Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/119

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11 8. XL FEB. 6, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


CLERICAL DIRECTORIES. (1) Is there any Clergy List earlier than ' The Clerical Guide or, Ecclesiastical Directory,' published by Rivington in 1817 ? The second edition o this work was published in 1822. When die it cease publication ?

(2) When was the first issue of ' The Clergy List ' ? I have a copy for the year 1844 published by C. Cox.

(3) Crockford's 'Clerical Directory' com- menced in 1858, and was issued once every two years up to its eighth edition, 1876 since when it has appeared annually.

(4) Thomas Bosworth's ' Clerical Directory commenced, I think, in 1875, but ceased in 1890, when it was incorporated with 'The Clergy List,' published by Kelly's Direc- tories, Ltd. It was in Thomas Bosworth's ' Directory ' for 1886 that the dedications of the various churches first appeared.

(5) When did Phillips's ' Clergy Directory and Parish Guide ' first appear ?

(6)Nisbet's 'Church Directory and Alma- nack ' commenced, I think, in 1905.

A chronological list of the various Clerical Directories, Lists, Guides, &c., from the earliest time to the present would be wel- comed. J. C. H.


ALLEGED SURVIVAL OF ANCIENT PELASGIC. In the Book of Daniel, v. 25, we read that the fingers of a man's hand wrote upon the plaster of the wall of Belshazzar's palace, when he made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, the writing : " Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin " words given in the Hebrew Bible as " Mane, Phares, Thekel."

The meaning given, respectively, in the Septuagint and Massoretic texts to these alleged Aramaic words is somewhat at variance.

Some years ago an Albanian friend of mine, wishing to impress upon me the claim to great antiquity of his native language, the Skipetar he maintaining it was but a slightly modified form, of ancient Pelasgic, and, of course, the only extant remains of it told me that these words are still used and perfectly understood to-day, in and around Scutari, where the Toskish form of the Epirotic tongue is spoken.

I cannot find in London an Albanian dictionary, and the help given by the few grammars as yet published is so uncertain and scanty that I should welcome the assistance of a polyglot reader.


ELIZABETH COBBOLD : HER DESCENT FROM EDMUND WALLER. In the ' Diet. of. Nat. Biog.' it is stated that Miss Waller, the mother of Elizabeth Cobbold, the poetical writer, was a descendant of the poet Waller. Can any of your readers kindly help me to identify this Miss Waller, who married Robert Knipe, living in London in 1767, from an existing Waller pedigree ?

ERNEST H. H. SHORTING. Broseley, Shropshire.

REFERENCE WANTED. A writer on the early years of the seventeenth century put on some of his title-pages the following quotation from Cardanus : " Ut unaquseque ars nobilissima ac divinissima fuit : ita ad mortalium cognitionem tardissime pervenit." Though my search for this passage in Cardan's works has been fruitless, no doubt it is there ; and I should feel much indebted to any one of your learned contributors who would refer me to it. A. T. W.


TANI." In spite of its false quantities the distich

Conturbabantur Constantinopolitani Innumerabilibus sollicitudinibus

has always been very popular among school- boys, and seems exceedingly appropriate at the present time. It first appeared, I believe, on p. 152 of ' The Comic Latin Grammar,' published in 1840. Who was the author of this work ?


ANTONIO VIEIRA. He was a Jesuit, but nevertheless an enemy of the Inquisition in Portugal. I should be much obliged if any reader would inform me whether he at any time held the office of Secretary of the [nquisition. Are the dates of his birth and death known ? He lived about the latter half of the seventeenth century.


COL. JOHN RUTTER. I shall be greatly obliged for any information about this fncer, who lost his life in 1756 at the taking of Minorca by the French, it is believed.

ALFRED ANSCOMBE. 30, Albany Road, Stroud Green, N.

" WASTREL "= WASTE LAND. Twice over

n The Cornish and Devon Post (Launceston)

f 23 Jan. is found the word " wastrel " as

pparently meaning a piece of waste land

y the side of a road. Both the St. Teath

Sanitary Authority, meeting at Delabole,

and the Camelford Rural District Council