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n s. xi. MAY 29, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


references to examples of the usage in authors of reputation, especially scholars and experts in literary style. Examples from newspapers or light current novels are not wanted, but examples from standard novels would be welcome These, however, should not be taken from the dialogue.

I have found the following : Two in letters of Bishop Francis Paget, printed in Life (Macmillan & Co., 1912), pp. 147, 149, respectively : "Of course one has to work on & on & on .... & it is right that one should have to." " One who knew Browning better that I can claim to." One in ' The Brush- wood Boy,' by Rudyard Kipling (Macmillan <fe Co., 1910), p. 41. "He never dreamed abou 1 ; the regiment as he was popularly supposed to." One in letter by Archbishop Benson, printed in ' Hugh : Memoirs of a Brother ' (Smith & Elder 1915), p. 66 : " How was it your bedmaker had not your room well warmed . . . . ? She ought to have had, and should be spoken to about it i.e., unless you told her not to."


[This question is treated in the ' N.E.D ,' s. "To," 21. The use is said to be rare before the nineteenth ceutury, and now a frequent colloquialism. The writers quoted for it in the nineteenth century are only Hurrell Froude, Ho wells, and Marion Crawford.]

' REMEDIES AGAINST DISCONTENTMENT,' 1596. I am anxious to see the above book, and should be grateful for any information which might enable me to discover where a copy of it exists.

1. It is referred to by Edward Arber in his ' A Harmony of the Essays, &c., of Francis Bacon,' on pp. ix. and x. of the Prologue, as follows :

"... .a book. . . .for the inspection of which we are indebted to that beneficent friend of this Series, Henry Pyne, Esq. entitled ' Remedies against Discontentment, drawen into several! Discourses from the writinges of auncient Philo- sophers. By Anonymous. London. Printed for Rafe Blower. An. Do. 1596.' It was registered

at Stationers' Hall on 2 June, 1596 'The

Discourses conteyned in this Booke are as follows : 1. How wee ought to prepare ourselves against Passions. 2. Of the choice of affaires. 3. Of foresight. 4. Of the vocation of every man. 5. Howe wee ought to rule our life. 6. Of the diversitie of mens actions. 7. Of the choice of friends. 8. Of dissembling. 9. Of Vanitie. 10. Of Prosperitie. 11. A Comparison of our own estate, with the fortune of other men. 12. Of adversitie. 13. Of Sorrowe. 14. Of the affliction of good men. 15. Of other mens faultes. 16. Of iniuries, wrongs, and disgraces. 17. Of pouertie. 18. Of Death.' " .

2. Watt's ' Bibliotheca Britannica ' (123, k) refers to it under its printer's name :

" Blower, Ralph. . . .By him were printed. . . . Remedies against Discontentmet, drawen into severall Discourses, from the writinges of auncient Philosophers. By Anonymous. Lond. 1596. 16mo."

3. Mr. Henry Pyne's library was sold in July, 1886, by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Lot No. 996 was bought by Sotheran. This is described in the auctioneers' cata- logue as follows :

" Remedies against Discontentment. By Anon., headlines cut, morocco extra, g.e. Rafe Blower, 1596." GWENDOLEN MUBPHY.

66, Hermon Hill, Snaresbrook, N.E.

CROMWELL'S IRONSIDES. (11 S. xi. 181, 257, 304, 342, 383, 404.)


RALPH, FIBST BABON HOPTON OF STBATTON, with his friend the famous Sir Bevil Gren- vile, inflicted a sanguinary defeat upon the rebels at Stratton, early in 1643. He was a singularly noble gentl^m?n, honoured even by his enemies (se? Waller's touching letter to him in Clarendon, ' State Papers,' vol. ii.) but S. R. Gardiner has endeavoured to cast a slur upon the origin of his peerage. Sir Bevil received a warrant for an earldom after the Cornish army's victory at Strat- ton, and, though he did riot live to receive the formal grant, his daughters were always allowed the rank and precedence of an earl's daughters. Gardiner, after describing a " quarrel " between Prince Rupert and Lord Hertford, over the question whether Hopton was to be governor of Bristol when the town was captured, at the end of July, 1643. states that the quarrel was compromised by Hopton offering " to accept the post to which Hertford had named him, as Lieutenant-Go vernor under the Prince, and [King] Charles, on the transparent pretext of needing Hopton's counsels, carried him to Oxford, and not long afterwards raised him to the peerage."

Not unnaturally, the writer of Hopton's life in the ' D.N.B.' adds that the King wrote to Hopton that

" he intended to testify his acknowledgment of Hopton's services 'by some real testimony ot our favour' (Clarendon MS. 1738, 4, f. 12). Accordingly, on 4 Sept., 1043, Hopton was created a baron by the title of Lord Hopton of Stratton," &c.