Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/551

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915. AUIHORS INDEX.


191. Candlesticks at the Duke of Wellington's funeral, 440. Clocks and clockraakers, 310. Early railway travelling, 170. No. 52, Newgate Street, E.G. : a sculptured stone, 114. Foreign tavern signs, 229. " Fubb's Yacht" Tavern, Greenwich, 347. German street-names, 409. Gladstone on the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer, 95. Hundred of Manhood, 229. "I am the only Running Footman," 229. Langbaine (Rev. W.), Rector of Trotton, Sussex, 275. Neckinger, Bermondsey, 91. Prussian eagles in Piccadilly, 506. Renaming London streets, 250. Ship and lighthouse on the bronze coinage, 465. Vanished London, 389. Waterloo and the Franco-German War. 489

Lucas (Perceval) on registers of Protestant Dissenters, 193. Seventh child of a seventh child, 216

Lucis on baptism of Clovis, 428. " Kultur," 331 Lumb (G. D.) on Robinson of Appleby, 374 Lupton (E. Basil) on Napoleon III. at Chislehurst, 37


M. on " chatterbox," 128. " Platoon," 447. Sponge cake, 407

M. (A. L.) on " christening of the apples," 87

M. (B.) on Robert Catesby, Jun., son of the con- spirator, 508. Marriage in the bride's parish, 508. Passe's (Crispin Van der) print of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators, 469. Tassis (De), the Spanish Ambassador 1emp. James I., 488

M. (F. B.) on mourning letter-paper, 413

M. (G.) on hats, 149

M. (J. R.) on authors wanted, 148

M. (P. D.) on family portraits mentioned in wills, 427. Lawyers in literature, 216. Portrait of Dryden, 28. Robinson of Appleby, 288.. Robinson of Hiiiton Abbey, Bath, 410. Robin- son-Miller marriage, 230. Rodney (Admiral Lord), 249. Will of Mrs. Mary Kinderley, 418

M. (P. W. G.) on language and physiognomy, 196

M. (R.) on Merchant Adventurers : Muscovy Company, 29. Poem wanted, 230

M. (W. J.) on eighteenth-century Kentish tokens, 514

M.A. on John Charnock, 218. Old Etonians, 38

M.A.Oxon. on Balnes, Laleham, Littlyngton, and Stanes, 37. Catechist at Christ Church, Ox- ford, 507. " Condamine," 32

M.D. on Walter Bagehot : pronunciation of name, 336

MacAlister (J. Y. W.) on vegetable parchment : Regent Circus, 373

MacArthur (W.) on famous Ulstermen, 150. Irish pillar-stones, 167. Maguires of Fermanagh, 89

MacDonagh (Michael) on notes and transcripts of debates in the Irish Parliament, 348

Mace (C. A.) on Mace family, 270

McElwaine (Percy A.) on judges addressed as " Your Lordship," 89. Murderer reprieved by marriage, 106

McGovern (Rev. J. B.) on authors of quotations wanted, 129. British regimental history, 276. Bronte (Anne), 24. Burton's (Robert) symbol, 50. Danteiana : Michael Scot, 242. " For- why," 509. "ffrancis": Rectors of High Roding, Essex, 228. Stubbs (Bishop) and ' N. & Q.,' 189

McLaughlin (W. A.) on American slang : " nixie," 471. Grinning matches, 86. Magistrates

wearing hats, 397. Translation of the Life of M. de Renty, 173

McPike (Eugene F.) on Bruce : Freeman : Parry : Pyke, 9. Halley's (Dr. Edmond) ancestry, 408. Halley (Humphrey) : " The Unicorn," 187

Macray (Rev. W. D.) on Rev. James Thomas, 96

Madeley (C.) on Holcroft of Vale Royal, 175. Insectivorous plants, 495

Magrath (Dr. J. R.) on Balnes, Laleham, Littlyng- ton, and Slants, 137. " Cambo Brittanicus," 436. " Galleon " in English verse, 95. Gelria : a place-name, 168. Inscription on brass at Queen's College, Oxford, 387. London bushel in the fourteenth century, 90. Quotation from Froissart, 387. Retforde : Derlee : officials of Edward III., 130. Signs of cadency, 50

Malet (Col. Harold) on early railway travelling,

253. Military machines, 237. Result of cricket match given out in church, 253. Robins, 139. " Trooper," 375. Use of military titles, 396

Marcham (W. McB. & F.) on shipwreck : Tristan

de Acunha, 58 Marchant (Francis P.) on patron saint of pilgrims,

254. Petrograd, 208. Przemysl : language of Galicia, 456. " Swabos," 507

Marschall (Miss) on Plautilla and some mediaeval princesses : dates of birth wanted, 49

Marshall (E. N.) on Rev. Thomas Rogers, 370

Martin (W.) on site of the Globe Theatre, 335

Matthew (J. E.) on colour and sound, 275

Matthews (A.) on " Blizard " or " Blizzard " as a surname, 58. Eyles (Sir Richard ?), Bart., 108. " Placing " in universities, 47

Matthews (A. Weight) on registers of Protestant Dissenters, 93

Maxwell (Sir Herbert) on " Annandale Beef- stand," 117. Bonar, 237. Burnap alias Bur- nett, 52. Loch Chesney, 37. Lord : use of the title, 498

Maycpck (Sir Willoughby) on ' Bobs,' 472. ' Diary of Lady Willoughby,' 337. Extremes in stature of British officers, 237. " Ragtime," 35

Mayhew (Rev. A. L.) on " Condamine," 57

Mediotemplarius on Wellington, 153

Mercer (W.) on Sophie Anderson, 214. Avanzino or Avanzini, 415. ' Fight at Dame Europa's School,' 314. Last King of Naples, 136. Privy Councillors, 18, 58

Middlesex Magistrate on foreign tavern signs, 298

Milne (J.), LL.D., on "Blizard" or "Bliz- zard " as a surname, 58. Langbaine : Whit- field : Whitehead : etymology of Gaelic names, 235. Wanless, 75

Minakata (Kumagusu) on Dido's purchase of land, 430. Medicinal mummies, 476. Modern advocate of Druidism, 408. Octopus, Venus's ear, and whelk, 72. Original of ' Aladdin,' 414. Purchasing of dreams, 421. Tooth-blackening, 467

Moffat (Alex. G.) on Cardiff newspapers, 435

Molony (Alfred) on Edward Richard Burrough, 57

Montagu (J.) on Guildhall Library: Subject Index, 234

Moreton (R. L.) on Earls of Derwentwater : descendants, 373. " Sparrowgrass," 353

Morgan (Forrest) on American slang : " nixie," 471. " Chatterbox," 272. " Quite a few," 487. " Rent " =place rented, 287

Moriarty (L. E.) on Moriarty : barristers, Inner Temple, 88. Semaphore signalling stations, 77