Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/232

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. XL MAR. 20, 1915.

per x dies, xlviiis. xid. ob. Et in expensis eorum- dem eundo london' et rede undo, xiiis. vd. ob. Et in Jantaculo dato Willelmo Danvers, Jaye, et Fainulis eorumdem apud Westmonasterium, iiis. xid." Bursars' Account Boll, 28 Sept.,

11 Ed. IV.-28 Sept., 12 Ed. IV., 1471-2, under " custus necessarii forinceci cum donis."

The foregoing entries form an excellent preface to those which record the homage itself and the journeys, consultations, re- freshers, fees, and other expenses which secured its due performance :

" Et in expensis domini Custodis, magistri Johannis Whyte et aliorum existencium london' mense Xovembris tempore parlyamenti pro homagio domino principi faciendo et pro aliis negociis collegii ad tune occurrentibus ibidem per iii septimanas expectancium, cum expensis illuc eundo et inde redeundo, cvis. ixd. Et in Jantaculo dato Katesby, Wynsor, Thome Welle, Jay et Davers xiii die Novembris pro eorum consiliis in dicta materia habendis una cum xixd. pro vino pane et Focalibus apud Cardenalys Hatte datis eisdem pro communicacione in dicta materia primitus habenda, xiis. viid. ob. Et in Solutis pro Feodo camerarii domini principis in dicto homagio facto, xxs. et vis. viiid. pro Feodo hostiarii dicti domini principis cum vis. viiid. pro Feodo Secretarii pro private Sigillo una cum xs. pro Feodo domini cancellarii pro magno Sigillo, xliiis. iiiid. Et in Solutis vector! london'

gro cariagio Togarum et capuciorum domini ustodis, magistri Johannis Whyte et aliorum serviencium Custodi versus london' et a london' collegio, iis. viiid. Et in solutis eidem pro uno equo conducto ab eo pro Fesant tune clerico terrarum collegii a london' versus Winton' mense Xovembris cum xs. solutis eidem pro diversis cariagiis factis per eundem in anno preterite, xis. iiiid. Bursars' Account Roll, 26 Sept.,

12 Ed. IV.-24 Sept., 13 Ed. IV., 1472-3, under " custus necessarii forinceci cum donis."

" Et in ii equis trottaiitibus, i Grey, altero pomeldonne coloris, emptis hoc anno, Ixs. Et in solutis pro prebendis equorum domini Custodis existentis london' mense Novembris

Ero homagio faciendo domino principi cum ?rruris eorumdem et xxd. pro conductione unius equi ab Alton' versus london' et viiid. pro reductipiie eiusdem et pro expensis unius equi transmissi pro yectore versus london' xvid., xiiis. viiid. Et in reparacionibus cellarum [et] Frenoruin factis ibidem eodem tempore cum iiiid. pro ii halters, xvid. pro ii Byttis et viiid. pro ii Gyrthys, viiis. viiid." Same Roll, under " custus stabuli."

The Parliament referred to in the above extracts is that which met at Westminster on 6 Oct., 1472 ; and the " Cardinal's Hat," where the Warden had a preliminary talk with the legal advisers of the College, was probably the Southwark inn of that name which is also mentioned in ' The Paston Letters,' vol. iii., p. 26 (1875), in a bill of costs of November, 1471. One of these advisers, Thomas Welle (the eating and drinking reminds one of Mr. Solomon Pell), was Steward of the College Manors at an

annual fee of 51. ; and two others of them,. Wynsor and Jay, were receiving an annual fee, varying from IBs. 4d. to 6s. 8d., besides the gown cloth which (as the Accounts show) they all received yearly.

At least one other reference to Prince Edward occurs in the College Accounts ; it- relates to a visit of his minstrels :

" In datis ministrallis domini principis venienti- bus ad collegium festo Ascencionis domini cum xxd. datis ministrallis domini Regis mense Junii, vs." (1475-6).

His younger brother, Richard, Duke of York, was married in infancy to the Lady Anne Mowbray, and possibly her minstrels', likewise visited the College, in August, 1478:

" Et datis ministrallis domini regis venientibus ad collegium primo die Septembris cum xxd datis ministrallia domine regine venientibu& 2 die Septembris et xiid. datis ministrallis. domine Eboraci mense Augusti, vis." (1477-8).

As the marriage had been celebrated in the preceding January, it seems not unlikely that "domina Eboraci" means the bride. It may, however, mean the King's mother, the dowager Duchess of York. H. C.

Winchester College.


THE annexation on 5 November last of the island of Cyprus as a British Colony is a fitting subject for record in the pages of ' N. & Q.' At the same time, it may be of interest to publish the following notes on the records and monuments which survive of an English interest in the island in the the days of the eighteenth-century " Levant Company."

When in London last year, the present writer was permitted to turn over the old Letter - Books and bundles of documents in the Public Record Office, removed from the Aleppo Consulate in 1910, but not yet arranged or calendared. A cursory view of the Letter-Books from 1616 onwards showed there would be much to discover by any one who could devote a long time to the in- vestigation. A few bundles of old letters of consuls and merchants during the eigh- teenth century contained some interesting odds and ends from which the following are culled.

The London merchant of the eighteenth century is not a prominent character in the literature of the time, and we get few