Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/268

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NOTES AND QUERIES. ui s. XL MAR. 27, 1915.

Mortem). Possibly the name Godwin was derived from some connexion with a family of that name which intermarried with the Dryden family, i.e., through the marriage of Joyagaine Dryden, daughter of David Dryden, schoolmaster, of. Finedon, with Henry Gydwyne, which took place at Thorpe Malsor in 1617-18. PERCY D. MTJNDY.

"WANGLE" (11 S. xi. 65, 115, 135, 178, 216). However the word may be used at the present moment, it has its recognized meanings in provincial speech. The ' E.D.D. ' knows it as a verb in many counties ; and it seems to be connected with the idea of instability or unsoundness : to totter, rock, shake ; to vibrate, to be in a sensitive state, to dangle, to wag, to adjust or fix in a loose, makeshift manner ; to manage under bad conditions. This last definition might apply to the soldier's jelly, and to the business transactions referred to by one of your correspondents. The ' E.D.D.' would re- ward a consultant. I have not cited it in full. ST. SWITHIN.

A nonsense book published in the eighties had as hero " the Quangle Wangle Quee," described as a creature " all arms and legs," i.e., all movement, a " flapper." Is not the meaning of " wangle " to " move gently and continuously," to " work out," to " loosen by movement" ? B. C. S.

REVERSED ENGRAVINGS (11 S. ix. 189, 253, 298 ; xi. 217). There is what I take to be an instance of a reversal in H. K. Browne's illustration to an incident in 'David Copperfield ' (chap, xlvii.). The text points to the overtaking by David and Peggotty of the girl Martha at a point near the river bank in the vicinity of the site of the present Tate Gallery. The picture, how- ever, seems to place St. Paul's and the Abbey (seen in the background) on the wrong side of the water. Is this really so ? and are there other instances of reversed pictures in any of Dickens's volumes ?


MARYBONE LANE AND SWALLOW STREET (US. xi. 210). A map of London of 1856 gives " Mary -le -bone Street " as the name of part of the present Glasshouse Street. It was probably so called originally because it was the shortest route to Marylebone from Charing Cross and Leicester Fields. ' A New View of London,' 1708, describes it as "a pretty straight street between Glasshouse Street and Shug Lane, near Pickadilly." It was built about 1680, and continued in a winding way to Marylebone

Lane, Oxford Street. Probably at the out- set it was known all through as Marylebone Street or Lane, and then later the middle part was cut up into streets, such as the upper part of Swallow- Street (now Begent Street). B. C. S.

In ' London Past and Present ' (Wheatley ) Marylebone Street, Regent Street, is said to- have been built about the year 1679, and was so called because it led from Hedge Lane to Marylebone in the same way that Drury Lane led from St. Clement's to St. Giles-in-the-Fields, and Tyburn Lane (now Park Lane) to Hyde Park Corner.

" 1773. On our return home between 8 and 9 we saw a most violent fire that had just broken out in Marylebone Street, at the upper end of the Hay- market," &c. Earl of March to George Selwyn, p. 57.

What is now called Swallow Street was formerly Little Swallow Street. Swallow Street proper commenced where Glasshouse Street (the west portion of which is now called Vigo Street) crossed it, and ended in Oxford Street, exactly opposite Princes Street. TOM JONES.

COCKBTJRN (US. xi. 188). On p. 84 of vol. i. of ' Surnames of the United Kingdom,' by Henry Harrison (1912), this name is explained as " dweller at the cock-brook (i.e., a streamlet frequented by the woodcock). O.E. cocc + burne." Coborn. Coborne, Coburn, are assimilated forms of the same name. See also the meaning of Cockshute, Cockshot, Cockshut, p. 39 of 'Worcestershire Place ' (1905), by the late W. H. Duignan. A. C. C. "

The Histories of Tacitus. An English Translation,, with Introduction, Frontispiece, Notes, Maps, and Index. By George Gilbert Ramsay. (John Murray, 15.*. net.)

DR. RAMSAY'S emphatic and well-considered Preface shows how thoroughly he has realized ; what are the essential qualities of a good transla- tion. The sanguine resolution with which he sets out conciliates the reader's goodwill at once. To translate Tacitus is a weighty task, but he proposes to himself to execute it in "a version .. which should carry Math it none of the flavour of a trans- lation." The version is also to be a faithful one "both in letter and in spirit"; and it is in this combination of faithfulness with ordinary English that w r e think Dr. Ramsay, so far as Tacitus is concerned, has attempted the impossible. We do not think that he has hit what he aimed at ; but neither do we think that in this desired combination any one is likely to be more successful than he. It is in the matter of the "flavour of a translation " that we think he most comes short ; so far as the spirit of the original goes, he seems-