Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/446

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. x. NOV. as, 1014.

offered for 11. 7s.; and McGibbon and Ross a ' Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scot- land, from the Twelfth to the Eighteenth Century, Thought out, as many of our readers will remember, between 1887 and 1892, offered for 10Z. 10*. A very attractive item is the edition of ' Historians -of Scotland' issued in the seventies of the last century, comprising Fordun, the Liber Pluscardensis,' Wyntoun's ' Chronicle, with the

  • Life of St. Columba,' and some other matters, in

10 octavo volumes, of which the price here is 4.1. There are several good facsimiles : we may mention the reproduction done at Oxford some -ten years ago of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, 101., and one of the ' Gospel Book of Queen Margaret of Scotland in the Bodleian, for which 31. 3a. is asked. A copy of Prynne's " Antiquaj Constitutiones Regm Anglue (1672,

11 Is ) ; Gardyne's ' Life of a Regiment the Gordon Highlanders,' 21. 2s.; and twenty different works of varying value, but some of them very good, under the heading 'Family History,' may also be mentioned.

MESSRS. EIJJS have sent us their Winter Cata- logue 1914-15 (No. 156), which describes 525 items, and proves one of the most interesting we have recently examined. Of the entries 244 relate to old newspapers and periodicals. Among these is a goodly array of seventeenth-century examples

odd numbers of the Mercurius Aulicus and its

^antagonist the Mercurius Britannicus, as well as of the other varieties of Mercurius which dis- pensed exciting news and violent opinions in days which, not long ago, many of us thought somewhat more stirring than our own. Under the heading of Newsbooks the best item is the 10 vols. (offeied for 281.) of Mercurius Gallobelgicus, a publication issued at Cologne and Frankfort at the turn of the seventeenth century, purporting to give the news of France and Belgium, and of the rest of Western Europe as well. Good, too, is ' The Fatall Vesper,' printed by John Haviland for Richard Whitaker, being an account of the fall of a floor in the top story of the French Am- bassador's house in Blackfriars on 5 Nov., 1623, where a number of people had assembled to hear a sermon by a Jesuit priest, Robert Drury : an accident in which ninety-one lives are said to have been lost, and which impressed people at the time sufficiently for the Venetian Ambassador to send home some details of it (21. 2s.).

Under the heading of Rare Old Books are many delightful things. Foremost among them is undoubtedly a good copy, black-letter, folio, of Berners's ' Froissart,' the first edition in 2 vols. (here bound in one), both having Pynson s imprint. The first volume is more often the later one printed by Myddelton. This is not dear at lol. Another book which will tempt collectors (who may acquire it for 24Z.) is Cranmer's copy of Erasmus's Greek Testament in the 4th edition, "bearing the Archbishop's autograph on the top of the title. This had come to the British Museum through George II. and Prince Henry, son of James I., who bought Cranmer's books from Lord Luniley, to whom they had descended, and m 1818 was sold as a duplicate. A third book which may be ranked with these is a first edition of ' Paradise Lost,' bound by Riviere, the title- page (according to the particulars given) being of the seventh, and the Argument of the second edition. We may mention two or three more

from the large number we find we have marked as worth attention. There are a first edition of Evelyn's translation of the ' Instructions con- cerning Erecting of a Library,' by Gabriel Naude, 1661 (121. 12s.) ; an edition, said to be of c. 1474, and printed at Rome by Johannes Schurener, of the letters of the Younger Pliny (391. ) ; a first edition of ' The Workes of Benianiin Jonson,' the first folio of 1616, a good copy in a seventeenth- century calf binding (42?.) ; and a series of anatomical plates, copied by Jaques Grevin, "M^decin a Paris," from plates engravediby Thomas Gemini at the order of Henry^VIlI. after the draw- ings of Vesalius, interesting now chiefly as being the first copper-plate engravings done in England. Under the heading Bookbinding is a good collec- tion of, fine examples ; and, to turn to matter of more ordinary and somewhat more modern interest, we noticed a copy of the 1832-3 edition of Maria Edgeworth's Tales and Novels, 18 vols. in sm. 8vo, offered for 81. 15s.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]



BY the death of Mr. Herbert Baily the literary and artistic world is robbed of one of its most picturesque figures. Some fourteen years ago he founded The Connoisseur, which ever since, under his able management, has remained the representa- tive magazine of the collector. A man of varied knowledge, with a very attractive personality, he was extremely popular in Clubland and in society, and will be missed by a large circle of friends. Mr. Baily was the author of many considerable works,, among the most popular of which are ' The Life of Emma, Lady Hamilton,' and ' The Life of George Morland.' He was also the biographer of Napoleon. Graceful in style and distinguished by shrewd common sense, these books Avon no meagre suc- cess and enjoyed a large sale. Although pressure of business and literary work did not allow him the time to contribute very frequently to ' N. & Q.,' he was one of its most assiduous readers.

to 0mspontonts.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' " Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

H. PAGET. Forwarded.