Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/471

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us. X.DEC. 12, 1914.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


169. Catherine A. Gordon, only ch. of Charles II. Scott, Esq., Huntley Hall, Staffs, d. Feb. 5, 1878, a. 22.

170. John Arthur Jeffreys, of the Bengal Civil Service, 3rd son of Lieut.-Gen. Jeffreys, C.B., b. Sept. 19, 1851, d. Dec. 9, 1877.

171. John Thomas Cockin Drury, M.D , d Nov. 24, 1877, a. 44.

172. Alice Mary Lancaster, d. Feb. 7. 1898, a. 51.

173. Mabel, eldest dau. of John Kenworthy, Esq., of Moor Court, Kington, Heref., d. 17 March, 1901, a. 25.

174. James William Turner, of Greenock, d. Dec. 11, 1905, a. 56.

175. Euphan Neil, b'. Aug. 11, 1843, d. Feb. 22, 19CO.

176. Mary Frances Webster, d. Jan. 26, 1911, a. 87.

177. Emma, w. of Mr. Henry Stead, of Liver- pool, d. Feb. 25, 1906. R.I.P.

178. Ellen, w. of the Rev. E. Gabbett, Vicar of Bruree, d. 29 March, 1869.

179. John Hyslop Gordon, d. 19 Oct., 1869, a. 39.

180. Ankerville Scott, Cornet 16th (Queen's) Lancers, d. 29 Oct., 1869, a. 27.

181. Charles Hope Cay, Fellow of Gonville and Caius, Cambr., Mathematical Master of Clifton College, d. Dec. 22, 1869, a. 28.

182. Mary, only ch. of Gilbert John Elliot and Isabella Eliz. Gore his w., d. 13 Jan., 1870, a. 19.

183. Thomas Banco Powys Keck, 60fch Rifles, d. Nov. 27, 1877, a. 32, at Hyeres. Charles Horatio Gardiner Powys Keck, Lieut. 60th Royal Rifles, b. May 7, 1843, d. March 9, 1870.

184. The Rev. Robert John Ward, of Caius Coll., Cambr., and of Basing, Hants, d. March 14, 1870, a. 58.

185. Parthenia, w. of Allen W. Block, Esq., of Parkfield, Highgate, d. March 25, 1870.

186. David Raiikin, of Londonderry, d. April 11, 1870, a. 34.

187. Cuthbert John Laws, of Tynemouth, Northd., d. April 15, 1870, a. 30.

188. Elizabeth Maria, dau. of Robert and Eliza- beth Ogilby, d. May 6, 1870, a. 21. Margaret Harriet Ogilby, b. 6 Nov., 1845, d. 19 April, 1908.

189. William White Rouch, of Barnes, Surrey, d. Feb. 18, 1871, a. 39.

190. William Willoughby, b. 14 Jan., 1847, d. 10 Nov., 1870. George Willoughby, d. May 18, 1891, a. 42.

191. Norman, inf. s. of George Abercromby and Edith Dick, b. March 1, d. March 31, 1877.

192. William Barber, M.A., Chaplain of St. John's, Mentone, 1864-78, Vicar of Teynham, Kent ; b. Oct. 6, 1811, d. Feb. 23, 1878. Harriet Howes, his w., St. Martin Lantosque, Oct. 9, 1878, a. 64.

193. John Traherne Moggridge, b. March 8, 1842, d. Xnv. 24, 1874.

I'.'l. Elizabeth Anderson Cramer, b. March 28, 1846, at Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.A., d. Dec. 25, 1872.

I'.i.'i. llodolf Wolseley Haig, 3rd s. of George Augustus Haig, of Pen Ithon, Radnorshire, and of Anne Eliza Fell his w., b. at Adelaide Crescent, Brighton, March 12, 1860, d. at Villa Celeste, , .M;nvh 7, 1876.

196. Charles Lewis, s. of Mary W. and Lovis C. Tiffany, of New York, b. Dec. 6, d. Dec. 29, 1874.

197. Helen, w. of Capt. R. H. Dyas, II.M. Indian Army, b. Nov. 26, 1840, d. April 21, 1872.

198. The Rev. W. Webb Ellis, Rector of St. Clement Danes, d. Feb. 24, 1872.

199. Aubrey Brock, of Cranley Mansion, Lon- don, S.W., b. at Swansea, Dec. 10, 1841, d. Nov. 28, 1895.

200. Major - General Geo. Owen Bowdler, 40th Regt., d. 27 Oct., 1895.

201. The Rev. Wm. Nevin Christie, B.A., of Wandsworth, d. Feb. 4, 1892, a. 28. R.I.P.

202. Anne Anderdon, d. Feb. 10, 1892, a. 74.

203. Matthew Walter Tunnicliffe, B.A., for 20 years Vicar of Earl's Heaton, Yorks, b. Nov. , 1842, d. Feb., 1892. [Stone broken.]

204. Anne, wid. of John Challenor, of Black- wood, Staff., d. at Sospel, July 30, 1900.

205. Thomas Bokenham, d. March 15, 1897,

a. 47.

206. Aline Monson, b. March 27, 1865, d. Jan. 18, 1901.

207. George Margrove, d. March, 1893.

208. Charlotte, w. of the Rev. Henry Lings,

b. Dec. 5, 1819, d. . The Rev. Henry Lyngs (sic), d. 20 Jan., 1900. [Stone broken.]

209. Anna, w. of Henry Griffith Keasby, b. May 28, 1855, d. March 13, 1897.

210. Mary Anne, wid. of John Ambrose Douglas, d. March 9, 1902.

211. Emma Grace Hill, b. Nov. 8, 1832, d. July 15, 1899.

212. Eliza Hamilton Warner, d. June 21, 1897.

213. Jack, s. of John and Frances Mary Foy, of London, d. March 6, 1900, a. 17.

214. Joseph Cameron, d. 14 March, 1888, a. 37.

215. Jennie H. Leavitt, b. May 30, 1843, d. May 17, 1899.

216. Annie, w. of Robt. Muir, of Heathlands, Wimbledon, d. 6 March, 1901, at Cap Martin, a. 70.

217. Samuel Lloyd Howard, C.B., of Goldings, Loughton, Essex, late Col. 1st Essex Art. Volun- teers, b. Dec. 13, 1817, d. Feb. 3, 1901.

218. James Lane, d. Feb. 27, 1878.

219. Sarah A., wid. of Ernst Davidis, d. at Moulinet, Aug. 22, 1896, a. 81. Annie Eliz., his dau., d. 23 Ap., 1907.

220. George Evelyn Perreau, Sub-Lieut. K.N., d. Jan. 26, 1897, a. 21.

221. Elizabeth, w. of Surgeon - Major Chas. Gray, A.M.D., d. 1 April, 1897.

G. S. PARKY, Lieut.-Col. 17, Ashley Mansions, S.W.

(To be continued.)

SHIP AND LIGHTHOUSE ON THE BRONZE COINAGE. Following the kind advice given to the present writer in a letter from Lord Stamfordham, private secretary to Majesty the Kirg, a suggestion has been placed before the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer in whom is vested, by the Coinage Act of 1870, the office of Master of the Mint to reinstate the ship and lighthouse, oa either side of Britannia, on our bronze coinage, which were most inadvisedly