Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/378

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [n s. XL MAY s, 1915.

calculate they might go ahead, too, after the questionable fashion of that country, and increase and swell; but have never heard of them since."

Perhaps some American correspondent can supplement Carlyle's ungracious conclusion with some information as to their subsequent history.

A foot-note in 'Frederick' refers to a

"Petition to Parliament, 10th (21st) May, 1733, by Oglethorpe and his Trustees, for 10,000l. to carry over these Salzburgers; which was granted: Tindal's 'Rapin' (London, 1769), xx. 184."

Goethe in writing 'Hermann und Dorothea,' though the period of his poem is placed at the end of the century, used as his source a story in Göcking's 'Vollkommene Emigrationsgeschichte dor aus dem Erzbisthum Salzburg vertriebenen Lutheraner' (Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1734). See Ludwig Geiger's Introduction to vol. ii. of Goethe's 'Werke.'

One of Adolph Menzel's illustrations to Kugler's 'Geschichte Friedrich des Grossen' is a scene from the Salzburger emigration. The costumes, with Menzel's usual care, are copied from contemporary engravings.Edward Bensly.

The reason for these persons being sent to Georgia will be seen on a perusal of the article on James Edward Oglethorpe in the 'D.N.B.' I do not, of course, know their names, but The Gentleman's Magazine for October, 1734, in recording their departure on the 30th of that month, says that they were 56 in number, and had newly arrived from Rotterdam. At the German Church in Trinity Lane the sum of 47l. was collected for them.

The colonizing of Georgia seems to have been carried out not merely on the basis of nationality, but also on that of fitness, for in the March, 1734, number of The Gentleman's Magazine it is stated that the Trustees for the Colony of Georgia had applied money towards the settling of 376 British persons and 115 foreigners. Diego.


(11 S. xi. 188, 288). An Aiistruther celeb- rity is Dr. Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), the strenuous leader of the movement that gave Scotland the Free Church in 1843. Another native of the bur^h, and a fellow- student of Chalmers's at St. Andrews, was William Tennant (1784-1848). Taking a hint from the popular song ' Maggie Lander,' Tennant produced in 1812 ' Anster Fair,' a narrative poem in the TJerni spirit, gracefully pranked with vivid descriptions, and bubbling over with sparkling humour. The poet uses

the octave stanza of Fairfax's ' Tasso," " shut," as he himself says, " with the> Alexandrine of Spenser, that its close may be more full and sounding." Tn this adapta- tion, as well as in the style of his poem,. Tennant anticipated Frere, who published ' Whistlecraft ' in 1817, and stimulated Bvron to the production of ' Beppo ' in 1819^. and 'Don Juan,' 1819-24. Publishing ob- scurely at Anstruther, Tennant, who became Professor of Oriental Languages at St_ Andrews, had difficulty in coming to his own, and to this day his pioneer work does not always get proper recognition. A recent historian of Scottish literature, for- example, ineptly dismisses ' Anster Fair r with the ludicrous criticism that it "is in the ' Don Juan ' metre, far-fetched rhymes and all." This is not as it should be.

Another Anstruther author, with some- distinction as a lyrist, was Capt. Charles Gray, B..N. (1782-1851). He published volumes entitled respectively ' Poems and Songs ' and ' Lays and Lyrics,' one of hi* experiments being a variant on the Jacobite theme * Charlie, he 's my Darling,' which Lady Nairne decisively made her own.

Closely associated in her early years with Aiistruther and its interests, Miss Amy M'Laren, the novelist, has laid in that neigh- bourhood the scenes of her two fresh and engaging books, ' The House of Bamkirk " and ' The Yoke of Silence.' These works were strong and significant preliminaries to ' Bawbee Jock ' and ' Through Other Eyes,' with which the author has since taken a definite pl--ice in the literature of fiction. THOMAS BAYNE.

PRINTERS' WORK (11 S. xi. 301). Your correspondent should get a copy of "Kules; for Compositors and Readers, by Horace- Hart, Printer to the University of Oxford, ' r price (yd. I find this little book most useful in the editorial work in which I am engaged,, but some printers especially local firms are adverse to many of the rules laid down in it. If these are adopted, the printer- with whom one is working should be sup- plied with a copy and its rules strictly followed. H. TAPT.EY-SOPER.. "

City Library, Exeter.

Your correspondent would, I think, find much to assist him in ' Some Notes on Books and Printing,' by Chas. T. Jacobi,. managing partner of the Chiswick Press^ and I shall be pleased to lend him my copy if he will communicate with ine. It seemes to answer all his requirements.