Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/471

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11 8. XL JUNE ]2, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Nancy Dawson.' This was for a long time the most popular air of the day. She seems to have retired into private life in 1763, and died at Haverstock Hill on 25 May, 1767. ARCHIBALD SPARKE, F.R.S.L.

I have a faint recollection of the beginning of a song " Nancy Dawson is so fine " (c. 1840). J. T. F.


This popular favourite seems to have made her first appearance 23 Sept., 1760, at Drury Lane Theatre. She died at Hampstead, 26 May, 1767, and was interred In the burial-ground of St. George the Martyr behind the Foundling Hospital. She was famous for a hornpipe which went to the tune to which children sing " Here we go round the mulberry bush." There are mezzotint portraits of her by Watson and Sayer. WM. DOUGLAS.

125, Helix Road, Brixton Hill, S.W.

A brief biography of this famous hornpipe dancer of Covent Garden will be found in vol. ii. of ' The Romance of London,' by John Timbs. . WILLOUGHBY MAYCOCK.

There is a good account of this famous dancer in the ' D. N. B. ; and N. & Q.' contains a great deal of information about her (2 S. x. 110, 126, 195 ; 3 S. ix. 140 ; x. 470 ; 5 S. v. 323, 356, 416 ; 6 S. iv. 205 ; viii. 367 ; 7 S. ix. 496). Other references will be. found in Gentleman's Magazine (1761), p. 330, (1829) p. 228 ; Lowndes's ' Biblio- grapher's Manual,' p. 604 ; J. Chaloner Smith's ' British Mezzotinto Portraits,' pp. 717, 1339, 1504, 1762 ; Evans's ' Cat. of Portraits,' p. 93 ; Monthly Review, xxiii. 327 ; ' The Court of Cupid,' Edward Thomp- son, i. 24, 25 ; ' London, Past and Present,' Wheatley and Cunningham, ii- 102 ; Town and Country Magazim, viii. 588-9. A notice of her funeral appeared in The Public Advertiser on 16 June, 1767. I have no doubt that the theatrical advertisements in contemporary newspapers, which so often supplement the details given in Genest's ' English Stage,' contain much information with regard to her professional career.


W. H. DUIGNAN : BIBLIOGRAPHY (11 S. xi. 373). To this careful bibliography should be added a paper on ' Some Midland Place Names,' read a^ a meeting of the Birmingham, Archaeological Society on 14 Nov., 1894, and published in vol. xx. of the Society's Transactions.


AUTHORS WANTED (11 S. xi. 379). The following lines were quoted to me at the time as having been spoken in a performance by undergraduates at Oxford in 1869, 1870, or 1871 :

I never had a slice of toast, No crust, and more than usually wide, But it was sure to fall from me, And always on the buttery side.

J. J. FREEMAN. Shepperton-on-Thames.

(11 S. xi. 401.) London Bridge is broken down. See " Chronicles of London Bridge, by an Antiquary," London, 1827, where reference is made to Ritson's ' Gammer Gurtons Garland,' and The Gentleman's Magazine for September, 1823. J. F. R.

[A fuller reply to the query will appear in our next issue.]

ROSES A CAUSE OF COLDS AND SNEEZING (US. xi. 280, 369). The story which MR. J. J. HUNTER JOHNSTON read " somewhere " of a number of men being killed by the fumes from a burst barrel of otto of roses may be confidently dismissed as untrue. Otto is not imported in barrels, but in small glass bottles or vases it is said to come occasion- ally in tin bottles of from 1 Ib. to 10 Ib. capacity, but I have never seen any of these and the price is such as to forbid large packages. Last year it was quoted on arrival at from 35s. to 40s. per ounce, which was less than usual, the crop having been an exceptionally heavy one. Roses, even in the East, yield so little otto about 0'04 per cent of the bulk distilled, I believe that the scent of the growing flowers can hardly, in itself, be injurious to the most sensitive person. Von Maltzan (quoted in * Pharmaco- graphia') says that thirty pounds of Tunis roses, which are extremely fragrant, yield a drachm and a half of otto (say ninety drops), the value of which was then (1870) 15s.

C. C. B.

MACAULAY'S ' LORD BACON ' (11 S. xi. 418). 1. MR. WHEELER will find the Latin, words applied to Sir Nicholas Bacon in any com- plete edition of George Buchanan's poems, in the ' Miscellaneorum Liber I.' The poem is entitled ' Kpitaphium Nicolai Baconi Procancellarii Angliae,' and begins :

Hie Nicolaum ne Baconem conditum Existima ilium tarn diu Britannici Regni secundum columen, exitium malis, Bonis asylum. Vol. ii. p. 401, Amsterdam (Wettstein) edition.