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ii s. XL MAR. is, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


with Guillemette d'Esquay, widow of Messire de Breuilly, Chevalier. Thomas de Gla- morgan, Visconte de Coutance et de Valogne, was father of Thierry de C., Chevalier, Visconte de Montreuil et de Bernay in 1491. Arms: "D'argenjb, a Faigle eployee de sable." A reference is finally given by the ' Dictionnaire * to ' L'Histoire de la Maison d'Harcourt,' bv La Roque, pp. 415, 791, 793, 1062, 1069, 1153, and 1527.

There were, I think, two of the De Gla- morgans on the jury held at (?) Broke, I.W., on Sunday next after St. Math. Ap., 29 Ed- ward III., and of these one, as I have a note, -was Thomas de Glamorgan.


MATURINTJS VEYSSIERE DE LA CROZE, HIS- TORIAN, CIRCA 1730 (11 S. xi. 130, 175). There is a short notice of Mathurm Veysiere cle la Croze in the original edition (184055) of Meyer's ' Conversations -Lexicon.' Accord- ing to this, he w r as born at Nantes in 1661, and died as " konigl. preuss. Rath, Biblio- thekar mid Antiquar " at Berlin in 1739, and was the author of ' Thesaurus Epistolicus,' ed. Uhl, Leipzig, 1742-6 ; ' Lexicon segypt. lat. in comp. red. Ch. Scholz,' ed. Woide, Oxford, 1775; and several historical works on Christianity in India, ./Ethiopia, and Armenia. EDWARD BENSLY.

Ample details can be found in the bio- graphy published in French by C. E. Jordan (Amsterdam, 1741). For some of his pub- lished writings see the British Museum Catalogue under ' Veyssiere de la Croze.' One of his books was translated into English and published under the title ' A Historical Grammar ; or, a Chronological Abridgment of Universal History ' (Boston, 1802, and London, 1807). L. L. K.

WILLIAM ROBERTS, ESQ. (11 S. xi. 188). William Roberts was a barrister, and was born at Newington Butts in 1767. His family possessed the Manor of Abergavenny, and a memorial tablet in the church there describes the genealogy for 300 years. It appears that Roberts's sister was the execu- trix of Hannah More, and entrusted him with the writing of a Life of that lady. The work was published in four volumes in 1834 ; two editions were soon sold out, and an edition in two volumes was published. The Quarterly Review (vol. Hi. p. 416) criticized the work unfavourably, and it is said that Prescott the historian declared that " Hannah More had been done to death by her friend Roberts." Roberts married in 1796, and died 21 May, 1849. The ' D.X.B.'

has an account of him ; a Life was written by his son, the Rev. A. Roberts (Seeley, 1850) ; and The Gentleman's Magazine for 1849, vol. ii. p. 107, should be consulted. ARCHIBALD SPARKE, F.R.S.L.

William Roberts (1767-1849), barrister and author ; M. A. of Corpus Christ! College, Oxon ; published ' Memoirs of Hannah More,' in four volumes, in 1834; afterwards in two volumes (see 'D.N.B.'). He was for eleven years editor of The British Review. While holding this post he quarrelled with Byron.


THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY (11 S. xi. 151). Capt. Henry Thomas Fauquier, R.A., concerning whom MAJOR LESLIE inquires, was bom 29 April, 1780, and died at Exeter, 24 May, 1840. He is buried at Exeter, but I have tried in vain to find out where. In The Exeter Flying Post of 11 June, 1840, the following announcement appeared under the heading ' Died ' :

" In this city, of dropsy in the chest, Capt, H. T. Fauquier, late of the Royal Artillery, eldest son of the late T. Fauquier, Esq., of Hamp- ton Court Palace."


Long Itchington, Warwickshire.

" BY HOOK AND CROOK " (11 S. xi. 66). A correspondence on this expression, or rather on the phrase " By hook or by crook," which, I think, is the commoner form, was printed in The Morning Post in September, 1889, and I happen to have kept a copy of it.

The discussion commenced with a letter from Mr. George Croke Robinson, and the story which he tells to explain its meaning and origin is that about a century earlier two celebrated King's Counsel flourished, named respectively Hook and Croke (pro- nounced Crook), the latter being an ancestor of his own. They were generally opposed to each other in causes celefoes, and people said, " If you cannot win your case by Hook, you can by Croke."

The late Mr. Charles Dalton, the well- known author of the earliest Army lasts, followed with a story about Waterford similar to that which MR. R. J. KELLY gives at the above reference, but he attributes the saying to Oliver Cromwell instead of to the great Earl of Pembroke. A third corre- spondent points out that the phrase occurs in a poem by Skeltoii (temp. Henry VIII.). He wrote in The Duke of Clout ' : Nor wyll suffa' this boke By hooke ne by crooke Printed to be.