Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/467

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ns.x.DEc.i2,i9i4.] NOTES AND QUERIES,



CONTENTS.-No. 259.

NOTES : Concordances of English Authors, 461 The Literary Frauds of Henry Walker the Ironmonger, 462 Sir Richard Phillips, 463 Inscriptions in the Ancien Cimetiere, Mentone, 464 Ship and Lighthouse on the Bronze Coinage, 465" Miser " Celtic Place-Names in Lincolnshire, 466 " Pious chansons " " Practical politics" A Puritan Ordeal, 467.

QUERIES : Heraldry of Lichfield Cathedral Tooth- Blackening " Madame Drury, aged 116," 467 " As sound as a roach's " " Galiman " Authors of Quotations Wanted Alphabetical Nonsense " Grim the Collier " Latinity Card Coincidence, 468 Biographical Infor- mation Wanted Detectives in Fiction Hornsey Lodge : Wallace : Bruce Crispin Van der Passe's Print of the Gunpowder Plot Conspirators The Wardrobe of Sir John Wynn of Gwydyr, 469 O'Neill Theological Paradoxes Medal German Critics on India, 470.

REPLIES : Mr. Asquith and the City of London School, 470 American Slang: "Nixie," 471 " Wearie verie meanes," 'As You Like It" Fire and New-BirthSir John Lade : " Mr. B ck " and " Black D " ' Bobs,' 472 Words used in Lodge's ' Wits Miserie 'Old Etonians, 473 " Daud "=George Consumption in Ireland " O si sic omnes "Height of St. Paul's, 474 Moyle Wills- Regent Circus A " trawn-chaer " Warrington : Poem Wanted, 475 German Street-NamesMedicinal Mum- mies " Yardland," 476 ' Theophania ' Author of Quotation Wanted The Purchasing of Dreams, 477.

NOTES ON BOOKS: -'The Book of Sussex Verse' 'The Structure of " Le Liyre d'Artus"' ' The Heart of East Anglia ' Bolton Parish Registers' Oxford Garlands ' ' The Burlington.'

OBITUARY : William Francis Prideaux ; Frederick

Simon Snell. Notices to Correspondents.



I HAVE asked and obtained permission from Prof. Charles G. Osgood, Secretary, of Prince- ton, New Jersey, to reprint (with slight changes) the list of Concordances which he issued as a part of Circular No. 7 of the Concordance Society. My changes are in the main intended to correct the list to date. It will be observed that I have not included the titles of works like Miss Lockwood's excellent Milton ' Lexicon ' ; and where there is more than one Concordance of the same poet, only the title of the better or best is recorded. It is to be hoped for the con- venience of the many readers who make inquiry for the sources of quotations that these books will find their way into every library of importance.


Beowulf. Cook, Albert S. A Concordance to Beowulf. 8vo, 436 pp. Halle, Niemeyer ; New York, Stechert. 1911. 12 marks : 3.00.

Bible. Strong, James. The Exhaustive Con- cordance of the Bible, showing every Word of the Text of the Common English Version of the Canonical Books, and every Occurrence of each Word in Regular Order ; together with a Com- parative Concordance of the Authorized and Revised Versions, including the American Variations ; also Brief Dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek Words of the Original, with References to the English Words. Royal 4to ; iv, 1340, 262, 128, 82 pp. 1894. New York, Hunt, $6 ; now Eaton & Mains, $3 net. London, Hodder, II. 15s. net ; now 15s. net.

Burns. Reid, J. B. A Complete Word and Phrase Concordance to the Poetry and Songs of Robert Burns, incorporating a Glossary of Scotch Words, with Notes, Index, and Appendix of Reading. Royal 8vo, 568 pp. Glasgow, Kerr & Richardson, 1889. II. 5s. Out of print. May be obtained as a new remainder at $3.50.

Common Prayer. .Tones, Joseph Courtney. A Concordance to the Book of Common Prayer according to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America ; to- gether with a Table of the Portions of Scripture found or referred to in the Prayer Book, and a Topical Index of the Collects. 8vo ; v, 198 pp. Philadelphia, Jacobs, 1898. $1.75 net.

Cowper. Neve, John. A Concordance to the Poetical Works of William Cowper. Royal 8vo ; viii, 504 pp. London, Low, 1887. 11. Is.

FitzGerald'a Omar. Tutin, John Ramsden. A Concordance to FitzGerald's Translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Crown 8vo ; v, 169 pp. London and New York, Macmillan, 1900. 8s. 6d. net ; $3 net.

Gray. Cook, Albert S., editor. A Concordance to the English Poems of Thomas Gray. 4to ; vii, 160 pp. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1908. $2.50 ; to members of the Concordance So- ciety, $2.

Keble. [Anon.] A Concordance to ' The Christian Year.' 12mo ; iv, 524 pp. 1871. Oxford, Parker, 7s. 6df. ; New York, Pott, $2. Out of print.

Kyd. Crawford, Charles. A Concordance to the Works of Thomas Kyd. (Materialien zur Kunde des Aelteren Englischen Dramas, Bd. 15.) Demy 4to ; v, 200 pp. Louvain, Uystpruyst ; Leipzig, Harrassowitz ; London, Nutt ; 1906. . Parts I. and II. (A-Sudden). Price, 25fr. ; subscription price, 20fr.

Harlmce. Crawford, Charles. A Concordance to the Works of Christopher Marlowe. In course of publication in the same series as the preceding Concordance. Part I. (A-Christopher).

Milton. Bradshaw, John. A Concordance to the Poetical Works of John Milton. Cr. It" : iv, 412 pp. 1894. London, Sonnenschein, 12s. 6rf. net ; -V-\v York, Macmillan. si m-t.

Pope. Abbott, Edwin. A Concordance to UK- Works of Alexander Pope, with an Introduction