Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/217

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ii s. XL MAR. 13, i9io.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


" STAR CHAMBER. I am indebted to various sources (and especially to Mr. W. Palejr Baildon) for references to the follow- ing passages, which it seems desirable to set out at a fair length, as early instances of the name that for more than three centuries distinguished " the new chamber by the Receipt."'

1355. " Memorandum quod \VilIelnius de la Pole. . . .septimo die Marcii anni present is venit in Camera stellata in palacio Westmonastrensi prope pontem regium cpram venerabilibus patri- bus Johanne Archiepiscopo Ebora.censi Can- cellario. . . . et aliis de consilio eiusdem Begis." Close Roll 29 Edw. III., m. 26 dorso.

1366, 4 May. " Et sur ceo nostre seignur le Roi fist venir le dit Monsieur James devant son 'Conseil cest assavoir, Chaunceller, Tresorer, -Justices, et autres sages assemblez en la Chaumbre des esteilles pres de la Receyte a Westmoustre." Close Roll 40 Edw. III., m. 15.

1366. " Fait aremembrere qe Isabella qe feu 'la femme monsieur Wauter Faucomberge vient 'le meskirdy proschein apres la feste de touz Seintz Ian du regne nostre seignur le Roi qua rant isme a Westmouster en la Chaumbre du conseil esteillee pres de la resceite de lescheqier." Close Roll 40 Edw. III., m. 3 dorso.

1376, 29 March. " Douze quissyns et vn foanquyer. . . .de lui achatez a nostre oeps pur la chambre Esteillee en la Recette de nostre Escheqer la quele Chambre est ordene pur les Seignurs de nostre conseil." Exchequer of Receipt, Warrants for Issues, File 66.

1376, 7 April. " Willelmo Barker Tapicero de Lon- don. In denariis sibi liberatis per manus proprias pro xij. quyssyns cum operacione et estuffameiito eorundem . . . . ad opus Regis pro Camera stellata infra Receptam scaccarii ordinata pro dominis de consilio Regis ibidem coiisulendis. . . .Ixiiij.s." Issue Roll, Mich., 50 Edw. III. (E. 403/459), m. 32.

1398. " In vadiis vj Tegulatorum similiter operancium et laborancium .... circa repara- cionem tecture domus vocate Sterred Chambre anfra palacium predictum." Ace. Exch., K. R., 470/17, m. 3.*

1422, 30 Sept. " In quadam ^camera vocata le vSternechamere infra Palacium domini Regis Westmonastrensi." Close Roll 1 Hen. V[., m. 21 dorso.

' The Oxford English Dictionary ' will take so much as its scheme requires of these passages. ROBT. J. WHITWELL.


"SEA-DIVINITY." This term occurs, as an equivalent to maritime ethics or naval morality, in a brief biography of Sir Francis Drake :

" Soon after this, he conceived a design of making reprisals on the King of Spain ; which, according to some, was put into his head by the

  • This account is erroneously entered in the

printed ' List ' as if it belonged to Mich. 21 to 3Iich. 22 Edward III.

chaplain of the ship : and indeed, the case was clear in sea-divinity, that the subjects of the King of Spain had undone Mr. Drake, and therefore he was at liberty to take the best satisfaction he could on them in return." From The British Plutarch ; or, Biographical Entertainer. Being, &c. For Edward Dilly, in the Poultry, MDCCLXII.," vol. iii. p. 166.

The ' N.E.D.' has not found a place for this compound of " sea," where it might perhaps have been appropriately admitted after " sea -distemper." Is it known who were the " several gentlemen of learning and abilities " engaged upon these Lives ?


FLORENCE ' NIGHTINGALE. There was unveiled at Waterloo Place, London, on 24 February, without formal ceremony, a statue memorial to Florence Nightingale, depicting her as the Lady of the Lamp, traversing the Hospital for the Sick at Scutari. Many accounts stated that this was the first public statue of any woman, other than royal, to be erected in London, but this is not so. Sir Henry Irving un- veiled some years ago at Paddington Green a statue of the incomparable Sarah Sidclons. ARCHIBALD SPARKE, F.B.S.L.


" ROUTE-MARCH." I presume this is the correct spelling, although I have heard educated people and even soldiers call it a "rout-march." In the Austrian army it is called " Uebungsmarsch," that is, a " march f jr exercise." L. L. K.

" PEACEABLE " AS A SURNAME. " Appeal by Timothy Peaceable against Christian Storer, relating to Land in Lampeter " (Penn- sylvania, 1766). WILLIAM MACARTHUR.

79, Talbot Street, Dublin.


BON MOT. In view of eventualities devoutly to be wished, the origin of this witticism is worth telling. It is traceable to a famous Smyrniote saint of the fifteenth century named Hoja.

Hoja invited a friend to go cub -hunting with him. Scarcely had the man crept inside the lair when the wolf, scenting danger to her brood, flew home, and would have made short work of the despoiler had not Hoja hung on like grim death to her hindmost appanage. This set up a dust-storm inside the cave which nearly blinded the man. "What a dust you are kicking up ! " shrieked the man. ' Oh, that's nothing," retorted Hoja. " Wait