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ii s. XL FEB. 20, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS. No. 269.

NOTES : Cirencester Booksellers and Printers, 141 Thi Hunas of ' Widsith,' 143 Statues and Memorials in the British Isles, 145 'The Dramatist; or, Memoir of the Stage,' 146 Physiological Surnames Locks o Rivers and Canals The- Oldest Milk-Stall in London " Eoyal Oak "The White Flag, 147.

QUERIES :' Brighton Customs Book' John Trevisa "Ronne, Wax Modeller "" Pecca fortiter " Marsack Queries Red Cross Flag Guilielmo Davidsone Savery Family, 148 Polegate, Sussex 1 Guide to Irish Fiction Latin Grace : "Benedictusbenedicat" The Original o Farquhar's " Scrub " Lydgate : Reference Wanted Th< Taxations of Norwich and Lincoln, 149 Mr. Vernon the Jacobite Mercer Prebendary Edward Simpson Timothy Constable Old Yorkshire Song Ellops anc Scorpion Author of Parody Wanted Day : Field Sumner: Whitton Mrs. Meer Hassan AH on the Mussulmans of India, 150 The Royal Regiment o Artillery-Old Etonians Pictures and Puritans Ancient Trusts" All 's fair in love and war," 151.

BEPLIES : Markle Hill, Hereford, 151 " Lutheran " Queen Henrietta Maria's Almoner Cardinal Ippolito dei Medici, 153 "Wastrel "=Waste Land Old Etonians "Le Petit Roi de Pe"ronne" The Ayrton Light at Westminster Authors of Poems Wanted Starlings taught to Speak Perthes-les-Hurlus, 154 Tichborne Street Regent Circus Retrospective Heraldry " Tun- dish "= Funnel, 155 " Forwhy " Antonio Vieira Francis Mynne " Conturbabantur Constantinopolitani,' 156" Scots "=" Scotch," 157 A Scarborough Warning Clerical Directories, 158 The Great Harry, 159.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' William Blake, Poet and Mystic 'Handel and the Duke of Chandos ' ' The Cirencester Vestry Book during the Seventeenth Century ' ' Clergy Directory ' ' The Antiquary.'

Notices to Correspondents.



IT must be over twenty years since I commenced collecting information about our local booksellers and printers. I had before been chiefly interested in the history of another county. It occurred to me that the history of our old printing and book- selling business here would probably be of equal or more absorbing interest. In 1900 the Public Library of Gloucester was opened, and some years later (1905) the Bingham Public Library here was built. Both these Institutions have made a feature of collect- ing local literature : the library at Glou- cester now contains the considerable number of 2,601 volumes and v 6,51 7 pamphlets in its 'Gloucestershire Collection, and the Bingham Library has a good Cirencester Collection.

I made slow progress with my study until able to make full use of the material in these libraries, with the result that, so far as possible, my lists may be said

to approach completeness. It would be a simple matter to make a chronological or alphabetical list of the booksellers and printers of the past, but in this case I wished also to make a list of the businesses in order of succession which would be in- structive and useful, especially in a town like Cirencester with old associations. The inhabitants pride themselves on the length of the occupancy of their premises, and the dates when their businesses were founded, so that I should thus fall in more completely with the spirit and atmosphere of the old town, as Well as supply some additional in - formation connected with the subject of these notes.

I commence with the oldest bookselling business I know of, and then take the firms in order, giving the names and dates of which I have reliable evidence.

Barksdale (John), bookseller, 1680-1713. Died 10 Jan., 1718/19. Barksdale came from London, where, in 1678, he was a " bookbinder, next door to the Five Bells in New Street." Hinton (Thomas), first printer, Pye Corner, near " George Inn," 17 Nov., 1718-24. Printed The Cirencester Post or Gloucestershire Mercury. The British Museum has copies, 16 March, 1719, No. 18, and 25 July, 1720, vol. ii. No. 37. The first number was probably published 17 Nov., 1718. Of. Plomer's ' A Short History of English Printing, 1476-1898,' p. 251. Hinton was also the first printer in Gloucestershire whose press rests on satisfactory evidence. Ballinger (W.), 1723.

Ballinger (John), bookseller, 1723-11 May, 1742. Died 1742.

Ballinger (Sarah), widow of John, 5 Oct., 1742-20 Sept., 1757. Turner (Joseph), 1735. ' N. & Q.,' 11 S. i. 304. Hill (George), printer, 20 Feb., 1738/9-12 Nov., 1764.

Hill (G.) and Davis (J.), 7 July, 1741-19 Oct., 1741. Printed The Cirencester Flying-Post and Weekly Miscellany.

Hill (G. & Compy.), 26 Oct., 1741-15 March, 1742. Also printed the Flying-Post.

Hill (Tho. & Comp.), 22 March, 1742-1747. Their imprint on the Flying-Post to 6 Feb., 1743/4, has been seen.

Hill (Mrs.), 18 Sept., 1775.

Rudder (Samuel), Dyer Street, 1749-1801. Bapt. 5 Dec., 1726. Died 15 March, 1801. Cf. ' D.N.B.,' xlix. 380 et seq. mith (John), 1784-91. Circulating library. Burner (James), 1801-6. Printer, corner of

Cricklade Street, son of William Turner, tevens (Timothy), Market Place, 1786-1803. Stevens & Watkins, Market Place, 1807-9. Watkins (Philip), Market Place, "next door to The King's Head Hotel,' " 1809-31. Died 28 July, 1831, aged 52 years.

Baily (Thomas Philip), Market Place, and later 128, Dyer Street, 1831-53.

Baily & Jones, 128, Dyer Street, 1846-53. Founded The Cirencester and Swindon Express and North Wiltshire and Cotswold Advertiser. Vol. I. No. 1, 24 May, 1851.