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ii s. XL MAR. 20, i9i5.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Offender forfeit five Pound for every such Offence to the Informer, and a Warrant un"der the Hand and Seal of Col. De Veil was accordingly granted, to levy the said sum of five Pounds on the Goods ^nd Chattels of the Offender, which she paid directly Its presum'd this will be a sufficient Caution, and entirely prohibit the wear of such things as the Legislature (for the Benefit of our own Manufactures) thought proper to forbid."

WM. DOUGLAS. 125, Helix Road, Brixton Hill.

BILLIARD -ROOMS AND SMOKING-ROOMS. In an inventory of Howard House, taken in 1588 (Stowe MSS. 164, f. 33), " thre billyard stickes and one porte and ij balles of yvery " are mentioned, also " a billiyard bord covered w th grenne cloth. . . .w th a frame of beache w th fower turned postes."

In an inventory of Lord Howard of Cher- bury 's house in Westminster, taken in 1641, there is mention of "a billiard table and three bearers."

An early instance of a " smoaking room " occurs in the inventory of Shirburn Castle, taken in 1734.

At Howard House was the following item : <c Twoe plomets of lead for my lo [Lord] his exercise of his armes."


MARY ELIZABETH BRADDON : BIBLIO- GRAPHY. (See ante, p. 175.) At the request of your correspondent SIR WILLIAM BULL, I give hereunder a bibliography of the late Mary Elizabeth Braddon. I find her writings still attract a large circle of readers of both sexes.

She contributed to the old Sporting Maga- zine under the noms de plume of " Gilbert Forrester " and " A Member of the Burton Hunt." She wrote sentimental verses, political squibs, and parodies for the Poets' Corner of provincial newspapers. In 1860 ' Loves of Arcadia.' a comedietta, was pro- duced at the Royal Strand Theatre. ' Gari- baldi, and Other Poems,' were published in 1861. 'Lady Lisle,' 'Captain of the Vul- ture,' ' Ralph'the Bailiff,' and other sketches, have been reprinted from Temple Bar, St. James's Magazine,, &c. ' Griselda,' a drama in four acts, was brought out at the Princess's Theatre in November, 1873. Here follow the novels, dates of publication being given if known :

'Lady Audley's Secret,' 1862; 'Aurora Floyd,' ' Eleanor's Victory,' ' John March- mont's Legacy,' ' Henry Dunbar,' ' The Doctor's Wife,' ' Only a Clod,' ' Sir Jasper's Tenant,' 'The Lady's Mile,' 'Rupert God- win,' ' Run to Earth ' ; ' To the Bitter End,' 1872 ; ' Lucius Davoren,' 1873 ; ' Strangers

and Pilgrims,' 1873 ; ' Lost for Love,' 1874 ; ' Taken at the Flood,' 1874 ; ' Dead Men's Shoes,' 1875; 'Vixen,' 1879; ' Ishmael,' 1884 ; ' Wyllard's Weird,' 1885 ; ' Thou Art the Man,' 1894 ; ' London Pride,' 1896 ; ' In High Places,' 1898 ; ' His Darling Sin,' 1899 ; 'The Infidel,' 1900; 'The Conflict,' 1903; 'A Lost Eden,' 1904; 'The Rose of Life,' 1905; 'The "White House,' 1906; 'Dead Love has Chains,' 1907; 'During Her Majesty's Pleasure,' 1908 ; ' Our Adversary,' 1909 ; ' Beyond These Voices,' 1910.

Miss Braddon conducted Belgravia, a monthly magazine, to which she contri- buted ' Birds of Prey,' ' Charlotte's Inheri- tance,' ' Dead Sea Fruit,' ' Fenton's Quest.'

I believe this list is not complete, for, in addition to various newspaper articles, Miss Braddon published many anonymous works. FRED E. BOLT.

Penge Public Library.

[' Miranda,' by Miss Braddon, was published in October, 1913.]

INSCRIPTIONS AT HY^RES. The following list of inscriptions in the Old Cemetery at Hyeres has been sent me by a correspondent, who says that at the time they were taken down (1907-8) the cemetery had fallen into total neglect. Though meagre in detail, they seem worth preserving :

1. Emily Smith.

2. Jane Atkin, wife of Liverpool, 1875.

3. Wm. J. G. Green, Toronto.

4. Edward St. Lorens Rividus.

5. Fredk. Ramsay Robinson, Islington.

6. Grace Smith.

7. Francis M. Sivewright, 1829.

8. Thos. Graham Traquair, M.D., 1868.

9. Hester Lomax, 1833.

10. Henrietta Cronyn Newtown, Kilkenny,


11. Mary Ryley, Lee, Kent, 1865.

12. A. M. Duncan, 1868.

13. Rev. Chas. A. Sig.

14. Louisa Jane Kelly, Armagh, 1819.

G. S. PARRY, Lieut, -Col. 17, Ashley Mansions, S.W.

WATERLOO AND THE FRANCO-GERMAN WAR. (See 11 S. x. 489.) The Rev. N. Kynaston Gaskell, writing in The Times of 11 Jan.", states that the French General Gudin, who was killed in the Franco -German War of 1870-71, had been page d'honneur in waiting on Napoleon at Waterloo. It is related, he says, of Gudin that, in helping the Emperor to mount his horse, the boy gave him such a vigorous hoist as almost to push him over on the other side. " Petit imbecile," snarled the Emperor, " va-t-en a tous les diables," and galloped off angrily. A few minutes later Napoleon rode back and,