Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/179

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11 8. XL FEB. 27, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


SHE^WELL. Could any of your readers te me anything concerning a family of Shewe living in Ireland in the seventeenth century One of them married Sarah Smith, whos father, John Smith, was agent for Lewis Viscount Dungannon. John Smith live near Dundalk, at the end of the seventeentl century. E. G. COCK.

EDWABD BURTON BIBLIOGRAPHY. should be grateful if any of your reader would tell me if they know of any work by Edward Burton, *M.A., D.D. (born 1794 died 1836), other than the following :

A Description of the Antiquities and Other Curiosi

ties of Borne. Oxford, 1821. 8vo. Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the

Divinity of Christ. Oxford, 1826. Svo. An Inquiry into the Heresies of the Apostolic Age in eight Sermons, preached .... in the Yea] 1829 at the lecture founded by the Rev. J Bampton. Oxford, 1829. Svo. Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury. A Shor Instruction upon Christian Religion, &c (Edited by E. B.) 1829. Svo. Concio ad Clerum. Oxonii, 1830. An Attempt to ascertain the Chronology of the Acts of the Apostles and of St. Paul's Epistles Oxford, 1830. Svo. New Testament (Greek). With English Notes

by E. B. 1831. Svo. Advice for the Proper Observance of the Sunday

London, 1831. 12mo. Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the

First Century. Oxford, 1831. Svo. One Reason for not entering into Controversy with an Anonymous Author of Strictures. Oxford, 1831. Svo.

Remarks upon a Sermon preached (by H. B. Bulteel) at St. Mary's on Sunday, Feb. 6, 1831. Oxford, 1831. Svo. Thoughts upon the Demand for Church Reform.

Oxford, 1831. Svo.

The Benefit of the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per Explained. London, 1832. 12mo. Sequel to Remarks upon Church Reform, with Observations upon the Plan proposed by Lord Henley. London, 1832. 8vp. Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, March 21st, 1832, being the Day appointed for a General Humiliation. Second Edition. Oxford, 1832. 8vo. When and where was the first edition published ? Sermons preached before the University of

Oxford. London, 1832. Svo. Original Family Sermons. The Danger of being

offended in Christ. Vol. I. 1833. Svo. What must I do to be Saved ? See ' Family

Sermons,' Vol. V. 1833. Svo. Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the Second and Third Centuries. Oxford, 1833. Svo.

Three Primers put forth in the Reign of Henry VIII., viz. : 1. A Goodly Prymer, 1535 ; 2. The Manual of Prayers, or the Prymer in English, 1539 ; 3. King Henry's Prymer, 1545. (Edited by E. B.) Oxford, 1834. Svo. Thoughts on the Separation of Church and State. London, 1834. Svo.

History of the Christian Church ; from the Ascen- sion of Jesus Christ to the Conversion of Con- stantine. London, 1836. Svo.

Bishop of St. David's. The Works of G. Bull

Collected and revised by E. B., &c. 1846.


Eusebii. . . .Pamphili Historiae Ecclesiasticae Libri Decem. Ex recensione E. B. 1856. Svo.

An Exposition of the Apostles' Creed. By J. Pearson. Revised by E. B., &c. 1857. 8vo.

I am aware that many of the above have passed through several editions.

A. S. WHITFIELD. High Street, Walsall.

[We may refer our correspondent to the ' D.N.B.' for the names of several works not included in this list.]

OLD ETONIANS. I shall be grateful for information regarding any of the following :

(I) Sparrow, James, admitted 1 Oct., 1754, left 1758. (2) Spence, Henry, admitted 26 March, 1759, left 1765. (3) Stanley, John, admitted 7 Sept., 1756, left 1756. (4) Stevens, Edmund, admitted 8 Sept., 1757, left 1759. (5) Stevens, Joseph, admitted 19 Jan., 1763, left 1766. (6) Stewart, John, admitted 13 Jan., 1757, left 1757. (7) Stone, John, admitted 2 July, 1764, left 1769. (8) Strickland, Miles, admitted 19 Nov., 1755, left 1757. (9) Strudwick, Walwin, admitted 6 April, 1758, left 1761. (10) Tash, William, admitted 20 Sept., 1755, left 1763.

(II) Tayleur, John, admitted 12 April, 1755, left 1758. (12) Thorpe, George, admitted 7 Sept., 1761, left 1766. (13) Timms, Edward, admitted 10 April, 1758, left 1762.

14) Tomkinson, Edward, admitted 3 Feb., 1760, left 1762. (15) Tracy, Dodwell, ad- mitted 18 March, 1756, left 1763. (16) Trower, Richard, admitted 28 Jan., 1765, left 1768. (17) Vanderpool, Thomas, ad- Tutted 16 Sept., 1761, left 1766. (18) Ver-

hild, James, admitted 20 June, 1757, left

1763. (19) Verchild, William, admitted 20 June, 1757, left 1762. E. A. A.-L.

D'OYLEY'S WAREHOUSE, 1855. Wanting evidence to the contrary, I have always upposed this continued a linen warehouse almost until its demolition, but a reference ecently noted suggests some other use a,t his date. George Daniel, writing 4 July, 855, to Joshua North, addresses his letter rom " D'Oyley's Warehouse, Strand." He lad just learnt thatyNorth had secured "last Thursday at Sotheby's " certain books vhich he would be glad to repurchase if forth would send them, by bearer. The nference is that the Warehouse was then a off ee -house. Is this correct ?