Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/207

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ii s. xi. MAR. e, i9i5.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Juan ' I witness the execution of the Cato Street Conspirators Get soundly thrashed for playing truant, and eventually placed in that paradox

  • out in the world.' "

I have never seen the earlier book, but I shall be much surprised if, on comparison of the two, they are not found to be identical, with the exception of the title-page, which in .the later issue is in inferior type to the rest of the book. WM. DOUGLAS.

125, Helix Road, Brixton Hill.

LUKE ROBINSON, M.P. (11 S. xi. 9, 55, 70, 111, 177). The first of the two M.P.'s of these names was of Thornton Riseborough, co. York, eldest son of Sir Arthur Robinson -of Dighton, Knight, Sheriff of Yorks 1632- 1633 (who was buried at Escrick, 10 Dec., 1642), by his first wife, Elizabeth, daughter of William Walthall of London, citizen and mercer. He was baptized at St. Peter's, Cornhill, 6 Sept., 1610; admitted to Gray's Inn, 11 Feb., 1629/30; M.P. for Scarborough, October, 1645, till 1653; for N.R. co. York, 1656-8 ; Malton, 1659 (by double return), till void, 7 March of same year ; Scarborough

  1. ,gain, 1660, till expelled 11 June. Was a

member of the First and Second Councils of

State to the Commonwealth, 1649-51, and

also of the Rump Second Council, 31 Dec., 1659, till the Restoration. He married (1)9 May, 1633, at Belfrys, York, Frances, daughter of Phineas Hodgson, D.D. ; she was buried at York Minster, October, 1634 ; >(2) in 1636, at St. Lawrence, York, Mary, daughter of Edward Pennell of Woodhall, co. Worcester ; she was buried at York Minster, 6 Aug., 1642 ; (3) Judith, daughter of Sir John Reade of Wrangle, co. Lincoln, Knight, who survived her husband. His will dated

3 July, 1669, and proved at York; "to be

buried at Pickering." He Left three sons, Luke, Arthur, and John, aged respectively 14, 11, and 10 at Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, 28 Aug., 1665; also one daughter, -Judith, co -executor of her father.

The family was descended from John Robynson, citizen and Merchant Taylor of London and Merchant of the Staple, who was elected Alderman of Aldgate Ward, 29 Feb., 1592, but discharged 3 April following, being buried at St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, 28 Feb., 1599/1600, having had nine sons and seven daughters, as portrayed on an elaborate monument to the father and mother in that church.

I have never been able to ascertain definite genealogical particulars of Luke Robinson, M.P. No. 2, beyond that he was third son of Charles Robinson of Kingston on-Hull,

as described in his admission register to Gray's Inn, 3 May, 1720. He was elected M.P. for Hedon at the general election of 1741, but unseated on petition 4 March of the following year. Upon a vacancy occurring in 1746 he again contested, biit lost the election, 29 Nov., 1746, by one vote, he polling sixty-four votes against his com- petitor's sixty-five. Upon petition, however, 11 Feb., 1746/7, the decision was reversed, and Robinson secured the seat. Re-elected at the general election in July, 1747, he sat till the dissolution of 1754, when he again contested, but lost by thirty-one votes against ninety-seven, after which he made no further attempt at Parliamentary honours.

A Luke Robinson died at Lichfield, 24 Feb., 1764 (Gent. Mag.}; and a Luke Robinson of York died in 1776 ; monument in Bath Abbey Church (Gent. Mag., vol. for 1783, p. 214). One of these may have been the last-named M.P. W. D. PINK.

OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM (11 S. xi. 68, 113). There is a good deal about the National Anthem in ' Parodies of the Works of English and American Authors,' collected and annotated by Walter Hamilton, vol. iv. pp. 11112. Although in the Index ' God save the King ' appears under Henry Carey, Hamilton leaves the question of authorship open as to both words and music. He remarks :

" Many interesting facts bearing on these dis- puted questions will be found in an account of the National Anthem, entitled ' God save the King,' by Richard Clarke, London, W. Wright, Fleet Street, 1822 ; also in ' Old National Airs,' by W. Chappell ; ' The Music of the Church,' by Thomas Hirst ; and ' An Introduction to the Study of National Music,' by Carl Engel, London, 1866."


In ' A Great Peace -Maker : the Diary of James Gallatin, Secretary to Albert Gallatin, U.S. Envoy to France and England, and Negotiator of the Treaty of Ghent,' edited by Count Gallatin (London, Heinemann, 1914), the diarist says (p. 170), speaking of a ball at the Russian Embassy in Paris on 20 Nov., 1820 :

" The orchestra as a finale played all the different national airs. 'Yankee Doodle' sounded rather tame and vulgar after the grand Russian Hymn and ' God save the King.' Oddly enough ' God save the King' is the National Anthem of Geneva ; it was played after the ' Escalade ' in 1602. The name of the composer is not known. Both Lulli and Handel claimed it; but that is absurd, as the original manuscript music is in the Arsenal at Geneva."