-17.

Holmes (T. V.), The Blackheath Subsidences (The Engineer, vol. Ii., 1881, pp. 195-6).

The Chislehurst Caves (Essex Naturalist, vol. xiv., 1905, pp. 75-7).

Deneholes, fee. (Journal of the British Archaeological Association, N.S., vol. xiv., 1908, pp. 83-94).

Descent of a Denehole at Bexloy, Kent (Essex Naturalist, vol. i., 1887, p 187).

Excursion to the Deneholes at Bexlcy (Pro- ceedings of the Geologists' Association, vol. vii., 1881-2, pp. 400-403).

Excursions to the Deneholes at Hangman's Wood, Grays (Proceedings of the Geologists' Association,' vol. ix., 1S85-6, pp. 179-81).

Miscellaneous Notes on Deneholes, 1883 (Transactions of the Essex Field Club, vol. iv., 1886, pp. 87-110). Gives a critical account of the views of Roach Smith in ' Collectanea Antiqua,' vol. vi.

Miscellaneous Notes, 1906 (Essex Naturalist, vol. xv., 1907, pp. 5-13).

On Deneholes (Transactions of the Essex Field Club, vol. iii., 1882-3, pp. 48-58).

On Dene-holes and Bell-pits (Geological Magazine, vol. v., 1898, pp. 447-58). Re- printed in pamphlet form.

Visit [of the Croydon Natural History and Scientiac Soc.l to the Deneholes, Hangman's Wood (Essex Naturalist, vol. xiv., 1905, p. 75).

Holmes (T. V.) and Cole (W.), Report on the Dene- hole Exploration at Hangman's Wood, Grays, 1884 and 1887 (Essex Naturalist, vol. i., 1887, pp. 225-76), illus.

Johnson (W.), Folk - Memory, 1908, illus. : chap. xii. Denehol.-s, with select bibliography.

Kent, Dene Holes in (' N. & Q.,' S. vii. 145-6).

Kent, Victoria History of (vol. i. pp. 446-55, 1908, illus.).

King (E.), Munimenta Antiqua, vol. i., 1799,

Lambarde (W.), Perambulation of Kent, 1656, PP. 187-9.

Lasteyrie (M. deV I > - F 1 a la Con- servation il-s (Ji-.iins. This artid.- form-; tli" to Kollct's ' M^moiro sur la Meunene.