Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/409

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11 S. XL MAY 22, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


truth of which has been attested by the Com- missioner of the Yard at Portsmouth, that she be allowed a Pension equal to that granted to Super- annuated Shipwrights."

A corresponding entry occurs in the Navy Board's abstract of Letters, but adds that the petitioner was " commonly called Mrs. Chandler."

Another well -authenticated instance of

  • woman serving at sea is that of Dr.

Commerson's servant on board the Boudeuse, frigate, commanded bv M. de Bougainville, in 1767-8 :

" Uno jeune Bretonne, nommee Barre", qui 1 avait suivi en qualite" de domestique, habillee en homme, le secondait avec beaucoup dMntelligence dans ses herborisations. C'est la premiere femme qui ait fait le tour du monde ; son sexe, ignored .lusqu'alors du reste de 1'^quipage, fut reconnu si Taiti par les insulaires." ' Biographic Uriiver- -selle, art. ' Commerson,' p. 689.

Many other instances of the kind have been made known ; but the above tw r o are, per- haps, among the most remarkable.



THE FIRST EARL OF MAXSFIELD AND LORD FOLEY. According to the ' Diet. Nat. Biog.' xxxix. 410, Thomas Foley, afterwards second Baron Foley, was among William Murray's Contemporaries and friends at Westminster, and " furnished him with the means of adopting the law as a profession instead of the church."

Neither the first Baron Foley nor the second Baron was at school with Murray, who left in 1723. Thomas, the first Baron, was admitted to Westminster in 1724, and his son Thomas, the second Baron, in 1753.

G. F. R. B.

WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

CAMPBELL AND POLIGNAC. (See 6 S. iv. 494.) Your correspondent D. F. C.'s in- teresting reply states that Barbara Campbell, second daughter of Duncan Campbell of Ardneave, Islay, was married to Count, afterwards Prince, de Polignac in the year 1816, and that her elder sister, Jane Camp- bell, married the Hon. Archibald Macdonald, third son of Lord Macdonald of Slate, in 1802. Can any one kindly say whom Duncan Campbell of Ardneave married, and state the names of his parents ?


"THE WOOLPACK " AT BANSTEAD. In the village of Banstead in Surrey there stands an old inn called " The Woolpark." On its signboard there is painted a woolpa-k with the words, " No. 79." Why was this number thus painted ? The house is, I should think, at least 200 or 250 years old, and the landlord told me that he had heard a story to the effect that when, a good many years ago, a former landlord came to shear his flock of sheep, which roamed upon Bansteid Downs hard by, the product amounted to seventy-nine packs of wool, which fact he decided to record on the sign- board of the inn for the benefit of all future generations. This story may, of course, have been invented to explain the fact of the number having been painted on the sign of the inn. Can any of your readers throw any light upon this matter, which is certainly curious ? BARRISTER.

MTJ.NGO CAMPTJELL. Looking over a copy of the sale catalogue of the library of James Maidmerit, which was sold in Edinburgh in 18SO, 1 rioted, item 3588, "Trial of Mungo Campbell for murder of the Earl of Eglinton, with relative pamphlets portrait London, I"/ 00." The British Museum has not a copy of this edition. I should be glad to learn of the existence of a copy of this 1 790 pamphlet.

1 am specially anxious to find Campbell's portrait. R. M. HOGG.

Irvine, Ayrshire.

HERALDIC QUERY. I am anxious to identify the following shield of arms : Quarterly, 1 and 4, Or, a chief indented azure ;

2 and 3^ Gules, three covered cups or^ im- paling Argent, a lion passant gules over two crescents of the last. P. M.

x or ST. CHAD. Could any reader tell me the date (Old Style) of the annual pre-Reformation services held in commemoration of the death of St. Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, and also of St. Cedda called his brother ?

The date of St. Chad's Day in our Refor- mation calendar is 2 March, New Style. This, I understand, is not the date of death nor that of the canonization, but the date of the translation to Lichfield. There w r ere various, one might say numerous, Saxon churches dedicated in the name of this saint. That, for instance, at Caddington or Caddaton, was, I surmise, so dedicated in Saxon times. It is now "All Saints'" altered at the Reformation, probably.