Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/310

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NOTES AND QUERIES, [ii s. XL APRIL 17, 1915.

SIR JOHN MOORE AND THE GORDON HIGH- LANDERS. The officers of the Gordons wear a tiny line of black braid in their gold facings in memory of Sir John Moore. Can any Service reader tell me whether the black in the hose tops and the arrangement of the black or " major " stripe in the officers' kilt are designed to commemorate the hero of Corunna?

I suppose not one civilian in half a million is aware that the kilt is made up differently for men and officers of the Gordons ; but a military tailor of many years' experience tells me that there is a difference, as follows. All the rank and file of all battalions wear the famous yellow stripe in the centre of the body, that is down the middle of the kilt, so that its line, if produced, would bisect the sporran. On the other hand, all officers wear the black (or "major ") stripe in the centre, with the result that the yellow stripe falls on each side over the thigh. Prior to 1898 the officers of the 1st Battalion (the old 75th) wore the stripe the same as the rank and file ; but the officers of the 2nd Battalion (the old 92nd, which was associated with Moore) had the black stripe in the centre. When the 1st Battalion returned from India in 1898 the officers were persuaded by the officers of the 2nd Batta- lion to adopt the latter's practice. Lieut. - Col. Greenhill Gardyne, the learned historian of the regiment, tells me he never heard of these subtle differences. Can any reader enlighten me ? J. M. BUI-LOCH.

JAM IN COMMERCE. In The Times of 24 March, 1815, the following advertisement appeared :

"Orange Marmalade. The admirers of that admirable and nutritious Substitute for Butter are respectfully informed, that they may be supplied with a very superior article, at 2/6 a pound, by R. Sewell, pastry-cook and confectioner, 6 Tichborne Street. Golden Square, and 239 Piccadilly, 5 doors from the Haymarket ; letters post paid."

Is this one of the earliest advertisements for jam, or had this commodity been manu- factured previously on a commercial scale ? REGINALD JACOBS.

GREGOR FAMILY. In the notice of the Rev. William Gregor in the ' Dictionary of Nat. Biog.' it is stated that his mother was a sister of Sir Joseph Copley, Bt. Where can I find an account of the Gregor family, and the date of the death of Francis Gregor and his wife, the sister of Joseph Copley, as also that of his father, who translated Fortescue's ' De Laudibus Legum Anglise' ? John Gregor, the father of the last -mentioned,

married Elizabeth, sister of my ancestor Walter Movie, at St. Germans, 8 July, 1684; therefore if the mother of William Gregor was Mary Moyle, the daughter of Joseph Moyle, who married Catherine, daughter of Sir Godfrey Copley, Bt., she must have married her cousin (once removed). Sir Joseph Copley was formerly Joseph Moyle r he having taken the name of his mother's- father, Sir Godfrey Copley.


BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. I am desirous of obtaining information about the following Old Westminsters r

(1) Alexander Hamilton, admitted 1778.

(2) Cheyne Hamilton, admitted 1745, aged' 12. (3) L. Hamlyn, at school 1801. (4) D. F. Hamond, at school 1808. (5) William- Hammond, admitted 1781. (6) Peter Han- cock, admitted 1727, aged 10. (7) Richard Hannam, admitted 1774. (8) G. Hannes,. at school 1805. (9) G. H. Hannes, at school 1808. (10) John Banning, admitted 1786. (11) Newton Hanson, admitted 1812. (12) John Hanway, admitted 1722, aged 13.

G. F. R. B.

TETHERINGTON. In his entertaining ' Me- moirs ' William Hickey speaks of one of his dissipated companions named Tethering - ton, possibly an Irishman ; John Taylor in ' Records of my Life ' also mentions an Irishman of this name, a notorious gamester, who was known as "The Child." Is this, the J-ck T-r-tt-n (Jack Tetherington), also an Irishman and a gambler, referred to in ' The Minor Jockey Club ' (1794), p. 48 ? Tetherington must have been a well-known character in his day. I shall be obliged for more information of him.


IMAGE OF ALL SAINTS. By his will dated 18 Sept., 1545, Thomas Twyne of Whit- church, Hants, desires to be buried " in the- chancell of WTiitechurche before the Image- of Alhalloen." Can any one tell me what form an image of All Saints would take ? J. F. WILLIAMS*

Ashmansworth, Newbury.

WELLINGTON ON CRICKET. The great Duke of Wellington has often been credited with having said that Waterloo was won in the playing fields of Eton, though to judge from Sir H. C. Maxwell -Lyte's comments on the subject, in his admirable ' History of Eton College,' ed. 1889, p. 323, it is by no means certain that he ever uttered any- thing precisely to that effect.