Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/524

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915,

Larnaca, English tombstones in, 263, 499 Larwood (Jacob), pseudonym of L. E. Sadler, 77,

111, 178

Latin grace, " Benedictus benedicat," 149, 192 Latin inscription on a bishop, " Monument um

poni curavit," 53, 173

Laugher, derivation of the surname, 147, 237, 370 Law ( ) and Archbishop Spottiswood, their

letter to James I., 129

Law relating to garments to be worn, 1736, 226 Lawrence (Sir H. Montgomery), work by, 1872,

381 Lawrence (T.) his portrait of Madame Thiebault,


Lay Reader licensed in 1621, 376 Lead cistern, 1736, original owner of, 321 Leek, badge of the Welsh Guards, 206 Legends, medallic, the source of, 12, 73, 270 Leitens, firm of London merchants, 1698, 210 Lemoine (Lieut.-Col. E.)> Royal Reg. Artillery,

retired 1804, 130 Leominster, pronunciation of the place-name,

277 Letter-paper, black-edged, first use of, 34, 91,

133 Levant Company in Cyprus, records of, 222, 241,

263, 499 Lewis (Lieut.-General G.), Royal Reg. Artillery,

d. 1828, 130

Lewis (John), Etonian, 1759, 29, 154 Lichfield Cathedral, arms in windows, 12 ; Paget

heraldry in, 230

' Life,' poem recited by Clifford Harrison, 210 Lilburne (John), notes on his life, 1645, 376 ;

Edward Peacock on, 417

Lincoln Cathedral, customs of, 1195-1205, 376 Lincoln, Taxation of, 1291, 149 Lindsay (Capt. G-.), Royal Reg. Artillery, retired

1804, 131

Lintot (Henry), his mother's surname, 400 " Lion and Unicorn," signification of, 417 Lion with rose in heraldry, 170, 217 Lismore, ruined state of Cathedral, 1655, 376 " Little Germany," London, origin of the name,


Livy, fighting order of the Roman legion, 379 Llewelyn ap Rees ap Grono, 1359, witness to a

charter, 195

Lloyd (David), Welsh bard, his poems, 322 Loan, public, repudiation of, 1840, 452 " Lobsters "= Cuirassiers, term used c. 1640, 304,


Locks on rivers and canals, 147, 194, 257 Lombard merchants in Botolph Lane, c. 1840, 8 London : Lombard merchants in Botolph Lane,

c. 1480, 8 ; Regent Circus, 14, 51, 98, 155, 198 ;

413 and 414, Strand, 24 ; Mercers' Chapel, 28,

94, 175 ; Gymnasia in 1826, 44 ; books on, 47 ;

inhabitants of Crooked Lane, 56, 93, 137, 348,

456 ; St. Thomas's Church, Regent Street, 65 ;

Tichborne Street, 67, 155 ; oldest business

house in, 69, 137, 147 ; Mortimer's Market,

Tottenham Court Road, 87, 287 ; Piccadilly

Circus, 98, 136, 155, 198 ; vanishing landmarks,

166, 394, 490 ; Ballard's Lane, Finchley, 210,

384 ; spas, baths, and wells, 247, 369 ; allusion

to figures that strike the quarters, 1604, 376 ;

deaths outnumber births in 1622, 376 ; " Little

Germany," origin of the name, 416 London M.P.'s, Love and Tenison, 1661, 473 London Scottish regiment, forerunner of, 186, 271 Longnor Churchyard, epitaphs in, 490 Lonsdale (James John), barrister, b. 1810, 492

Lonsdale (Richard T.), artist, 1827, 473

Loraine family, 106

Lord, use of the title, 58, 116

Love, M.P. for London, 1661, 473

Lovekin (John) and St. Michael's, Crooked Lane,

1366, 348, 456 Lucknow commemoration dinners, the last of,


" Lutheran," use of the word, 87, 153 Luzzato (Dr.), Italian physician, c. 1750, 380 Lydgate, his lines on " thre crownys," 149 Lynde (W.), Vicar of Wombourne, 1555, 49 Lyne-Stephens family, the arms of, 280 Lytton (Bulwer), his ' Ernest Maltravers,' 265


Macaulay (Lord), and Newman, 341 ; his ' Lord

Bacon,' 418, 461

Macaulay (Zachary), his marriage, 1799, 360 MacBride family, 266, 345 McDonnell (M.), editor of ' The Telegraph,*

c. 1790, 360

Mace of the Commonwealth, its whereabouts, 474 McGowan (John), publisher, 1825, 58 Maidstone, Latin schoolmaster bound for New

England, 1635, 376 Maldon Abbey, Essex, Henry, abbot c. 1200, 376 Maler or Mahler family, the arms of, 280, 366 Malta, the flag of the Knights cf, 359, 439, 481 Malta, Bishop of, as Brigadier-General, 1915, 380 Mankinholes, family and place name, 267, 369 Manning (Rev. C.), c. 1750, his family, 280,


Mansfield (first Earl of) and Lord Foley, 399 Manuscripts, service-books used as cartridges, 376 Maps of Lancaster prior to 1800, 69 Marching tunes, old Irish, 75, 459 Markle Hill, Hereford, English naturalists on,

1570, 90, 151 Marks used for reference to foot-notes, 471 Marmalade, advertisement of, 1815, 300 Marriage customs of Huguenots, 106 Marsack family, 115, 148

  • Marseillaise,' English rendering of, 64 ; full text

of, 165 Marsh (Charles), his ' Clubs of London,' 1828, 71,

474 Marston (John), his ' Eastward Hoe,' 1605, author

of prologue, 5 Marybone Lane and Swallow Street, 210, 258,

325, 410, 497 Masson (Capt. T.), Royal Reg. Artillery, retired

1811, 151 " Masters of the cittie," meaning of the phrase,

266, 348 Maubeuge, armorial bearings cf the Chapter of,


Maxai (Petrus), his stay at Canterbury, 1632, 249 May Day and chimneysweeps in London, 376 Meakin (Miss), quotation from her ' Russia,' 246 M6daille Militaire, regulations for bestowing, 246,

326 Medal : of George III., 1788, 88, 135 ; Canadian,

" Beaver Club," 1785, 341 ; naked child holding

torch, 1858, 341, 422 ; with Hebrew inscription,


Medallic legends, the source of, 12, 73, 270 Medals commemorating Massacre of St. Bartholo- mew, 168, 211 Medhop family, 299