Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/213

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ii a. xi. MA* is, i9ioo NOTES AND QUERIES.


sorry all your Tickets were blanks, and fortune has been no kinder to me, but however I ana very much obliged to you for your good wishes to me on all occassions.

The Town was never fuller, than 'tis att this time, there is operes twice a week besides other divertions ; my Lord Portland keeps one of the Singers very splendid. She eats on plate, and has a very fine equipage, he allows her six hundred pound a year. I suppose he regulates his expence according to the greatness of his estate and not her men-it, but still she condesends to sing on the Stage. If I could think my letters gave you any entertainment you should be trouble[d] oftner with 'em, for I must leave the divertive part to people more capable, but I am sure no body can be more your friend than, S r ,

London, Dec. 19.

Your most faithfull and most humble servant




(See 11 S. x. 1, 43, 83, 122, 163, 205, 244, 284, 323, 362, 403, 442, 484; xi. 4, 43, 84, 123, 164.)

1805. " The Lady of the Rock : a melo-drame, in two acts ; as it is performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. By Thomas Holcroft. London : Published by Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, Paternoster- Row ; And printed by C. Mercier and Co. Northumberland-court, Strand. 1805." Octavo, 8 + 1-31 pp.

This play was produced 12 Feb., 1805. There are no bibliographical problems sur- rounding the work. It was noticed in the March 1st, 1805, Monthly Review (19: 160). I have seen three copies of the same date, indicated " second edition," with identical pagination. One of these, in the Yale Uni- versity Library, bears the autograph of John Genest.

There was an American edition :

" The Lady of the Rock : a melodrame, in three acts, by Thomas Holcroft. As performed at the Drury-Lane and New- York Theatres. Marked as performed in the British and Ameri- can Theatres. New York : Published by D. Longworth, at the Dramatic Repository, Shakspeare-Gallery, 1807." 12mo, 2+3-30 pp.

1805. " Memoirs of Bryan Perdue : a novel. By Thomas Holcroft. In three volumes. Vol. I. London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orrue, Paternoster-Row. 1805." Octavo. I., viii + 1-290 ; II., 2 + 1-268 ; III., 2 + 1-2G8 pp.

My very scanty information concerning the above was taken from the British Museum Catalogue ; from The Monthly

Magazine, 1 Nov., 1805 (20: 358), where the- book is noted under a false head : " Novem- ber " instead of October (cf. 20: 252, 20: 458 the error is obvious) ; from The Monthly Revieiv for February, 1807 (52: 215) ; and from The British Critic for September, 1805- (26: 338).

There was a translation into French : : " LeFilsperverti par son Pere. Traduitpar- M. Bertin. Paris, 1810." Duodecimo, 4'- vols. (Querard, 4: 120). There was no copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale.

1805. " The Theatrical Recorder : by Thomas, Holcroft. Vol. I. London : Printed for C.. Mercier and Co. 6, Northumberland-court,. Where the work may be procured : Also at the Booksellers : And published for the Author., by H. D. Syuionds, Paternoster-Row. 1805. '

This is a periodical issued in twelve- monthly parts and a supplement. Eachi part appeared at or near the end of the month for which it was named. The first number was noticed in the February 1, 1805,. Monthly Magazine (19: 50). The twelve- parts for the twelve months of 1805 with the supplement, are bound in two- octavo volumes. There are copies in America : at Yale, Harvard, and the Boston Public Library. Strangely, one is entered in the * Catalogue of Glasgow Public

Library 1810' (Mitchell Library, G..

50421). Sellier in his ' Kotzebue in Eng-- land ' lists Holcroft's ' Theatrical Repertory, . 1801-2,' in his bibliography. Does he refer - to this work ? (See ante, 1800-2.)

1806. " The Vindictive Man : a comedy, in five acts, as it was performed at the Theatre Royal, . Drury Lane. By Thomas Holcroft. London : Published by H. D. Symonds, Paternoster-Row. 1806." Octavo, 8 + 1-84 pp.

This comedy was produced 20 Nov., 1806. There was a " Second edition : London : : Published by H. D. Symonds, Paternoster- Row, 1807," with identical pagination. A copy at Yale University Library (' Plays,' 746) has an autograph by John Genest and the date " Nov. 4, 1815." It was, as a note on the final page tells us, "Printed by C. Mercier and Co. Northumberland Court, Strand, London."

1806. "Tales in Verse; Critical, satirical, and; humorous. By Thomas Holcroft. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. London : Published, for the author, by H. D. Symonds, Paternoster- Rovr. 1806." Duodecimo. I., 10 + 1-179; II., 2 + 1-142 + 1 pp.

Contents : Authors and Critics Know Thyself The Origin of the Alphabet The Decline of Wit Politeness The Owl and the Howl