Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/405

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11 S. XL MAY 22, 1915.



of his now re -erected birthplace. The elder Irnpey had passed away in 1750, and another son, Michael, continued to live in Bradmore House until his death in 1794. All trace of the Impey vault has been lost.

In 1821 Butterwick House (as Bradmore House had come to be called) was sold out of the possession of the Impey family ; a portion was used as a school, and the rest occupied for a time by Hopland, the artist, and his wife Barbara, a popular authoress of her day. Demolition having become necessary, arrangements were recently made by the London General Omnibus Company and the London County Council for the re-erection of the Queen Anne garden-front in every essential detail (with the exception of openings in either wing for the passage of vehicles), together with six stone urns surmounting the fa'cade, which, it may be mentioned has its asjec-t reversed. The panelling and ceiling of the magnificent interior saloon have been replaced, and the wainscot of a smaller room set with other relics up at the Geffrye Museum, Shoreditch.

Arrangements have been made for the public inspection of the building on fixed occasions.

Another London house of many memories, still standing, but doomed to early dis- appearance, is also closely associated with an Anglo -Indian of the august days of Impey Imd Francis. The last house at the Oxford Street end of Park Lane (larger probably than in 1788-95) was the home of Warren" Hastings during the eight or nine anxious years of his long trial, and is now closed preparatory to receiving the attentions of the house-breaker. Here, with his incom- parable second wife, Hastirgs experienced all the alternations of hope and depression (natural to a, man of fine temperament), while dispensing lavish hospitality to a multitude of friends. Through the sedate- looking porch (now boarded up) must have passed much of the beauty and wit of London in the closing years of the eigh teenth century. The sad little garden is still there, but the end is at hand. On looking at the doomed doorway one can easily imagine "haughty Marian" passing from its steps to her chair, the first lady to appear at Court in natural hair sprinkled (so said detractors), " not with powder, but with jewels the spoil of Indian Begums." " God ! how her diamonds flashed on^each unpowdered lock ! " was the exclama- tion of a writer in 'The RolHad : (probably Richard FitzPatr.'ck, friend of Charles Fox). The passing of the porch seems worthy of a note in ' N. & Q.' WILMOT CORFIET.D.

NOTES ON WORDS FOR THE ' N.E.D.* 1 (See 11 S. ix. 105, 227 ; x. 264, 334, 424.)

IT was my purpose in the present collection', to include Bishop Douglas's * Eneados/ written in 1513, and printed forty years later. But Douglas appears to be so prolific that I must give him. a paper by himself. I find, inter alia, a passage in which the 8oKb8- or trdbs of Matt. vii. 4-5 becomes, by a curious transition, nothing less than a ferry-boat !: But this must wait for the present.

1572. ' HEBBES ' (George Gascoigne, printed'

1587 ). Blink-eyed.

Remember Bat, the foolish blink eyed boy

Whych was at Rome. P. 152. Bone to gnaw.

They giue me such a bone to gnaw vpon

That all my senses are in silence pent. P. 158- Double V (the letter now called double U).

See thou exceede not in three double Vs..

The first is wine. P. 155.

Marquis of all beef.

Looking big like Marques of all beefe. P. 154". Mule, Lord Mayor's. [They cannot] pleade a case

more then my Lord Mayors Mule. P. 159.

[Is this found elsewhere ?]

Sand, v. To run aground. This skil he [the Pylot] had for all he set vs sanded. P. 171.

1575. ' FLOWEBS ' (ditto).

Clot, v. (' N.E.D.' 1697). She [i.e. lothsome life]: clotes me with a cough. P. 7.

Geonhole. (What can this be ? )

Hick, Hob, and Dick, with clouts vpon their knee,. Have many times more geonhole grotes in

store And change of crouns more quicke at cal

than hee Which let their lease and take their rent before.

P. 32. Heavy hill, the place of execution.

George (quoth the ludge) now thou art cast Thou must goe hence to heauy hill. P. 2.

2Vo<=know not (I think this occurs in Chaucer).

Saue that I not his name (with marg. explana- tion). P. 56.

Rest, set up one's (' N.E.D.' 1587). My father .... had set vp all his rest, And tosst on seas both day and night, dis- daining ydle rest. P. 45.

1576. ' COMPLAINT ' (the same, 1576).

Chalk, to chop.

If they can Bride it well They maie chop chalke, and take some better

trade. P. 351. Quo( ke = quaked.

She holds no longer hand

But Tyger-like she tooke

The little boie ful boisterouslie,

Who now for terror quooke. P. 338.