Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/454

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. xi. JraE 5, 19,5.

considering "watry" as the misprint the "in civility" of the stream consisting not in its " watriness," but in lumpy rocks of its bed.

The discussion of differences between the 1648 text and that of poems in MS. or printed other- where is brief, capable, and, to the student of poetic method, very instructive. It affords some few instances where the touch of the tile seems otiose, or even perhaps unfortunate, as well as the more numerous instances of its obvious usefulness. Pre- ceding the discussion is a full list of all the MSS. and printed books which constitute the whole original text of Herrick as he himself may have known it. The variants are given for the most part in a Critical Appendix, which is followed by an index of titles and one of first lines.

We have probably here the definitive text of Herrick, and are glad to congratulate both the editor and the publishers upon it.

WE must confess to having found the June Fort- nightly heavy reading. Not ours, however, to dis- cuss the high matters of war and policy : out of the sixteen papers composing the number, five may be mentioned as more or less within our scope. The one we enjoyed most was Mr. R. Crozier Long's 'Soldiers: a Letter from Poland.' This is a con- 'fused, abruptly touched-in mass of detail about the Russian peasant soldier, which, in the end, leaves an impression of having, however superficially, companied with him strange being that he is, with his childlike notions of possibility, and of cause and effect. Mrs. Stopes, in ' Shakespeare and War, ' gives a lively and charming view of what may have of what, in a great degree, we are justified in saying must have been Shakespeare's data for imagining war and the effects of war on individuals. She gives the reasons inclining her to think it likely that Shakespeare had been to sea, and that this took place in the days of the Armada. Would we knew it was so ! Mr. Edwin Evans has a good paper on Scriabin ; and there is an unsigned dialogue entitled ' The Greek Testament,' which runs down to the conclusion, fortified by Balzac and M. Maurice Barres, that there probably is something in Christianity after all. To end with the war : Mr. A. C. Dunstan describes his escape from Germany at the beginning of hostilities, making a tale of it which, if it drags a tedious length in many places, no doubt by that very fact renders the truth the more exactly, while it is conspicuously temperate in tone, and so ensures their full weight to the instances given of brutality on the part of the Germans.

The Nineteenth Century prints a rejoinder from Dr. Mercier, on the subject of ' Science and Logic,' to his critics Dr. Thomson and Mr. Shelton. Mr. D. S. MacColl discusses the ' Future of the National and Tate Galleries,' in an article of which an in- teresting feature is his estimate of the worthy as compared with the less worthy members of the great national collection. His suggestions are well worth consideration, especially that for the founda- tion, when the war is over, of a Modern Foreign Gallery. Sir Henry Blake's resume of the history of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem is a useful piece of work. Mr. Joseph McCabe, in ' The Evo- lution of Imperialism in German Literature, 'deals briefly and capably with a great mass of stodgy facts, which may well be carefully considered by English readers, and particularly those who are

inclined to make facile excuses on behalf of the German people. Sir Horace Plunkett has an un- commonly interesting article on an uncommonly interesting man in ' McCarthy of Wisconsin/ A good historical study is Mr. Ellis Barker's 'Frederick the Great and William II.' The rest of the number is devoted to questions arising directly out of the present European situation, the place of honour being given to Prof. J. H. Morgan's German Atrocities in France,' and Mr. Nolan's 'Report of Lord Bryce's Committee,' put together under the heading ' A Dishonoured Army.'

The Cornhill Magazine for June begins with a group of four articles which, in different ways, commemorate the centenary of Waterloo. The two which will most commend themselves to our readers are the first, ' Waterloo,' by our valued corre- spondent Sir Herbert Maxwell a discussion of the question whether Wellington was taken by surprise by Napoleon's manner of invading Belgium, and of the behaviour in the battle of the Dutch-Belgian troops; and the third, Col. Mackenzie's 'The Original Thomas Atkins,' where the facts about Gunner Atkins and his accounts are given in a form worth preserving by those interested in the matter. Mr. Boyd Cable gives us in ' The Advanced Trenches the first of a set of papers called ' Be- tween the Lines,' describing what may thus be read in official dispatches from the front. Lord Brampton finds a champion in his kinsman Anthony Hope," to whom Sir Edward Clarl e makes his rejoinder. We may also mention an attractive piece of verse by Mr. Hilton Young, M.P who is serving with the Grand Fleet.

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M. For St. Thomas's Church, Regent Street, see ante p. 65 a note by MR. ALECK ABRAHAMS.

CORRIGENDUM. Ante, p. 416, col. 1, 1. 35, for "sita" read ista.