Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/528

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.

Bankers of Lombard Street, c. 1690-93, 17 Banns of marriage, local phrases connected

with, 11

" Barking Dogs," tavern sign, Moorfields, 506 Barmaid, when first employed, 96 " Barring-out," account of a typical, 258 Bateman (John) of Waterford, knighted 1809,

230, 277

Bayonet, German use of the, 289 Beaumont, Bowman, or Boman family, 229 " Beau-pere," meanings of the word, 157 Bede, his saying on prayer, 150 Belch (W.), "printer, Borough, S.E., 350 Belgian customs, St. Thomas's Day, 486 Belgian medal, gold, dated 1787, 470 Belgians described as " brave " by Julius Caesar,


" Bell and Horns," Brompton tavern sign, 109 Bell inscription, Oxfordshire, 1752, 328 Bells of Cullompton, story connected with, 290 Bence, distribution of surname, 92 Berkeley family, 167, 220 Bermuda, colonists in, in 1620, 247 Bernard (Sir T.), Bart., author, c. 1816, 388, 436 ' Berrow's Worcester Journal,' weekly paper,

" 1690," 21, 46 Bertram (C.), his ' Richard of Cirencester on the

Ancient State of Britain,' 289, 350 Beszant family, 270 Beverley (R. M.), <*. 1856, poet, his birthplace,

329 Bible : black-letter Testament, date of edition, 69,

140 ; Philippians iv. 2, Euodias, 509

Bibliography :

Ballard (G.) his ' History of Susannah,'

1638, 6

Bookselling and publishing, 225 Browne (Sir Thomas) and his books, 321,

342, 361, 397 Burton's ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' Dr.

Johnson's copies, 117 'Chickseed without Chickweed,' 366, 418 Christmas, 482

' Chronicle of the Kings of England,' 25 Concordances of English authors, 461, 513 Dene-Holes, 390, 437, 450 'Diary of Lady Willoughby,' 1844, 241, 297,


Dickens's ' Pickwick Papers,' first edition, 153 Holcroft (Thomas), 1745-1809, 1, 43, 58, 83, 122, 135, 163, 205, 244, 284, 323, 362, 403, 442, 484

Johnston (Arthur), 346 Liberalism, 67, 116 Loseley MSS. printed at Louvain, 230, 295,


Louvain, Irish MSS., 207 Machiavelli, Testina editions, 128 ' Nichol's Cities and Towns of Scotland,' 229 Periodicals published by religious houses, 250,

317, 376, 413 Scott (W. Bell), 28, 93 Southey (Robert), 489 Stow's ' Survey,' 1618 edition, 248 Birmingham, " the toyshop of Europe," 346 Bismarck (Prince), his saying on the Eastern

Question, 387

Black Mass of the Germans, 388 Blakeway (J. B.), M.A., 1765-1826, 229, 277 " Blandandered," meaning of the word, 17 Bligh (Capt. W.), the voyage of the Providence, 17, 116, 153, 277

Blizard or Blizzard as surname, 14, 58

" Bobs," Kipling's ' Fighting Bobs,' 1S93, 429, 472

" Boches," origin of the word, 367, 416, 436, 454,


Boehay (Sir James), his pedigree, 149 Bolton ( ), four MSS. by, on heraldic subjects,


Boman, Bowman, or Beaumont family, 229 Bombay as a surname, 107, 356 ' Bon Gaultier Ballads,' Kenny Meadows and, 93 Bonaparte (Napoleon) : a button from his

uniform, 190 ; as historian, 195 ; at St. Helena,

195 ; and Wellington, 195

Bonar, origin of the surname, 190, 237, 277, 333 Bonheur (Rosa), her painting 'The Duel,' 450 Bonnin or Boneen (Goosey), Etonian, 1754, 57 Books on Chelsea, 15, 57

Books recently published :

Almack's (E.) Fine Old Bindings, 238 Analecta Bollandiana, Tonms XXXIII. Fasc.

III., 200 Ballard 's (A.) The English Borough in the

Twelfth Century, 139 Bayeux Tapestry, Introduction by H. Belloc,

397 Beauchamp (Richard), Earl of Warwick, 1389

1439, edited by Viscount Dillon and W. H.

St. J. Hope, 60

Bible Dictionary, The Universal, 239 Bolton, The Registers of the Parish Church,


British History, Picture Book of, Vol. I., 459 Burgess's (F. W.) Chats on Household

Curios, 179 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and

Other Analogous Documents : Vol. VIII.

Edward III., 320 Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State

Papers relating to England and Spain :

Vol. X. Edward VI., 1550-52, ed. by R.

Tyler, 238 Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the

Public Record Office : Richard II., Vol. I.,

1377-81, 518 Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the

Public Record Office : Edward III., Vol.

XV., 1370-74, 258 Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series :

America and West Indies, 1702-3, edited

by C. Headlam, 299 Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Proceedings

of, 139 Cambridge History of English Literature :

Vol. XI. French Revolution, 378 Ceylon : Tombstones and Monuments in

Ceylon, 259 Cockburn's (Sir R.) and H. A. Cockburn's

The Records of the Cockburn Family, 339 Craigie's (W. A.) A New English Dictionary

on Historical Principles : Speech-Spring,

Vol. IX., 319 Denny's (Rev. H. L. L.) Memorials of an

Ancient House : Lister, 178 Ditchfield's (P. H.) London Survivals, 38 Douglas's (S. O. G.) A Theory of Civilisation,

278 Drake, New Light on, trans, by Z. Nuttall,


D welly's Parish Records, 3 vols., 139 Figgis's ( J. N. ) The Fellowship of the Mystery,

Bishop Paddock Lectures, 459 Fleetwood Family Records, Part II., 279