Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/332

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NOTES AND QUERIES, [iis.xi. APRIL 24, 1915.

is a double-headed eagle; the other two devices are not distinguishable. On the side is a panel enclosing a circlet in which the letters C. I. are again shown ; above are three devices, one a griffin passant under an earl's coronet, having on either side a bull's head erased, ducally gorged. Information as to the original owner of the cistern is desired. W. H. PRATT.

Yseldon, Bowes Park, N.

DAVID LLOYD, WELSH BARD. Informa- tion is sough o respecting the poems of this bard. His bardic name was " Bardd Lai," and he lived and is buried at Llanferres, near Mold, Flintshire. He was my great- grandfather. I should be glad of reference to any of his publications, to any portrait of him, or an-/ biographical details.




" Le | Juif Baptise. | Sermon Presche j Dans L'Eglise | Franchise de la Savoye. | Par Monsieur de Breval, Docteur en j Theologie, Chappelain Ordinaire de sa | Majeste, & un des Pasteiirs de cette | Eg'lise. | A Londres | Irnprime par Thomas Niewcomb, & se vend chez Hen. | Herring-man, Libraire dans la I^ouvelle Bourse, | & chez Wil. Nott dans le vieux Mail aux | Armes de la Reyne. 1671." 4to, 7 11. + 29 pp.

I should be much obliged if any reader could give rne the Christian name of the author and the dates of birth arid death, with a few short biographical details. The work is not in the British Museum,


" STOCKEAGLES." The country folk here call woodpeckers " stockeagles." Is this a, Worcestershire name for the bird, or is it used elsewhere ?


Perrott House, Pershore.

CHANTRIES. Did the old Guilds always maintain chantries or chantry chapels for the benefit of their members in the parish churches ? What work could be recom- mended for information on this subject ?


HERALDIC QUERY. A clue to the identity of either of the coats impaled in the following achievement would be much appreciated : A fesse embattled (? gules) between three crescents, 2 and 1 : impaling a chevron between three antelopes' (? goats') heads, 2 and 1. Crest : out of a mural coronet a mailed arm embowed, grasping a battleaxe. The date is 1679. The arms of Glover, of Norwoods in Cudham, Kent, and of Tats-

field, Surrey, give the fesse embattled ermine between crescents argent on a sable field. Their crest, moreover, is a mural crown, but with a demy-lion rising therefrom, holding a crescent between its paws. Another likely family appears to be Walker of Wakefield.

IN ' N. & Q.,' 3 S. ii. 256 is a reply as to Glover of Willesdon. What were their arms ? P. D. V.

ARMOUR OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. In ArchoBologia, xi. 103, it is stated that the armour of William the Conqueror was extant in the Tower of London in 1660. Is it still there ? or if not, what became of it ?




(11 S. xi. 231, 302.)

I WILL now deal with the Registers. In 1842, when Elliott published his book on Gretna Green, he advertised in it that he intended to print and publish the Registers, which he said were in his possession. Arising out of this announcement the following appeared in The Times, 20 Feb., 1843 (quoted from The Carlisle Journal) :


We observe by announcement in some of the London papers, that some worthy gentlemen in London are about to enlighten the public on the subject of Gretna-green marriages, by the pub- lication of a book called " The Gretna-green Memoirs ; by Robert Elliot ; with an Introduc- tion and Appendix, by the Rev. Caleb Brown." In addition to this information we have been honoured with a copy of what Mr. Elliot calls a " cercler," which he is desirous we should publish as a paragraph for the benefit of our readers. From this " cercler " we learn that " this inter- esting work contains an accurate account of remarkable elopements, pursuits, anecdotes, &c., never before published." Then we are farther informed, that there is " in the press," to be published by subscription, " The Gretna-green Register, containing the names of 7,744 persons married by Robert Elliot, the Gretna-green parson." It is added, that " The whole is being carefully printed from the original registers written and kept by himself." The Gretna- green parson, we suspect, has fallen into dis- honest hands, or he would not have suffered it to be said that he was about to publish registers which never had existence. " The Gretna-green Parson " is pretty well known in this neighbour- hood. He married a granddaughter of old Joe Paisley, the original " blacksmith " ; and after the death of that worthy " parson " he Set up an opposition shop, in the marriage line, to David