Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/382

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 8. XL MAY s, iws.

one in its vividness and wealth of incident or in the matter of a workmanlike arrangement which makes the whole " hang " of scenes and operations not only moving, but easy to be remembered. Was there ever a more gallant story of daring, quick-wittedness and resource of gaiety, and the stoical endurance of temporary, but most tragic, disaster? The second is ' A Rhodes Scholar in Belgium,' which gives a valuable and detailed sketch of the work of the American Commission for Relief in Belgium, as seen by Mr. F. H. Gailor of New College, Oxford, who has spent the last three months in that country assisting in the administration of relief. The third article is of an interest more entirely unique, being the publication, with a short introduction by Mr. Alexander Carlyle, of a correspondence between Carlyle and Browning, not hitherto printed. The letters seventeen in number bear witness to a degree of friendship between the two men considerably more intimate than is generally known. Their intrinsic value is not small the best parts being Carlyle's criticism of Browning's work, in particular of the Introduction to the forged letters supposed to be Shelley's, and of ' Men and Women ' ; some remarks on Emerson and Margaret Fuller ; and a list of " queries " sent to Browning at Paris, with the "replies" hunted up by Browning at the Library of the Chamber of Peers. Mr. Gilbert Coleridge's ' Thinking in Open Order ' is an instructive sort of essay : and Mr. John Haslette's ' The Veteran,' an angler's story, we found rather delightful. Sir Herbert Stephen has a "comment" on the strictures passed upon Lord Brampton in the last Cornhill by Sir Edward Clarke, who replies by a rejoinder.

A PHOTOGRAVURE reproduction of a newly discovered picture from the collection of Dr. O. Grenberg of the National Museum, Stockholm, is given in The Burlington for May. The picture, an ' Adoration of the Magi,' is ascribed to Rem- brandt, the identity of the models and the general handling making this ascription by Dr. Bredius extremely probable. Mr. Bernard Rackham continues ' A New Chapter in the History of Italian Majolica,' largely with reference to [the theories of Prof, von Falke and the importance of the city of Siena in this branch of art. Mr. R. C. Witt in ' Some Recent Additions to the Dublin Gallery ' discusses and reproduces the noble picture of El Greco, ' St. Francis receiving the Stigmata,' presented to the Gallery by Sir Hugh Lane. The picture is of great importance as probably the most spiritual, and therefore the most characteristic, portrait of the saint that we possess. In ' Notes on Pictures in the Royal Collection ' Sir Lionel Cust discusses the busts of Byron by Thorwaldsen and Bartolini. Mr. Hill continues the notes on Italian medals, mainly referring to a Venetian medal with a bust of Scipione Clusona. Mr. Lethaby concludes his article on ' The Sculptures of the Parthenon ' with a discussion of the very enigmatical fragments that surround the contest of Athena and Poseidon in the West Pediment. He supports Prof. Furtwaengler's theory that these figures were, on the left Cecrops and his daughters, and on the right Erechtheus and his daughters, and suggests that the male and female figures conversing in the right-hand angle are Cephalus and Procris. The association of Cephalus with the dawn thus

synchronizes the action of this pediment with that of the other, likewise at dawn. At the moment represented, Athena had produced her token, the charioteers were dismounting from their cars, and the blast of wind set up by the stroke of Poseidon affects the various draperies of the composition, and unifies the whole. From the little-known collection of Mr. T. W. Jackson at Oxford some further reproductions are supplied by Mr. Tancred Borenius. Prof. Haverfield discusses the ancestry of Albrecht Diirer, and thinks that he came of Magyar stock.

MR. EUGENE McPiKE of Chicago sends us the following :

The H. W. Wilson Co. of White Plains, New York, is contemplating the publication of a bibliography of bibliographies in which may be inserted a chapter or department to enumerate the subjects on which certain libraries or other institutions specialize. There may be included, also, a list of addresses of specialists on certain subjects, who would be willing to give information, or to supply data or make compilations, on mutu- ally satisfactory terms. In a word, the proposed work may contain numerous hints and suggestions to enable searchers to procure all kinds of data, anywhere.

It might seem desirable and ultimately necessary to make such a book of international scope, so far as practicable under the prevailing conditions.

Among others who are interested in the plan is Mr. Geo. W. Lee, of the Boston Co-operative Information Bureau, 147, Milk Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Either he or the publishers would be glad to be informed of any special material, or the names of any others likely to be interested.

"Die Briicke," of Munich, according to last advices, met with financial difficulties, and has been disorganized.

There is, seemingly, a large field of usefulness awaiting an " International Federation for Intercommunication." While several correspon- dence clubs already exist, such as Kosmos of Amsterdam, yet there is none of sufficient size or scope to include, even potentially, the whole range of human knowledge.

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.


MR. THOMAS W. HAND. Thanks for reply anti- cipated at p. 306.

MR. A. C. JONAS. The surname Hogsflesh has been discussed at 10 S. viii. 28, 334, 394 ; ix. 14.

H. S. M. L. Ergophobia, from tpyov, work, and 06os, panic, flight, or fear a word coined, after the pattern of hydrophobia, to be the name of a rather common and deleterious disease.