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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. XL FEB. e, wis.

Into Berlin, the words were recast and pub- lished in 1793, and with the tune were after wards adopted as the national air, first in Prussia, and then in Saxony and some other North German States.

Dr. W. H. Cummiiigs published six articles on the subject in The Musical Times, 1878, which were issued in book- form under the title of ' God save the King, the Origin and History of the Music and Words of the National Anthem,' Nbvello, 1902. Grove's ' Dictionary of Music ' and Chappell's ' Popular Music ' should also be consulted.


The words " Heil Dir im Siegerkranz " were written by Balthasar Gerhard Schu- macher, and published in the Spenersche Zeitung in Berlin, 17 Dec., 1793. It was adopted, with our tune, as the national song of Prussia, Saxony, and other German States. It had previously been printed, with words commencing " Heil, theures Fiirsteiipaar ! " in Gottingen in 1791.


WORDS or POEM WANTED (11 S. xi. ,'*0). I imagine this- is what your correspondent wants :

" A Poem upon the New Marble Statue of His Present Majesty, Erected in the Royal Exchange : By the Society of Merchants Adventurers of England : Together with a Copy of the Inscrip- tion upon the Pedestall. London, Printed for Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall. 1684." 4 leaves, folio.

It begins

Hail Noble Founders of this vast Design !

If your correspondent is unable to see it in Dublin, I shall be pleased to copy and send it to him. G. THORN -DRURY.

42, Roland Gardens, South Kensington, S. W.

" GAZING-ROOM " (1 1 S. xi. 26). This fairly frequent architectural feature is represented in both the ' Historical English Dictionary ' and in the ' Century ' by the word " gazebo," with alternative spellings " gazeboo," " gazee- " gazabo." The earliest illustrative quotation given by Sir James Murray is from Halfpenny's ' Xew Designs for Chinese Temples,' 1752. I have seen many gazebos some included in large houses, and some built more as summer-houses and standing apart. I recall one of the latter in the village of Aether Stowey, where Coleridge lived There are many of them scattered about the

<5 i^ t ^' .,. A ' L ' HUMPHREYS.

18 /, Piccadilly, W.

SOURCE OF QUOTATION WANTED (11 S. xi. 69). The " immortal story " referred to is ' Irene Iddesleigh,' by Mrs. Amanda M'Kit- trick Eos, which appeared in 1897 (privately printed by Baird, Belfast). Nothing in the least like this romance has ever been written or at least printed in the annals of literature. Barry Pain reviewed it in Black and White of 19 Feb., 1898, and was severely taken to task (as the " so-called Barry Pain ") by the authoress in the Preface to her next book, ' Delina Delaney,' an almost equally astonishing production.

Fort Augustus. I>. O. HUNTER-BLAIR.

STARLINGS TAUGHT TO SPEAK (11 S. xi. 68). I can answer this question in the affirma- tive. A nephew of mine had a starling which could speak, and although its vocabu- lary was not extensive, its articulation was very distinct. It could say "Poor Joey," " Pretty Joey," and " Pretty little Joey," so that any one could understand it. There used to be an absurd belief in Sussex that in order to make the teaching of a starling to speak an easy task its tongue should be split. I need not say that no such barbarity was inflicted upon Joey.


Let us not forget this classic example : " I was interrupted in the hey-day of this soliloquy, with a voice which I took to be that of a child, which complained it could not get out. I looked up and down the passage, and seeing neither man, woman, nor child, I went out without further attention. In my return back through the passage, I heard the same words repeated twice over, and, looking up, I saw it was a starling, hung in a little cage. ' I can't get out, I can't get out,' said the starling.

" I stood looking at the bird, and to every person that came through the passage it ran fluttering to the side towards which they ap- proached it, with the same lamentation of its captivity. ' I can't get out,' said the starling : ' God help thee ! ' said I, ' but I '11 help thee out, cost what it will ' ; so I turned about the cage to get to the door ; it was twisted and double twisted so fast with wire there was no getting it open without pulling the cage to pieces. I took both hands to it. The bird % ilew to the place where I was attempting his deliverance, and,

' No,' said the starling, ' I can't get out ; I can't get out.' " ' A Sentimental Journey ' (" The Hotel at Paris").

In Book X. chap. 1. of his ' Natural History,' Pliny jots :

" At the moment that I am writing this, the young Caesars have a starling and some night- ingales that are being taught to talk Greek and Latin."