Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/368

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. XL MAY s, 1015.

"Hans Breitmann's Ballads. By C. (r. Leland- Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by J. C. H. [Rotten] and H. L. W. 16mo.

'Gunter's Modern Confectioner. [Written by J. C. Hotten from data supplied by William Jeanes, cook at Messrs. Gunter's.] With Illustrations. Cr. 8vo.

Xife in London. By Pierce Egan. With Intro- duction by J. C. Hotten and the Cruikshank Illustrations. 8vo.

The Book of Wonderful Characters: Memoirs of Remarkable and Eccentric Persons, &c. From the text of Henry Wilson and James Caulfield. W r ith Introduction (mainly concerning Pig- faced Ladies) by P. P.-G. H.'[J. C. Hotten]. Illus- trated.

The True Story of Lord and Lady Byron, as told by Macaulay, Moore, Lady Blessington, Countess Guiccioli, Leigh Hunt, Lord Lindsay, Lady Byron, and the Poet himself, in answer to Mrs. Beecher Stowe. Edited with Introduction by J. M. [J. C. Hotten].

1 During -the last 12 months of its existence the 'Literary Miscellanea' which appeared weekly in the old Literary Gazette was written by Mr. Hotten. When Mr. George Godwin, F.S.A., started The Parthenon, Mr. H. undertook a similar department in that journal, and when it ceased to exist he joined the staff of The London Review, to which he supplied ' Literary Intelli- gence : Notes on Authors and Books,' for nearly three years."


THE GERMAN EMPEROR : ANOTHER VIEW (See ante, p. 265.) Bishop Wilberforce describing the wedding of King Edward and Queen Alexandra, writes thus :

" The little Prince William of Prussia was between his two little uncles" [afterwards the Duke of Connaught and the Duke of Albany] "to keep him quiet; both of whom he the Crown Princess told me bit on the bare Highland le^s whenever they touched him to keep him quiet/'

G. W. E. B,


A perfect woman, nobly plann'd, To warn, to comfort, and command. Dr. Ingram in his ' Outlines of Religion ' (p. 103) objected to

'a false note which has not attracted attention in Wordsworth's otherwise beautiful poem 'She was a phantom of delight.' When he speaks of the perfect woman, nobly plann'd, to warn, to counsel [sic], and command,' by this last word he assigns to her an office which only in excep- tional cases can be hers, and the habitual exercise f which would corrupt her nature. He might more justly, if with some loss of emphasis in the -expression, have written : ' nobly made, to warn, to counsel, and persuade.' " In which loss of something greater one rciay relish the critic more in the philo- sopher than in the poet of ' Ninety-eight.' Burke in ' The Idea of a Wife,' written

as the Character of his own wife, on one anniversary of that nobly ordered marriage, has it that

" her eyes have a mild light, but they awe you when she pleases ; they command like a good man out of office, not by authority, but by virtue."

W. F. P. S.

" GOODWILL." The ' Oxford English Dic- tionary ' is sometimes too concise. While adequately defining this substantive in the sense (4 b) in which it is now most commonly used ("goodwill" of a business, &c.), the editor has failed to state that usage in customary -hold tenements (sense 4) from which the commercial use of the word origin- ates, in such a way as to show the natural- ness of the development.

Thomas Fysher of Swynstie in the parish of Holme Cultram, Cumberland, by his will* made provision for his sons William and Bobert (the latter being apparently a minor) :

" Allso I geve my good wyll of my ferme holde after my descess unto Wylliam my son or Robert or the longer liver off them."

This bequest is on similar lines to the will (dated 5 Nov., 1571) of John Heworth of Gateshead, " Quarelman," cited in ' O.E.D.* (though erroneously entered as an instance of the commercial use) :

"I gyue to John Stephen all my quarrel!

geare and my whole interest and good will of

my Quarrell [i.e. quarry]," f

and links up with the quotation from the Early English Text Society's 'Child Mar- riages,' 10, where evidence is given (in a case tried 5 March. 1562, at Bolton-le- Moors, Lancashire) that

"Andrewe Haworthes father did obteyne the

Landlordes goodwill of the Tenement wherein the father of the said distance did dwell, for the young couple to live in."J

It seems safe to construct a provisional definition :

The privilege of a customary tenant to nominate by will a successor to his customary tenement. Local.

This privilege had doubtless become a " right " by the sixteenth century ; and I appeal to your readers for further examples of this testamentary power over land, and for evidence as to its extension in space and

  • Dated 16 Sept., 1544: printed in Transactions

of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archceological Society, New Series, i. (1901) 221.

t ' Wills and Inventories of the Northern Counties ' (Surtees Society, 1835), 352.

} It will be noticed that it is not stated that the child-wife's father " held " it.