Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/348

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. xi. MAY i, 1915.

LADY CHAPEL. It would seem incredible that an historical writer could fancy a Chapel of Our Lady to be a sorb of ladies' reserve. But the late Emily Lawless in her ' Maria Edgeworth' ("English Men of Letters"), p. 33, writes of Mr. and Mrs. (the second of the four) Edgeworth : " They were married by special license, in the Ladies' Choir of the -Cathedral of " Lichfield the Lady Chapel -where the noble Flemish glass was reset up of late. W. F. P. STOCKLEY.

" THERE SHALL NO TEMPESTS BLOW." '(See 10 S. iii. 449; iv. 12, 96.) When asking in ' N. & Q.' in 1905 as to the author- -ship of verses commencing,

There shall no tempests blow, No scorching noontide heat ; There shall be no more snow,

No weary wandering feet,

1 was not aware that they were a poetic rendering of the words, "" with whom there is no place of toil, no burning

heat, no piercing cold, nor any briars there This

place we call the Bosom of Abraham,"

found in the ' Discourse to the Greeks con- cerning Hades,' printed in the popular editions of Josephus. See 3 S. iii. 399.

W. B. H.

[One might perhaps better refer them to a remini- scence of the well-known passage : ' Odyssey,' vi.

THE REV. SAMUEL PULLEIN, TRANSLATOR OF VIDA. A volume has lately come into my hands which contains not only Pullein's -translations from Vida ('The Silkworm,' Dublin, 1750 ; and ' Scacchia, Ludus/ Dublin, 1750), but also three pamphlets which are unknown to his biographer in the 4 D.N.B.,' and are not in the British Museum Library. These are :

1. Some Hints intended to Promote the Culture of Silkworms in Ireland. Addressed to the Dublin .Society. By the Rev. Samuel Pullein, A.M....

Dublin, Printed by S. Powell. ..1750. [Price Two

Pence.] 17 pp.

2. Valesus. An Eclogue. By, &c Dublin,

Trinted by George Faulkner, 1751. On the death of Frederick, Prince of Wales. 8 pp.

3. The Eleventh Epistle of the First Book of Horace. Imitated and Addressed to a Young Physician then on his Travels. By S. P., A.M. Dublin, Printed by George Faulkner... 1749. 15pp.


" THE QUIET WOMAN " : " THE HONEST LAWYER." On a recent walk from Buxton to Dovedale I passed through Earl Sterndale and Longnor. At the former place is to be seen an inn bearing a signboard with the picture of a headless woman, and known by ihe name of " The Quiet Woman." This

reminds me of an inn in the Low Street, Sunderland, which bore the name of "The Honest Lawyer," the sign being pictured by a headless lawyer sitting at the side of a table, with the head upon it.



[For the headless "Quiet Woman," see 8 S. x. 114, 263.]

CBUIKSHANK IN CLEBKENWELL. Of the making of many errors concerning the resid- ences of great men in London there is no end. MB. W. A. FBOST has, through the medium of the indispensable ' N. & Q.,' corrected those respecting Bulwer Lytton, and the following notes on the residences of Cruikshank in Clerkenwell are the outcome of a research I made for MB. FBOST.

Both Mr. Austin Dobson ('D.N.B.,' vol. xiii. p. 254, 1st ed.) and Mr. F. G. Stephens (' Cruikshank,' " Great Artists Series ") state that Cruikshank, on the marriage of his brother, went with his mother and sister to live at Claremont Square, Pentonville. Claremont Square was not in existence at this date (1823), and the actual address was No. 11, Myddelton Terrace, this house being in the northern block of the terrace which afterwards formed the western side of Claremont Square.

Mr. Stephens writes: "At a much later date, and on becoming a married man, Cruikshank removed to No. 22 (and after- wards to No. 23), Amwell Street, where he remained not less than thirty years," The actual facts, as elicited from' the Bate -Books of the parish, are as follows : In 1824 Cruikshank removed from No. 11, Myddelton Terrace, his mother's house, to No. 25, Myddelton Terrace. In 1825 the northern block, Nos. 117, became the western side of Claremont Square ; but the name was retained for the southern block, Nos. 18-26, which was renumbered, from the northern end, 1-9. No. 25, Cruikshank's house, became No. 8 ; later, this part of the terrace was in- cluded in Amwell Street, and Cruikshank's house then became No. 22, Amwell Street. Thus Cruikshank's second residence in Clerkenwell was No. 25, Myddelton Terrace, afterwards known as No. 8, Myddelton Terrace, arid finally as No. 22, Amwell Street. He was in this house until 1834, when he removed next door to No. 23, Amwell Street. Here he remained until 1849, that is about fifteen years, and not thirty years, as Mr. Stephens states. The whole period of his residence in Clerkenwell was, therefore, about twenty-six years (1823-49).