Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/478

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NOTES AND QUERIES. tii s. XL J E 19, im.

The following is a list of all that occur :


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On diabsalma, i.e., diapsalma, cf. K. Meyer ('Hibernica Minora, Oxford, 1894, pp. 89, 96). This capricious suspension may be seen on ff. 2a, 16b, 17a, 18b, 19ab, 21a, <fec. Moran's note (Atlantis, ix. p. 74) is curious :

" In the margin is written theAvord diabolus [!], probably meaning that the sacred text here figuratively portrayed the triumph of Cnrist over Satan."

Comment is needless.




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Our MS. would appear to be the earliest Irish Psalter in existence, for the so-called Psalter of St. Salaberga, once believed to have been written in Ireland in the seventh century, is now held to be not earlier than the eighth and to be of Northumbrian origin (New Pal. Soc., Second Series, 1914, plates 33-35). As for the ' Psalter of St. Caim'n,' I have shown (Proc. R. Irish Acad., 32, C. 5, 1913) that it dates from the end of the eleventh or the early twelfth century, M. ESPOSITO.


(See 2 S. xi. 47; 3 S. i. 267; 7 S. v. 7, 51, 145; 8 S. v. 407, 470; vi. 92, 138, 249, 333; ix. 213 ; 9 S. ii. 65, 198 ; viii. 202; 10 S. x. 491 ; 11 S. ii. 322, 371, 454, 508; iii. 187, 230, 241, 315, 385, 429, 473; iv. 138, 176, 499; vi. 398; ix. 219; x. 168, 347.)


IN this building, over the pillars of the marble quadrangles, were statues of our sovereigns from Edward the Confessor to

Elizabeth those of James I., Charles I., and Charles II. being added later. After the exe- cution of Charles I. all emblems of royalty