Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/418

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. XL MAY 22, 1915.

Heraldica ' (1822), states that it was by Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarencieux, but gives no further reference. Presumably, therefore, it is the same as No. 4 in my second list above, and to be found in the College of Arms. Moule also refers to MS. Collections for Oxfordshire, chiefly genealogical, in the possession of the late Sir Thomas Philliprs, Bart., of Middle Hill, Broadway, Worcester- shire.

I do not know of any general county histor\' of Oxfordshire that would be likely to help your correspondent, but there are several "collections" of Oxfordshire an- tiquities made by various persons that he might consult in particular, Anthony a Wood's valuable collections for Oxfordshire in the Ashmolean Library at Oxford.

J. S. UDAL, F.S.A.

FRANCESCO MARIA, CARDINAL DE MEDICI, CIRCA 1700 (11 S. xi. 4P, 341). Francesco Maria de' Medici, 1661-1711, was the third son of Cosimo III., Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1670 to 1723. Cosimo 's two other sons were childless, and anxiety was felt about the succession, a circumstance men- tioned by Addison in the account of Florence in his ' Remarks on. Italy,' 1705 :

"The great prince [the eldest son, Ferdinando] has been married several years without any children; and notwithstanding all the precautions in the world were taken for the marriage of the prince his younger brother (as the finding out of a lady for him who was in the vigour and flower of her age, and had given marks of her fruitfulness by a former husband), they have all hitherto proved unsuc- cessful."

Finally, a Papal dispensation was obtained for the Cardinal, and in 1709 he married Eleanora Gonzaga, daughter of Duke Vin- cenzio of Guastella and Sabionetta, The princess, however, is said to have taken an incurable dislike at sight for the stout elderly bridegroom. He died of dropsy in 1711. Cosimo was succeeded in 1723 by his second son, Giovanni Gastone, on whose death in 1737 the house of Meclici came to an end. EDWARD BENSLY.

^ In Mign^'s ' Dictionnaire des Cardinaux ' (' Encyclopedic Theologique,' tome xxxi.) it is stated that this cardinal was born 15 Nov., 1660. He was given the cardinal's hat by Innocent XII. on 2 Sept., 1686. He was with Philip V. of Spain at his entering into Naples in May, 1702, and was appointed protector of the affairs of France and Spain in 1703. He returned his cardinal's hat

nto the Pope's hands at a consistory held 19 June, 1709, and on the following 14 July

married Eleanor de Gonzague, daughter of the Duke of Guastalla.

He died without issue on 3 Feb., 1711, in his 51st year. His widow died at Padua in 1742, aged 56. X.

ALEPPO: TILLY KETTLE (11 S. xi. 249,. 254, 27). Answering MRS. LAVINGTON, I think there is no record of Tilly Kettle in. the cemetery or consular documents. Many of the tombstones are now illegible ; docu- ments might reveal something.

I am glad of MR. ABBOTT'S confirmations of my notes. The matter demands more- detailed investigation. Dates of consular appointments in former times would be- some six months or more before the period of the several Consuls taking up their post ; i.e., the date in the London Court would not be the same as in Aleppo. Acting appoint- ments confuse the series. The spelling of surnames is of course very arbitrary at the- period, but I think my spelling, founded on another list made some years ago by the Rev- Dr. Christie, is probably the most correct- As an example of spelling take the following r

" At a Court houlden in Cane burgall ye" 29 of June, 1616, present Bartholomew Lyaggatt, Consul."

Charles Smith may not have survived" into the troublous times of the first years of the nineteenth century, when the Consulate- seems to have been suspended, but I am under the impression (judging from his tombstone) that Michael de Vezin was only acting Consul in 1788 and 1791, as he died in Cyprus in 1792, after fourteen years' ser- vice ("in Alepam et Cyprum ").

I do not understand what MR. ABBOTT- means by the statement that the Consulate- "was abolished" in 1826. He will find amongst the papers at the Public Record Office the original order sent out to the Consul to transfer his services from the Worshipful Levant Company to the Foreign Office. GEO. JEFFERY, F.S.A.


'THE DUEL,' BY ROSA BONHEUR (11 S. x. 450). This picture was exhibited at the Irish International Exhibition, 1907, lent by Messrs. L. H. Lefevre & Son.


TUBULAR BELLS IN CHURCH STEEPLES (US. xi. 250, 307). Tubular bells are in the tower of St. Barnabas' Church, Oxford,, which was built 1869 or 1870; but when the- bells were placed there I do not know,, certainly before 1890.