Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/351

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a s. xi. MAY i, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


BISHOPS OF BELGIUM AND NORTHERN FRANCE. Is any book to be found giving a complete list of bishops of the cathedrals of Belgium and Northern France from the earliest times to the present day ? DE T.

FRANCESCO MARIA, CARDINAL DE MEDICI, CIRCA 1700. I have consulted the ' Catholic Encyclopaedia,' but see no reference to this Cardinal. I should be thankful for a few biographical details.



AND LEFT." So wrote Bailey in the Prelude to his ' Festus ' : a pantheistic line, chiefly remarkable for its reversal of the usual connotations of " dexter " and " sinister."

On 9 April, 1915, there appeared in The Times a letter from Sir George Bird wood which ended with the words : " the East, where, still, God is all in all, and good and evil are regarded as His right hand and left." Does Sir George Birdwood quote, and did Bailey misquote, some Eastern proverb ? If so, what is its original form ?


MACAULAY AND NEWMAN. In vol. ii. chap. xii. p. 290 of the Cabinet Edition, 1880, of Sir George Trevelyan's * Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay,' there is this passage from the historian's Diary, dated 14 Oct., 1850 :

" Among other things I read Newman's Lec- tures, which have just been published. They are ingenious enough, and, I dare say, cogent to those people who call themselves Anglo-Catholics ; to me they are futile as any Rabbinical tradition. One lecture is evidently directed against me, though not by name ; and I am quite willing that the public should judge between us."

Is it [known to what particular lecture Macaulay was referring ? I shall feel obliged for any information. F. C. WHITE.

71, Newfoundland Road, Cardiff.

CANADIAN MEDAL. There is in my possession a gold medal that belonged to my grand -uncle. It measures about an inch and three -eighths in diameter, and is provided with a ring and a narrow blue ribbon. On the one side, in the centre, a beaver is represented cutting down a tree, with the owner's name and the words "Patience and Perseverance" engraved round it. On the other side, in the centre, there is a canoe with four figures in it, encircled in two lines by " Beaver Club," "Fortitude in Distress," and the date 1785.

I showed it some years ago to an old Hudson Bay official, but he could not tell

me, either then or later, anything as to its origin. Perhaps some Canadian reader of ' N. & Q.' may help me. J. A. C.

FORTNUM & MASON. In The Leisure Hour for 1888, p. 216, last note in * Varieties,' occurs the following :

" In the Journal of Mrs. Papendiek the origin of this well-known house is described. When the King George III. was removed from Windsor to Kew during his mental affliction in 1788, Fortnum, one of his four Royal Footmen, begged to resign from infirm health. He then settled as a grocer in Piccadilly."

If any of your readers could afford infor- mation on the following points, I should feel grateful :

(a) The immediate ancestry of this (Richard, I believe) Fortnum.

(b) The more remote origin of the people bearing this peculiar surname, and the meaning of it.

(c) The status of the four Royal Footmen. I may add that this Fortnum had a

brother (I believe it was), who held a com- mission in the Army, and died at the age of 80, walking ten mites daily up to his decease, and whose son, Charles Edward Drury Fortnum, F.S.A., used to say that he was the discoverer of the Burra Burra mines. He wrote a work on Majolica, and presented a famous emerald engraved with a head of Christ to Queen Victoria. Frederick Keats, Alderman, and some time a Sheriff of Lon- don, was related to the first-named Fortnum, whose daughter Eliza he married.


OKIGIN OF MEDAL. Can any one give the origin of the following medal and the object of its being struck ? Copper or bronze, 2 in. diam. Obverse, a naked child, holding a torch; legend, " La teat Scintillula Forsan." Reverse, a wreath, containing an inscription with the date 1858, and the legend " Hoc Pretium Give Servato Tulit." J. T. T.

" ANDREW HALLIDAY." I shall feel obliged if you or any of your readers can inform me whether there are any surviving members of the family of the late Mr. Andrew Halliday Duff, who was one of the founders of the Savage Club, London, and wrote books and plays under the name Andrew Halliday, I believe, up to 1872. Particulars of his family and literary history are given in the D.N.B.'; but I wish to trace a special contribution, signed by him, presumably about the year 1868, to the columns of The