Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/307

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iis.xi.Ap K ,Li7,i9i5.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



32. George Henderson Gibb, of Dunfermline, Scotland, b. 15 April, 1818, d. 30 Dec., 1883. Eliza Reid, his wid., d. 26 May, 1903, a. 77.

33. Margaret Russell Reid, w. of Arthur Russell, Cupar, Scotland, b. at Dunfermline, 9 July, 1835, d. at Varese, 7 May, 1886.

34. (A wall tablet.) Thomas McKeown, a. 67, late merchant in London, d. 8 March, 1880.

35. Grace Harriet Fraser, b. 27 Feb., 1830, d. 21 Feb., 1886.

36. John Hayes, M.A., ten years Chaplain at Alassio, d. 17 Jan., 1888, a. 73. Emma James, his w., d. Feb., 1889, a. 84.

37. Ella, dau. of Charles and Charlotte Lam- port, d. 10 Feb., 1887, a. 23.

38. W. Stewart Darling, Rector of Holy Trinity, Toronto, Canada, d. 19 Jan., 1886, a. 67.

39. Millicent Stanley Grove, d. 16 Dec., 1886, a. 24.

39A. Carolina C. Robertson, b. 9 June, 1856, d. 8 Dec., 1887. John Robertson, b. in London 11 April, 1815, d. at Hampstead 30 July, 1901.


40. Eliza Reid, wid. of George Henderson Gibbs d. in Alassio, 26 May, 1903, after a residence of 27 years.

41. Lewis Campbell, M.A., LL.D., Hon.D.Litt., Hon. Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, Emeritus Professor of Greek in the University of St. Andrews, d. at Brissago, Lago Maggiore, 25 Oct., 1908, a. 78.

42. Mary Anne Palmer, of II Nido, Alassio, d. 16 April, 1912, a. 70.


43. In loving memory | of | Richard Whately West, B.A. | formerly Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin, | and of Pembroke College, Cambridge, who for near 20 years between 1885-1905, lived and painted in Alassio, | and loved it well. This Gallery | to contain a portion of his life work

| is placed here | by members of his family and many friends, | A.D. 1907. | Nonne ttfti Italice solem qui semper amabas \ largior arridet lucidior- que dies 1

44. In grateful recognition I of the kindness of | Sir Thomas Hanbury, K.C.V.O., | of La Mor-

tola, | who allowed this Gallery to be erected on his land, | and died before the building was com- pleted, j This tablet is placed here | to his memory, | A.D. 1907.


Beamish, 13 Bennett, 22 Betts, 16 Bogue, 25 Campbell, 41 Clarke, 29 Collins, 7 Darling, 38 Dickinson, 23,

24,27 Evans, 18 Fiske, 8 Ford, 30 Foster, 17 Fraser, 35 Freeman, 18

Gavin, 11 Gibb, 32 Grove, 39 Hanbury, 44 Harris, 9 Haughton, 19 Hayes, 36 Hyde, 12 James, 36 Lamport, 2, 37 Latham, 5 Layard, 16 Low, 6

McCulloch, 28 McKeown, 34

Mahony, 26 Palmer, 31, 42 Paul, 1 Penrice, 21 Ponsonby, 10 Poveromi, 14 Rapalje, 15 Reid, 32, 33 Robertson, 39A Rolleston, 4 Russell, 33 Schuyler, 1 Schwartz, 20 Shipley, 3, 17 West, 43

17, Ashley Mansions, S.W.

G. S. PARRY, Lieut. -Col.

' LA BRABANC. ONNE.' ' N. & Q.' has put on record a splendid version of ' La Mar- seillaise ' (ante, p. 64). Perhaps room ma\r also be found for the following fine transla- tion of the Belgian National Anthem which has been rescued from the perishable and not easily accessible columns of The Mid- Sussex Times:


The years of slavery are over :

Raised from the tomb, hear Belgium claim. The spoils that courage can recover,

Her banner, privilege,* and name. And in your hands, s-upreme and daring,

people who henceforth are free, Scroll on the ancient flag you're bearing,,

"The King, The Law, and Liberty."

On your untiringf march proceeding

From victory^ unto victory go ; The God of Belgium, always heeding,

On valour doth His grace bestow. Work on, and show your pastures owning:

Proof of your toil abundantly ; Let splendour ot your hearts be crowning,

" The King, The Law, and Liberty."

Brothers, our outspread arms inviting,

For us the too long discord ends ; Belgians, Batavians, truce to fighting,

The peoples who are free are friends. Stronger and firmer let us tether

The bonds of our fraternity, Proclaiming side by side together

" The King, TU Law, and Liberty."

Mother, to who > our love is owing,

Our hearts, our lives, to thee we give ; For thee, dear land, our blood is flowing ;

We swear thou shalt for ever live. Majestic, beauteous, dying never

In thine unconquered unity, For ever this thy boast, for ever,

" The King, The Law, and Liberty."



ELECTRO-PLATING AND ITS DISCOVERERS* The obituary notice of Sir John Bing- ham in The Daily Telegraph of the 19th of March recalls the origin of electro- plating. It states that Sir John waa " head of the firm of Walker & Hall, tha pioneers of the electro -plate industry.' Seventy years ago " Mr. Wright, a Sheffield surgeon, invented the method of depositing silver and gold indelibly on metal ware bj means of electricity." This was taken up by an artisan, George Walker, a man of " great technical and inventive ability," who went into partnership with Henry Hall, and together with him brought the invention to perfection. The Binghams- who succeeded to the control of the firm.

  • Droits. f tinergique. Progres. Bras.