Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/200

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. XL MAR. e, 1915.

nuits," and ** le poisson vomit Jonas sur ]e sec." The Vulgate (Matthew xii. 40) has : " Sicut enim fuit Jonas in ventre ceti tribus diebus et tribus noctibus." I should be glad of some explanation about the shark in connexion with Jonah. LEO C.

JOHN TRUSLEB. Trusler published the first part of his ' Memoirs ' in 1806. The remaining MSS., in Trusler's own hand- writing, were in the possession of Mr. James Crossley of Manchester (1 S. iii. 110). Where are they now ? The ' D.N.B.,' Ivii. 268, states that he married in 1759, his wife dying in December, 1762. It would seem that he married three times, and I should be glad to obtain particulars and dates of all three marriages. When in 1820 did he die at the Villa House, Bathwick ?

G. F. R. B.

JULIUS CJESAR AND OLD FORD. Old Ford is a district lying between Hackney and Bow, and has a Roman Road. I have read some- where the curious statement that Julius Caesar forded the stream which now forms the waterway of the Regent's Canal, the left bank of which skirts a portion of Victoria Park. Is there any foundation for this legend ? * M. L. R. BRESLAR.

DA COSTA : BRYDGES WILLIAMS. To my great surprise I learn, on the authority of Mr. Sichel, that Mrs. Brydges Williamsde- scribed as "an eccentric lady who placed a considerable part of her fortune at Disraeli's disposal to aid him in his career " was her- self a Jewess, named Sarah Mendez da Costa. Can any one enlighten me as to her family ? M. L. R. BRESLAR.

Percy House, South Hackney.

EMERSON : REFERENCE WANTED. On the Problem Page of The Saturday West- minster for 13 February there is the follow- ing quotation from Emerson :

"I am not afraid of accident so long as I am in my place. It is strange that superior persons should not feel that they have some better resist- ance against Cholera than avoiding green peas and salad. Every man's task is his life preserver. The conviction that his work is dear to God, and cannot be spared, defends him."

In what essay can this be found ? I have looked in vain. T. S. B.


Can any correspondent of ' N. & Q.' give me the Christian name of the only (?) son of Sir John Jefferson and Elizabeth Cole, who, it would appear, was in Gateshead circa

23 Feb., 1701 ? What profession did he follow ? To whom was he married? and did he leave any descendants ?

WM. JACKSON-PlGOTT. Manor House, Dundrum, co. Down.

DANIEL ECCLASTON. I have just pur- chased a pamphlet with the following title :

"The Lamentations of the Children of Israel, respecting the hardships they suffer from the Penal Laws, and praying, that if they are repealed, so as to exempt the Catholics and Dissenters from their influence, the Jews may also enjoy the benefit of this indulgence, in common with the rest of his Majesty's subjects.

"In a letter to a dignified clergyman of the Church of England.

"By Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses, Aaron, and Levi, David Bathsheba, Solomon, 1,000 wives and concubines, Daniel Belteshazzar, Manasseh ben Israel, of the House of David.

"London: Printed for J. Souter, 1, Paternoster- Row ; By G. Sidney, Northumberland - street. Strand. 1813." 8 vo, 2 11. +72 pp.

I cannot trace a copy in the British Museum, nor the author's name in the 'D.N.B.' Inscribed on the back of the title- page in a contemporary hand is: "This is the production of Daniel Ecclaston of Lancaster, one of the people called Quackers."

I should be glad to hear something about the writer. ISRAEL SOLOMONS.

WILL WATCH. I have a Sunderland china figure of a man in conventional pirate's or smuggler's costume, with pistols and gun, and two barrels or casks by his side. The figure is inscribed on the front of the base " Will Watch." Can you give or procure for me any information regarding this person- age ? The figure was probably made about 1820-30. A. B.

[See 11 S. ii. 269, 353 ; iii. 492 ; iv. 35. " Will Watch " the smuggler is the hero of sundry nautical ballads, but has not been identified. MR. RALPH THOMAS at the third reference gives a list of songs and pictures connected with him.]

THE FREEMASONS OF THE CHURCH. Can information be given as to how long this body, the full title of which was "The College of the Freemasons of the Church," continued to exist after its foundation on Advent Eve, 1842, mainly at the instance of Alfred Bartholomew, F.S.A., the first Grand Master ; succeeded on his death in 1845 by George Russell French ? The Laws, and printed Proceedings to December, 1846, are in the British Museum Library; but I have been unable to gain any information as to the later history of the College, to which was