Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/345

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ii s. XL MAY i, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Ewell, Surrey. In 1621 the whole tithes being in the hands of two laymen, who only allowed III. out of them for a minis- ter, there was no preacher, but only a poor old half-blind reader who could scarcely read. ' The Unnatiirall Father ' (John Bouse), 1621.

Ghibbes (J. Alb.), " poeta laureatus." Vide Languages.

Ghosts. " Dissertatio de Apparitionibus mortuorum vivis ex pacto factis; praes. Sam. Schelgiagio. Gedani, 1729."

Gibbons (Grinling). Mention of carving executed by him for the King of France. Houghton's ' Letters on Husbandry and Trade,' 1683, vol. ii. p. 138.

Gilbert (St.) of Sempringham. His life in Digby MS. (Bodl. ) 36 contains accounts of miracles wrought by him at these places : An wick (Line. ), Burton - upon - Trenb, Chicksand (Bedf.), Folkingham (Line.), Haverholme (Line.), Leasingham (Line.), Lynn, Moulton (Line.), Newark (Leic.), Nooton (Line.), Ponton (Line.), Sempring- ham, Thorney (Notts), Trickingham, and Watton (Yorkshire).

Glass-painting. At Chilwell House, near Nottingham, there was a great glass window representing the process of vine -growing and wine-making. B. Googe's 'Hus- bandry,' 1615, preface.

Glencoe. The Massacre alluded to (without name) as a. thing " which half of this nation and of the clergy themselves have not yet heard of," ** done about three years ago," in [Hickes's] ' Disc, upon Burnet and Tillotson,' 4to, Lond., 1695, p. 10.

Hair to grow (to make). " Take the toothe of a boores mouth and anoynte wher thou wilt, and it xal make the heer to grow thow ther growthe neuere non beforn." Bawlinson MS. (Bodl.) C. 299, f. 35 b .

Handel (G. F.). Had the use of the Shel- donian Theatre for six evenings for the performance of his oratorios in July, 1733,

  • by which he got above 2,OOOZ." Pointer's

MS. Chronol. of Univ. of Oxf., Bawl. MS. (Bodl.) Q. f. 6 ; vol. ii. f. 19. He gave per- formances of 'Esther' and 'Samson,' 12, 13 April, 1749, t&., f. 42.

Harrow-on-the-Hill. Anecdote of George Werke, Vicar, B.D., and Fellow of Queens' Coll., Camb. Whytforde's 'Werke for Housholders, ' printed by P. Treveris in Southwark, sign. D verso.

Stories relating to Stohdon, Herts (death of Master Baryngton), and Holy- well, Flintshire, ibid.

Hartwell, Northants. Condition of the- living, &c., in 1641. ' A Certificate front Northamptonshire,' 1641, p. 4.

Highlanders. Wore their Highland dress- at Bruges in December, 1656. Thurloe's- State Papers, vol. v. p. 645.

Hoods. Description of Civil Law hoods ir* Oxford in 1652. Bawl. MS. C. 902, f. 216.

Horton, Northamptonshire. Condition of the living, &c., in 1641. ' A Certificate- from Northamptonshire,' p. 4.

Hymns. Hymn for Easter Day, in three- parts, with music and refrains : to first part, " Quomodo Judei male dormierunt " ; to second part, " Besurrexit hodie Bex glorie " ; to third part, " Omnes plaudite manus pro gaudio," c. 1270-80. At: end of Bodl. MS. 937.

" xii. divine hymns for the Lord's Supper and the Lord's Day," at the end of M^ Harrison's c Gospel Church,' 1700.

W. D. MACBAY. (To be continued.)



(See ante, p. 313.)

Bur though Webster was assuredly not the author of all the " additional Cha- racters " of 1615, there is a feature appa- rently peculiar to certain of those comprised in the last set of thirty-two, i.e., the ' New- Characters (drawn to the life) of Severall Persons in Severall Qualities/ that raises a strong presumption that he wrote some of them. That certain of these ' New Cha- racters,' like Webster's plays, showed in- debtedness to Sidney's ' Arcadia. ' and Florio's ' Montaigne ' I was aware at the time of writing my previous article, in which several passages derived from these works- are recorded. But of the extent of these borrowings I had at that time no conception,, not having systematically searched the pages of the ' Arcadia ' or essays. The number of passages taken from the ' Ar- cadia ' alone is absolutely amazing. I have detected extensive ' Arcadia ' borrowings in five of the Characters, and I have little doubt that there are many others. The five to which I refer are these :

A Worthy Commander in the Warrei. A Noble and Retired Housekeeper. An Intruder into favour. A Faire and Happy Milk-mayd. A Distaster of the Time.