Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/546

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.

B. (J.) on " freelage," 328. St. Nicholas's loaf, 810

B. (K. M.) on colour and sound, 231

B. (M.) on William Parker, Lord Morley and Monteagle, 1575-1622, 408

B. (B.) on Adye Baldwin of Slough, 58. Early Knglish railway travelling, 356. ' Love or Pride ? ' a novel, 289. Palmerston (not) in the wrong train, 253. Wills at St. Paul's, 155

B r (R.) on " cordwainer," 435. "Felix Summerly," 98. " Left his corps," 158." Nel- son : unpublished letters, 305. Wall-papers, 111

B. (R. S.) on bibliography of Thomas Holcroft, 58. Carr (William), Mayor of Liverpool, 176. ( olquitt (Scrope), 248. Holcroft of Vale Royal, 175. Portraits by James f/onsdale, 274

B. (S.) on burial-place of Eleanor of Provence, 195

Bacchia on " rack-rent," 253

Baldock (Major G. Yarrow) on " flash " of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 15. Scots Guards : regimental histories, 495

Barkas (Albert A.) on Sir Gregory Norton, the regicide, and his son Sir Henry, 12, 51, 91, 131, 171

Barnard (F. P.) on Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. : Francis E. Paget, M.A., 436

Barns (Stephen J.) on mourning letter-paper and black-bordered title-pages, 496

Bayne (T.) on " Baud "=George, 430. " Ephe- sians," a Shakespearian term, 497. " Frap," 298. " Hurley-backet," 274. Scott : ' The Antiquary,' 155, 178. Scott (Walter), spurious Waverleys, 374. " There 's some water where the stags drown," 77

Bayley (A. R.) on ' Aut Diabolus aut Nihil,' 236. Biographical information wanted, 33. British coins and stamps, 235. Burton : Blakeway, 277. Chandos, 135. Chapel-House, 13. Elfou, 18. Epitaph : Christchurch, Hampshire, 213. Family of Childe or Child, 76. " Flash " of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 15. France and England quarterly, 336, 458. Gothic mason-sculptors, 373. Harford of Plymouth, " traitor," 356. Height of St. Paul's, 434. " I am the only Running Footman," 298. Inscription on brass at Queen's College, Oxford, 432. Lade (Sir John), 317. Lamb's ' Mr. H ,' 395. National colour of W r ales, 356. Note on Sheridan, 61, 81. Old Etonians, 76, 356, 432, 473. Patron saint of pilgrims, 254. Procter (Adelaide Ann), her mother, 393. " Queen Elinor in the ballad," 195. Rodney (Admiral Lord), 294. Signs of cadency, 98. " Speak to me, Lord Byron," 95. Tuck (Friar), 236. Wellington, 134" Beazant (Henry) on Beszant family, 270 Bed well (C. E. A.) on Moses Franks, 117

Bensly (Prof. E.) on " Accidents will occur in the best-regulated families," 351. Adulation of Queen Elizabeth, 136. Author and correct version wanted, 412. Authors wanted, 335. Callipedes, 73. " Cambo Brittanicus," 436. Carlyle's ' Past and Present,' 255. Cramputius : Siraplicia : Q. Crassus Tubero : the Genie Jon- quil, 274. Cusani, 372. Devotions on horse- back, 233, 334. Dickens and wooden legs, 454. Dickens and Yarmouth pottery, 286. Dreams and literature, 513. Elfou, 18". Epitaph, 154, 93, 296. Fielding's ' Tom Jones, 292, 372, 392. First philosopher and the Olympic games, 295. German street-names, 476. John- son's (Dr.) copies of Burton's ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' 117. Lamb's ' Mr. H ,' 394.

I^ntiii jingles, 337, 392. I^atinity, 515. Lowell's ' Fireside Travels,' 274, 315.' -i Magna est veritas et (?)," 494. Medallic legends, 315, 356. Notes on Shilleto's edition of Burton, 193. Notes on words for the ' N.E.D.,' 334, 487. Palm the bookseller, shot by Napoleon, 56. Reference for quotation wanted, 217. Renodseus (Johannes), 256. 'Salogne,' a prophecy, 356. Scioppius's ' Scaliger Hyperbolimffius,' 146. Scott, 'The Antiquary,' 217. Smith's (Alex- ander) ' Dreamthorp,' 58. " Table of Peace,-" 454. " The d d strawberry," 233. Turtle and thunder, 217. Voltaire in London, 412. Wardrobe of Sir John Wynn of Gwydyr, 518. Words used in Thomas Lodge's ' Wits Miserie,' 473

Bensly (Mary H.) on ' Aut Diabolus aut Nihil,' 139

Billson (C. J.) on author of quotation wanted, 177

Blagg (T. M.)on Earls of Derwent water, descend- ants, 373. St. Katherine's-by-the-Tower, 152

Bleackley (Horace) on Sir John Lade, 316, 394, 472. Papers of John Wilkes, 350. Reynolds (G. W. M.), 373. Wilkes and Lord Thurlow, 366

Bliss (E. L.) on Thomas Coulson, 349

Bonar (Horatius) on Bonar, 190

Bostock (R. C.) on Fenwick, 110. Justification of King John, 156

Bourgeois (Baron A. F.) on " Condamine," 114. Cusani, 90. Devotions on horseback, 171. Four ancient highways of England, 148. Pharaoh's lean kine, 171. Saints'iDay customs, 129. Seventeenth-century corn laws, 148. Story of a Jesuit's hiding-place, 108. Sump- tuary laws, 129. Webster and the ' N.E.D.,' 165, 182. Webster (John), a contributor to Sir Thomas Overbury's ' Characters,' 3, 23. Web- ster (John), the probable date of ' The Devil's Law Case,' 41

Bradstow on Borstal, 488. Chapel House, 72

Brandreth (H. Samuel) on authors of quotations wanted, 10

Brandreth (J. B.) on " boches," 417

Brandt (H. C. G.) on " canail," 228

Brereton (Cloudesley) on Bismarck on the Eastern Question, 387

Breslar (M. L. R.) on " perisher " : " cordwainer," 247

Bridge (Joseph C.) on " Accidents will occur in the best -regulated families," 351

Brierlev (H.) on W. Belch, printer, Borough, S.E., 350. " ' Chickseed without Chickweed,' 366. Early railway travelling, 252. Langbaine (Rev. William), Rector of Trotton, Sussex, 190

Briggs (W. Dinsmore) on lines by Sidney Godol- phin, 47

Brooke (A.) on " goal-money," 456

Brownbill (J.) on hidage of Essex, 282

Browning (W. E.) on Italian goat, its colour, 493. " Sparrowgrass," 278

Brownmoor on " corvicer," 178

Brun (Prof. Charles) on Pauline Tarn, 151

Bull (Sir W.) on author of ' Paddiana,' 354. Wall-papers, 75

Bullen (R. Freeman) on helmet worn at Flodden Field, 455. Rixham Fair and Matthew Prior, 75

Bulloch (J. M.) on Byroniana, 108. Clack sur- name, 35. Germans as Gordon Highlanders, 446. Scots Guards : regimental histories, 496. West Indian families, 18

Burd (H. A.) on Joseph Ritson, 347

Butterworth (Major S.) on Lowell's ' Fireside Travels,' 197