Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/271

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CONTENTS.-No. 275.

NOTES : An Alphabet of Stray Notes, 261 The Taylors of Ongar Levant Merchants in Cyprus : English Tomb- stones in Larnaca, 263 -Notary, 264 Thackeray and the German Emperor Ernest Maltravers and Morley Ernstein Prayers for Animals Albuera and Ypres, 265.

QUERIES : " Rendering " MacBride Oxfordshire Landed Gentry Dublin : " Master," 266 Brantome Ben Jonson : Pindar Pack-horses Mary Dacre George Bodens " An inchalffe Hesper " Old Etonians " Sock " Peter Smart Name Mankinholes, 267.

REPLIES : William Roberts, Esq.: Woodrising, 268- Woolmer or Wolmer Family Joseph Fawcett, 269 Family of Henry Vaughan Use of Ice in Ancient Times Coin : John of Gaunt Col. the Hon. Cosmo Gordon Medallic Legends Starlings taught to Speak Theatrical Life, 1875-85, 270 J. Hill The Royal Regiment of Artil- leryA Forerunner of the London Scottish Barring-out Savery Family of Devonshire History of the Berkeley Family Author of Parody Wanted, 271" A hair drawn through milk," 272.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Hinduism in Europe and America ' ' The Journal of the Friends ' Historical Society.'

Notices to Correspondents.


DURING many years of work amongst old books and MSS., I from time to time very briefly noted on slips of paper allusions to persons, places, and things which were met with in sources of information where one -would not think to find them. These I arranged alphabetically. The Editor of " N. & Q.' kindly thinks that they may prove interesting to many of its readers, and I liave therefore made a selection from them, omitting such as do not appear to be of general interest or adapted for its pages.

I chose the method of slips, instead of a commonplace book, as easier of reference and enlargement, from the practice of Dr. Philip Bliss. He had a nest of drawers In which he kept many hundreds (perhaps thousands) of such slips. He bequeathed them to Mr. H. O. Coxe, the Librarian of the Bodleian, who in turn gave them to the Library, where they were all mounted and bound in volumes.

Alcester, Wore. Commonly pronounced "Ouster." Hearne's ' Hemingford,' ii. 676.

Aldington, Kent. A chalice and cover stolen from the church in Dec., 1659. Adver- tised for in Mercurius Politicus, No. 599, p. 969.

Aldrich (Dr.). Would not suffer any one to take a Civil Law degree at Ch. Ch. who did not professedly study Civil Law. [Newton,] 'Against Pluralities,' 1743, p. 182.

Almanacs. A curious dissertation on English and French almanacs, recom- mending the Germans to adopt the system of introducing chronological tables and verses, with specimens from the English almanacs of the time, was pub- lished at Gotha by J. H. Stuss in 1736.

Altar. Candles on the altar were not lighted in 1663. G. Oldisworth's ' Stone Rolled Away,' p. 120.

Anglo-Saxon. Lectures in the language were regularly given in Tavistock Abbey. Spelman's Preface to ' Concilia,' 1639.

Apprentices. Forms of apprenticeship : male for three years, female for twelve, cent. XV. Bawl. MS. (Bodl.) A. 357, f. 21 a , b .

Ardington, Berks. Letters of Roger de Merlawe, priest of Ardington, to the Prior of Bicester asking for the living for his curate J. de H., who had also served Ardington for a long lime ; and then, on his presentation, recommending him to the bishop. About A.D. 1317. Digby MS. 154, ff. 36 b , 37.

Ashborne, Derbyshire. Church plate, hang- ings, and surplice stolen from the church in Aug., 1686. Advertised for in The London Gazette, No. 2164, 12-16 Aug.

Bachelor. The academic title derived by Hearne from baculus, because when men had finished their exercises in the Schools they then exercised themselves with sticks in the streets ! ' Hemingford,' ii. 670.

Bacon (Roger). " Cujus opera omnia, graphice manuscripta et fortiter compacta, ab ignaris hominibus, ut erat temporum aliquot superiorum deflenda barbaries, qui se tamen sciolos haberi volebant, non intellecta et pro necromanticis damnata, longis clavis affixa tabulatis, in bibliotheca Franciscanorum Oxonii, blattas ac tineas pascentia, situque et pulvere obducta, misere computruerunt." Jo. Twyne, ' De rebus Albionicis,' 1590, p. 130.