Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/146

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NOTES AND QUERIES. EII s. xi. FEB. 13, i9i&

of, and an inscription to, J. Walter of Check- ley, a famous farrier, was shown. That was a jug of about 1768.

Gregory does not figure in that curious book, ' Wonders of Human Nature,' of 1842, which depicts noted odd individuals and great characters, from the Fat Man of Maiden to Napoleon I.



(3) Of some the dust is Irish earth Among their own they rest.

This is evidently a reminiscence of The dust of some is Irish earth, Among their own they rest, which forms part of the third verse of lines contributed by John Kells Ingram, of Trinity College, Dublin, to The Nation newspaper under the title ' Who Fears to Speak of Ninety-Eight ? ' The words " Is all that remains of the Irish Brigade " must be from some other poem. G. M. H. P.

FAMILIES OF KAY AND KEY (11 S. xi. 90). I have gone through the fifty volumes to the credit of the Lancashire Parish Register Society, and I find that this surname occurs in nearly all of them. The variants are inter- esting, and I give them all. Weekley and Barber give the name as coming from Quay, though Key may have come from shop signs as " Crosskeys."

In the Chorley Register we have Key mentioned, 1549, and no other record of the name or its variants up to 1653. Dids- bury mentions Key four times between 1594 and 1757, with no variant. The Man- chester Register has Kaye, Kaie, Kay, Keaye, Key, Keye, and Keyes between 1576 and 1616 ; while Bolton gives Kay, Cay, Cave, Kaie, Kaye, Kea, Keay, Key, and Keye between 1573 and 1660 ; and Eccles has Key, 1571 and 1604, and Kaye, 1624. In the Lancaster Register we find " burial of Capt. William Kaye, a prisoner for debt, 1670 " ; the surname Key, 1639 ; and " Rob. Kay, a prisoner, was buried, 1685." There are many entries under Kay between 1653 and 1723 at Newchurch-in-Rossendale ; while other Registers give the following variants : Kaye, Kay, Kea, Keay, Kev, 1609 to 1812,atWalton-le-Dale; Key, 1745-6, at Bispham ; Kaye, Kay, Keaij, Keay, Keij, Key, and Keye, 1603 to 1688, at Prestwich ; Kaye, Key, and Keye, 1682 to 1693, at St. Michael's-on-Wyre ; and Keay, " a wan- dering beggar," 1680, Key, 1691, and Ceay, at Ribchester. *'

Seventeen other volumes give the sur- name, but with no further variant, and all between the earliest and latest dates here quoted. ARCHIBALD SPARKLE, F.R.S.L.

There is an imperfect pedigree of the family of Cay of Newcastle -upon-Tyne and North Charlton, Northumberland, to be found in the early edition of Burke's ' Landed Gentry.' It is there stated that the name was formerly spelt Key, and the name is to be found "spelt all three . ways (i.e., Cay, Kay, and Key) in North Country registers.


65-6, Chancery Lane, W.C.

"Our 'Kays' (when not the old British 'Kay') represent the more artificial 'quay,' reminding us- of the knitting together of beam and stone. It is but the same word as we apply to locks, the idea of both being that of securing or fastening." C. W. Bardsley's ' English Surnames ' (1897), p. 123.


VIN cms (10 S. ix. 30, 134, 218, 330, 391, 452). This was discussed by my invitation at the above references. A passage in Rene Bazin's ' En Province ' explains the peculiarity of vin gris so succinctly that I should like to add a few lines to what has already been said. Speak- ing of a wine -press in his account of the vintage mart at Beziers, he tates :

" La on fait du vin rouge, du vin blanc avec les m&mes raisins non cure's, et du vin gris, avec les memes sortes encore, mais en ne laissant les grappes qu'une seule nuit dans les cuves. Le vin gris qui est en realite rose parait en grande faveur. J'en ai vu couler des ruisseaux." Pp. 106, 107.

Beziers is in L'Herault, a long way from Lorraine. ST. SWITHIN.

A SCARBOROUGH W T ARNING (11 S. xi. 46, 95). " There is a river in Macedon, and there is, moreover, a river at Monmouth." Suddenness is associated with the swelling of the Skyreburn, but that does not prevent surprises being proverbially coupled with the name of Scarborough. The assertion that it is so was no assumption of my own. I did but echo my betters, as SIR HERBERT MAXWELL will find should he consult Folk' Lore Record, vol. i. pp. 169-72, where the Skyreburn claim is not evaded.


REGENT CIRCUS (11 S. x. 313, 373, 431, 475; xi. 14, 51, 98). In Cruchley's 'New Plan of London,' 1845, Piccadilly appears to commence west of Air Street, and Waterloo Place occupies the interval between Charles Street and Pall Mall. HENRY BRIERLEY. 26, Swinley Road, Wigan.