Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/161

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'twelve years in India, but when he married* a second wife she returned to England, and was employed in some capacity in the house- hold of Princess Augusta, to whom the book is dedicated. Her husband's name possibly appears in the Addiscombe Calendar, if such e, publication was issued ; and there may be some account of Mrs. Meer Hassan Ali in the memoirs of her time. I shall feel obliged for any information on the family history of this lady and her husband. Kindly reply direct. W. CROOKE.

Langton House, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham.

THE ROYAL REGIMENT. OF ARTILLERY. {See ante, p. 130.) Information wanted as to the date and place of death of the follow- ing officers who served in the Royal Regi- ment of Artillery : -

Tisdall, Col. Thomas. Name in Army List of 1853.

Breedon, First Lieut. John, d. 12 April, 1795.

Ellison, Capt. Lieut. Thomas.

Deacon, Capt. Henry, resigned commission in 1807-

Grant, Capt. Henry B., d. Devonshire, July, 1813. When and where ? Second name also wanted.

Holcroft, Major William. In Army List of 1835, Not in 1837.

Masson, Capt. Thomas. Retired on full pay

7 May, 1811.

Wilfjress, Lieut. -Col. Edward Paston.

Napier, First Lieut. William C., d. in Scotland, 28 July, 1803. Where?

Fauquier, Henry T., d. in 1840. When and where ? Second name also wanted.

Desbrisay, Capt. Thomas, d. in West Indies,

3 Dec., 1806. Where ?

O'Brien, Capt. Lucius, d. 25 April, 1840. Where? Rollo, Capt. the Hon. Roger, d. 5 March, 1847. Where?

J. H. LESLIE, Major R.A. 31, Kenwood Park Road, Sheffield. .

OLD ETONIANS. I shall be grateful for information regarding any of the following : (1) Pottenger, Thomas, admitted 25 Jan., 1764, left 1767. (2) Pottenger, , admitted 15 Sept., 1756, left 1760. (3) Prescot, George, admitted 30 April, 1759, left 1760. (4) Purvis, Thomas, admitted 21 Jan., 1765, left 1767. (5) Quarrell, William, admitted

8 Sept., 1758, left 1764. (6) Read, Henry, admitted 30 Sept., 1756, left 1756. (7) Red- wood, Samuel, admitted 3 June, 1755," left 1757. (8) Rees, John, admitted 12 April, 1763, left 1766. (9) Reid, John, admitted

4 Sept., 1764, left 1766. (10) Reid, Thomas, admitted 4 Sept., 1764, left 1764. (11) Reid, William, admitted 6 Feb., 1762, left 1765. (12) Rice, John, admitted 22 Jan., 1762, left 1766. (13) Rice, John, admitted 20 Jan,, 1763, left 1770. (14) Rich, Daniel, ad- mitted 14 June, 1760, left 1762. (15)

Richardson, William, admitted 18, June, 1762, left 1772. (16) Rolling, John, ad- mitted 18 June, 1754, left 1754. (17) Ross, John, admitted 6 March, 1759, left 1765. (18) Rowles, John, admitted 3 April, 1761, left 1769. (19) Salmon, John, admitted 28 June, 1754, left 1754. R. A. A.-L.

PICTURES AND PURITANS. I have read that in eighteen months a Committee ap- pointed by the Puritans (1643-4) destroyed in Suffolk alone 4,560 pictures. This state- ment of . a definite number _ leads one to suppose that a fairly accurate record was kept of their doings throughout the country. Is any such record known to exist ? and are there any Royalist statements of the losses of named pictures by named artists ? MARGARET LAVINGTON.

ANCIENT TRUSTS. Is there any society in existence for the protection of ancient trusts ? T. W. T.

"ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR." Can any of your readers tell me the source of the saying ? I cannot find it in the few reference books within my reach, nor in any Index to ' N. & Q.' F. J. ODELL.

Lapford, North Devon.


(11 S. xi. 90.)

WHAT Misson referred to were the numerous historical allusions to what was regarded in the seventeenth century as an unex- plained marvel. I have endeavoured to give these references in the following article. Readers will probably be able to supply additional ones.

Marcle is a parish about five miles south of Ledbury. The name has been spelt in varying ways at different periods Marcley, Markle,- Marcle, Marcely, Marclay, and Much Marcle. The actual date of the landslip (for such it was) was 17 Feb., 1575.

The earliest allusion to- it is in Stow. Sir Roderick Murchison says : Our ancient chronicler Stow has given a most portentous account of the phenomenon." Stow was about 50 years old when it took place. Murchison does not give the reference. Stow's ' Annales' was first issued in 1592. The passage in question, which is too long to quote here, may be found in the 1631 edition, p. 668.