Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/530

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915.

Stockholders, India, stars in lists of, 168, 235

Stoke Poges, picture of the church, 494

Stones from Barbados used for filtering, 229, 310

Stones used to staunch blood, 410, 475

Strand, 413 and 414, seventeenth -century houses,


Strasburg, view of the city, 1613, 414 Street-names : Ballard's Lane, Finchley, 210, 384 ;

Dublin, changes in, 416 ; Mary bone Lane,

210, 258, 325, 410, 497 ; Senrab Street, 167 Strong (Rev. C.), c. 1835, his sonnets, 472 Struth (Sir W. J.), his wife who d. 1850, 170 Stuart (John) and two eighteenth - century

pamphlets, 432

" Subinnuit," use of the word, 381 Sumner, Field, Day, and Whitton families, 150 Sumptuary law in 1736, 226 " Surboches," word used for Prussians, 246

Surnames :

Barlow, 30, 78 Cockburn, 188, 258 Dyngildangyl, 414 Fortnum,341,477 God-save-our-ladies, 414 Hemborow, 360, 443 Horncastle, 362, 476 Inglesant, 278

Kay and Key, 90, 127, 136, 176, 235 Laugher, 147, 237, 370 Makeman, 414 Mankinholes, 267, 369 Munday, 402, 482 Newman, 281 Peaceable, 207 Pavlova, 36

Sherren, Sherwyn, 250, 366 Swetewilkin, 414 Tickell, 414

Physiological surnames, 147, 237, 370 Surnames in parish registers, Wulton-in-Gordano,


Surnames taken from the Act of Indemnity,

1717, 415 Surteos (R. S.), his ' Handler Cross ' 1843 and

1854, 30 Swallow Street and Marybone Lane, 210, 258,

325, 410, 497

Swedeiiborgians and William Blake, 276 Swift (Dean), his relationship to Dryden, 191, 257 Swinburne (A. C.), his ' Erechtheus,' 377 Swinburne (Philip and Mary), 1779, their family,


Tailor's hell, meaning of the term, 116 ' Tale of a Tub,' child's book, c. 1860, 251, 305 Tassis (Don J. de), Spanish ambassador, c. 1620, 14, 36

Tavern Signs:

Bell and Horns, 359 Black Horse, 67, 155 Cottage of Content, 375 Fleecy Ram, 376 Fleur-de-Lis, 93 Herd of Swine, 375 Hit and Miss, 375 Honest Lawyer, 338 Horseshoe, 67, 155 Leden Hall Porch, 376

Tavern Signs:

Merry Horn, 375 Merry Mouth, 375 Ormond's Head, 375 Pen Inn, 375 Quiet Woman, 338 Sultan, 375

Swan in Crooked Lane, 1664, 93 Trouble House, 375 We three Loggerheads, 375 Woolpack, 399 Tavern signs at Bourn Bridge, Cam bridges hire ,

379 Taxations of Norwich, 1253, and Lincoln, 1291

149, 171,217 Taylor (Isaac) of Ross, c. 1777, map-maker, 495 Taylor family of Ongar, 263 Tedesco and Germania, etymology of the words,

281, 349

Tenison, M.P. for London, 1661, 473 Tennyson (Lord) and George Crabbe, 450 Tetherington (Jack), Irishman and gambler, 300- Thackeray (W. M.), " cousamah " in his ' The Newcomes,' 7, 58 ; his reference to Roupell, 32 ; the German Emperor, 265, 358 ; his Latin, 298 ,.

Thallium and the Great Plague, links between, 45 Thanet, early map of the island, 415 Theatre of the World,' 1679, its author, 47,

110 Theatre, site of the Globe, 447 ; site of the Helicon,

480 Theatrical life, periodicals describing, 1875-85,

210. 270, 349 Theses of Scottish University, 493 Thiebault (Madame), nee Thayer, her portrait by

Lawrence, 360 " Thirmuthis " as a Christian name, 17, 75 Thompson (William), d. 1775, his pedigree, 8, 52 Thoreau (Henry D.), 1817-62, portraits of, 250,


Thoroton (Thomas), his marriage, 68 Thorpe (Dr.), Evangelical preacher, c. 1830, 18-1 Thostwick. See Gotwick. Thrale (" Queenie "), letter in cipher by, 298 Thrip, Northampton, the living in 1641, 415 Thunder, turtle affected by, 52 Tichborne Street, alterations, 67, 155 " Till," origin of the word, 26 Time, definition of, Digby MS., 415 Tisdall (Col. T.), Royal Reg. Artillery, 1853, 15-1 Title-pages, black-bordered, the use of, 34, 91,.


Titles of courtesy, the use of, 250, 330 " To " with ellipsis of the infinitive, 418 Tokens, Kentish, of eighteenth century, 18 Toothache, charms against, 294 Towers (John), Bishop of Peterborough, his wife,.


Toymakers, early English, their methods, 130 Tracy family, 451

Transposition of words in metrical verse, 415 Tree, old, in Park Lane, 228, 289 Trevisa (John), c. 1400, his biography, 148, 198 Tpta Ka-mra /cd/curra, original wording of Greek

proverb, 209, 255, 330

Trinitarian Order and the French flag, 167, 235 ' Tristram Shandy-,' an allusion in, 67, 192 ; Con- fucius in, 188

True Blue, d. 1724, his identity, 400, 442 Trusler (J.), d. 1820, whereabouts of his MSS. r 190, 234, 289, 326