Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/342

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NOTES AND QUERIES, [ii s. XL APRIL 24, 1915.

lot is bitter (100) ; L. toga is only a turn-coat o G. cota (96) ; just as L. lucus, a grove, is an easy reversal of G. coill, a wood. L. sylva, wood, is from G. sliabh, a mountain chain (135). L. malm is all one with G. maol, bald (101). G. cog, to make war, is the origin of L. cog-eo (96). We conjecture that Mr. Lloyd is more at home in 'Gaelic than in Latin, as he deduces L. assin-us [sic~ from G. asain (97), and L. brunt (which we have not hitherto met) from G. bromdnach, rude (100) We cannot recommend this book to the young or sceptical philologist.

^Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society

No. 66. (Cambridge, Deighton, Bell & Co.

Is. 6d.)

THIS is a very interesting number. The firsl paper, by Dr. Fletcher, is on certain playing-cards of the sixteenth or seventeenth century found in Cambridge during the destruction of an old house In the British Museum are fifty-three cards from four different packs, described as having been " found about 1750 behind some wainscoting in a house at Cambridge undergoing repairs." These two lots are, so far as Dr. Fletcher knows, the only English cards of the Elizabethan era in existence, or at least recorded. He thinks that, but for the apathy of the house-breaker, more playing-cards would be discovered in the demolitior of ancient houses. There are coloured illustrations of four of the cards found.

Prof. McKenny Hughes has a paper on ' Flints, in which he gives a short sketch of " the mode of formation and destruction of flint, so as to suggest some limits within which we may speculate as to whether certain examples are the work of man or of nature." In 1868 he brought the subject before the Society of Antiquaries by exhibiting a large collection of natural and artificially dressed flints. This collection he gave to the Museum of the Geological Survey in Jermyn Street, " where it has remained concealed ever since."

Ships in the Cambridge ' Life of the Confessor ' form the subject of a paper by Mr. H. H. Brindley. In this, as he has previously done, he lays stress on " the great difficulties which face the nautical archaeologist in respect of many features in both hull and rigging of mediaeval ships," since nothing in the nature of a treatise on shipbuilding ap- peared till the close of the sixteenth century. The paper is illustrated by miniatures, beautifully executed, copied from ' La Estoire de Seint Aedward le Rei ' (MS. E.E. iii. 59), of which the author is unknown. The miniatures were drawn by him, and the work may be dated c. 1245. These, with the exception of one which illustrates the ' History ' in Luard's ' Lives of Edward the Confessor,' published in 1858, have not previously been reproduced.

The Antiquary. 'Vol. L. (Elliot Stock, 7. 6d.) As we have already noticed many of the contents of this volume on the appearance of the magazine month by month, we need only now commend it to our readers. The twelve numbers bound in half roan form a handsome volume ; and a good Index adds to its value. We have always liked the way in which the illustrations are executed, In the volume they seem even more effective, "congratulate our old friend on its Jubilee.


THOSE of our correspondents who have been interested by the recent articles in our columns on Antonio Vieira may like to know that Messrs. Maggs, in the last of their Catalogues that has reached us, J\p. 334, are offering for 15Z. 15s. a manuscript compilation, c. 1670, of the documents connected with his trial before the Inquisition. The Catalogue as a whole is devoted to voyages and travels, describes over 2400 items, and begins with some 500 works relating to the topography of the United Kingdom. A copy of Richard Arnold's 'Chronicle,' a small folio volume in black-letter printed at Antwerp (Droesbrowe) in 1502, 251, and .a collection of over 300 items of all sorts illustrating Ranelagh Gardens in the latter half of the eighteenth century, 181. 18s., are perhaps the most attractive of the books de- scribed under London. A collection of tracts illus- trating the history of the Northern Counties, and containing a number of miscellaneous matters more or less nearly related thereto, to the number of 100 or over, is bound in morocco in 11 vols., and offered for Wl. 10-s.

Messrs. Maggs have copies both of Loggan's 'Cambridge' arid of his 'Oxford' the former, 1688, costs 81 8s., and the latter, 1675, a particu- larly good copy, 14Z. 14s. They have also the two works bound in one volume, which they offer for 24^. Dallaway and Cartwright's ' Western Division of Sussex,' 38Z , and a book of tracts, manuscript in Welsh, written by David Jones of Trefriw, from the library of Thomas Pennant, 3R 10s., are also pieces worth noting in this first division of the Catalogue. Thirty-four volumes of the English Dialect Society's Publications are certainly cheap at 14Z. 14s.

The books under Africa include the original MS. of Macartney's official diary while he was Governor of the Cape of Good Hope (May, 1797, to Nov., J798), written probably by a secretary, and having alterations and additions in Macartney's autograph, 125/. There is also his official letter-book in similar MS., 87^. 10s. Under America we get a great number of good things. We may mention Hervey Smyth's 'Views 'in the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence six plates en- graved in line from drawings made on the spot by an aide-de-camp of Wolfe's, 1760, 52/. 10s. : and the original log-book of Nicholas Pocock's ' Journey From Bristol towards Nevis in the " Snow Minerva,"' which is illustrated by a long series of his very interesting drawings, 45Z. A record of more intrinsic importance is D'Urville's 'Voyage de la Corvette 1'Astrolabe,' of which a complete set with the atlas, 23 volumes in 19. is in Messrs. Maggs's collection, to be had for 63. We marked aoth China and India as the headings of descrip- tions of very attractive works : the latter includes

The Ornithology of Oudh,' a set of 122 original

Irawings in water-colour, done c. 1800, 80^. A ilack -letter Hakluyt, in which the 'Voyage to Oadiz ' appears as a very early reprint (1599-1600), or which 25Z. is asked, may also be mentioned.



CORRIGENDUM. Ante, p. '299, the title of the )oem asked for by MR. WAIISE WRIGHT was omitted >y mistake : it is ' A Memorial.'