Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/518

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915.

Browne and'Angell families, 172, 250 Browne (Sir Thomas), an analogy to, 1, 96 Brunswick (Charles, Duke of), a book on, 1875,


Bucks, Order of, Christian Freemasonry, 263 Bull, snow-white, bred for Druid sacrifices, 90,

138 Bulkeley (Sir R.), Bart., of Ireland and Surrey,

c. 1705, 494

Bulkley (Mrs. Mary), actress, c. 1759, 432, 498 Bumblepuppv game, meaning of the word, 342,


Bunbury (Selina), author, references to, 417 Burial customs of New Orleans, 1, 96 Burke (Edmund), his wife's religion, 319 ; on the

ideal woman, 358 Burton (Edward), 1794-1836, bibliography of his

works, 169 Burton (Sir Richard), his Archdeacon grandfather,

425 Business house, the oldest in London, 69, 137,

147 Butler, the name in registers of Bucks and Oxon,

382 Butler. See Bolder.

' Cadiz ilustrada,' 1690. note from, 293 Cse.sar (Julius) and Old Ford, 190, 289, 406, 476 Caius or Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge,

127 Cakestand, silver, 1712, motto, " Remember,"


Calcutta, statues and memorials in, 450 Cambridge : ' Directorium Sacerdotum,' 1503,

293 Camden (W.), his pupils at Westminster School,


Campbell (Rear-Admiral Donald), d. c. 1817, 401 Campbell (Mungo), pamphlet on " Trial of," 1790,

399, 476 Campbell (Sir Neil), his ' Napoleon at Fontaine-

bleau and Elba,' 209 Campbell and Polignac families, 399 Canada, the " Dominion " of, origin of the word,


Canadian medal, " Beaver Club," 1785, 341 Cannel or kennel coal, toys made of, 1745, 472 Cannon (Richard), his regimental histories,

280 Canterburv, monks of Christ Church, 1207-1527,


Canute. See Recamdo. " Captain Lieutenant," in the Foot Guards, 187,

337 Carpenter (Margaret), her portrait of R. Ranken

1846, 249 Carr (Dr. J.) = Mary Dacre, of Hertford, c. 1792,

267 Carthusian Priories, fourteenth and fifteenth

centuries, 293

Castalio, character in an old play, 320, 409 " Castles in Spain," in ' Philosophia Pauperum,'

293 Cat, engraving in ' Albumasaris Flores Astro-

logiaB,' 293

Catechist at Oxford, 1634-78, his duties, 174 Catesby (Robert), jun., b. 1595, 36 Cathedrals of Soissons and Laon, 81 Catherine of Arragon and defence of indulgences,


Cattle, goats kept with, 452, 500

Caxton (William) and Bishop Douglas, 1513, 46

Chalmers (James), memorial to, Thursday Island,.

25, 476 Champaigne (Pierre de), Esquire, tracts by, 1509,.


Chantries, maintained by old Guilds, 322, 443 Chaplains, English, at Aleppo, 201, 289, 388 Chapman (George) and Prologue to Marston's.

' Eastward Hoe,' 5 fc***

Chapman (Thomas), 1670-1731, of Putney, 69?

= Elizabeth Tyson, c. 1710, 251 Chapter of Denain, armorial bearings of, 321 Chapter of Maubeuge, armorial bearings of, 321 Charles I., engraving on coin, 1642, 293 Charles II., statue at the Royal Exchange, 30,.

114; and T. Rosewell, minister, 293 Charles V. (Emperor), autobiography of, 454 Charles Edward (Prince), his English, 491 Charlett (Dr. Arthur), anecdote, 1764, 294 Charms against toothache and waterspout, 294 Charters relating to land at Holborn belonging^

to Malmesbury Abbey, 488 Chesapeake and Shannon, song, 454, 500 Cheese, allusion to smell of, 1669, 294"; " a,

foreign luxury " in Ireland, c. 1750, 472 Cherokees, derivation of the word, 294 Chess, remarks on Persian game, 1767, 294 ' Chickseed without Chickweed,' reading book, 92 Chimneys, invention to prevent smoking, 1663.


" China to Peru," use of the phrase, 6 Chippenham, weekly lectures at, 1590, 294 " Chopin," pronunciation of the name, 168, 217 Chostwick. See Gostivick. Christ Church, Oxford, Catechist at,. 1634-78,.

174 Christian names : Thirmuthis, 17, 75 ; in parish

registers, Walton-in-Gordano, 489 Church of England, the Bishops of, and University

degrees, 381

" Church of England " or " Episcopalian," 28 Church music, organ-voluntary, 1640, 294 Church, Preston Parish, the dedication of, 362 r 422: Church, standing and sitting in, 1696, 414 Church, Stoke Poges, picture of r 494 Churches, use of tubular bells, 250, 307, 408-


Churchwarden, a black man as r 1676-7, 298 Cirencester, booksellers and printers of, 141 Cistern of lead, 1736, original owner of, 321 Clarendon (E. Hyde, Earl of), his MSS., 1727, 294 Clarke (Capt. R.), Royal Reg, Artillery, d. 1793,.


Clay (Ann) = William Cobbett, 1791, 489 Claymore, the right to wear the, 392 Clerical Directories from 1817, 109, 158, 199 Cliffe, Kent, Rector of, temp. Edward IV.,. 294 Clock, hands called " fingers," 188, 255 Clocks and clockmakers, 33 Clonfert, Diocese of, schools established,. 1785,.


Clovis, place of his baptism, 19 ' Clubs of London,' 1828, 71, 474 " Clyst," the meaning of, in place-names, 361,.


Coaches, fares in 1663, 294 Cobbett (W.)=Ann Clay, 1791, 489 Cobbold (Elizabeth), her descent from Edmundi

Waller, 109, 173, 257, 325 " Cock," " cockboat," from ' Foreign Account

Roll,' 1420, 429 Cockburn, meaning of the surname r 188, 258