Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/181

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ii s. XL FEE. 27, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


perhaps, [a phonetic spelling of Diggle. These Houghtons were derived from Hough- ton in Winwick, and were not, I feel almost certain, a branch of the family of Hoghton Tower. R. S. B.

THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS : ALLEGED AP- PROPRIATION. In the transcript of the ' Norwich Taxation : the Diocese of Bangor,' printed in the Archceologia Cambrensis for January, 1804, under deanery ' Arlecweth,' is the following :

" Tempi 1 . Ecc'a de Pennam'achrio(Penmachno), ii m'r'a, de'a iis. "

Could any reader of ' N. & Q.' tell me whether the Knights Templars had appro- priated livings in North Wales ? There is not another in this Bangor list, nor can I find, all through Archdeacon Thomas's three volumes of the ' History of the Diocese of St. Asaph,' that they had any property in that diocese either. The parish of Pen- rciachno adjoins that of Yspytty Ifan, that ie, " the Hospice of St. John." The parish of Yspytty Ifan, before the Dissolution, was an estate belonging to the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, and we know from, the report of the possessions of ' The Knights Hospitallers in England,' in A.D. 1338, published in 1858 by the Camdeii Society (p. 38), that Penmachno then was annexed to the Hospice at Yspytty Ifan.

My main query is, Can it be possible that " Tempi ' " in the above printed transcript of the ' Norwich Taxation ' is a mistake for " Hospitelar' " ? T. LLECHID JONES.

Yspytty Vicarage, Bettws-y-Coed.

WILLIAM ROBINSON, Sheriff of Hull in 1682, a benefactor to Trinity House, married Mary, daughter and coheir of Francis Carlisle. Her will was dated 4 Oct., 1713. Who was William Robinson's father ?

LUKE N. ROBINSON. The Small House, Sunbury-on-Thames.

SILVER CAKESTAND. I have a silver cakestand with central foot bearing " Edin- burgh " hall-mark of 1712. It has an earl's coronet, with the letter " B " under, and motto " Remember." Can any one tell me what family this is, as I am quite unable to trace it ? BLAIR COCHRANE.

Oakleigh, St. John's Park, Ryde, I.W.

A VISION OF THE WORLD -WAR IN 1819. In 'The Christian Trumpet' (Boston, 1873; third edition, also 1873, p. 184) we read that a certain Father K , a Dominican, who had been forbidden to preach or write, prayed to Andrew Bobola (a recent Jesuit martyr), and

was vouchsafed a vision. Father K was a Pole, and the vision related to " the fields of Pinsko," where he saw in the future a battle between " Russian, Turkish, French, English, Austrian, and Prussian armies, and others which he could not well discern. ' ' The apparition of Bobola thus explained it :

" When the war which you see shall end, then the Kingdom of Poland shall be re-established, and I shall be acknowledged its principal patron."

The Boston account is by Gaudentius Rossi, under the pseudonym of " Pelle- grino." His account is translated from the Italian Civilta Cattolica for 1864.

Can any one vouch for correct transmission between 1819 and 1864 ?


Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

HERALDRY WITHOUT TINCTURES. - In studying heraldry on old Italian and French incised gravestones one observes that the drawing is usually in relief. As an example, the arms of Cornaro party or and azure are represented on marble monuments, where no tinctures are attempted, by making one half of the shield project in front of the other. Can a clue to a coat of arms be found by any known rule or custom in the heraldry of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries by which, for an instance, a chevron in relief would mean a different tincture from a chevron incised ? May we assume, for instance, that sable, gules, and azure are always recessed, and or and argent are always projecting, in the armo- rial bearings on the characteristic French gravestone ? Sinople and purpure would probably be recessed also. G. J., F.S.A. Cyprus.

LAMOUREUX. Can any reader tell me the date at which flourished the workshop of a printer and engraver, Lamoureux, of Rue St. Jean de Beauvais, No. 12, in Paris ?


THE HON. AND REV. WALTER SHIRLEY. When and by whom was he ordained ? The ' D.N.B.,' Hi. 139, states that he matri- culated at Oxford from New College, and that he became Rector of Loughrea, co. Galway, in 1746. According to the ' Alumni Oxon.' he matriculated from University College, and if Shirley was born in September, 1725, he would have been only 21 when appointed to Loughrea. I should be glad to know the exact date of his appointment to this living, and whether he held any other livings in Ireland. G. F. R. B.