Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/542

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915.

436. Judgment of Solomon, 455. Onions and deafness, 118. Our National Anthem, 307. Pictures and Puritans, 217. Princess and the crumpled rose-leaf, 34. Raglan's (Lord) disregard of Euripides, 246. " Route-march," 290. Russian Easter, 277, 498. " Scarborough warning," 46, 136. ' Slang Dictionary,' by John Camden Hotten, 77. Starlings taught to speak, 114. Vin gris, 136. " Wangle," 258

Salmon (Principal David) on Macaulay's ' Lord Bacon,' 462

Saunders (H. A. C.) on " forwhy," 94. Starlings taught to speak, 114

Savage (Canon Ernest B.), F.S.A., on onions and deafness, 117. Sex of Euodias, 58

Saw (G.) on ' Fruit Girl,' 210

Segar (M. G.) on Ambrose Philips, 321

Seton-Anderson (J.) on Dickson : Baillie : Gor- don : Simpson, 494

Shebbeare (Claude E.) on Dr. John Shebbeare, 281

Shepherd (T.) on oldest milk-stall in London, 147

Snore (Francis A.) on poems wanted, 494

Shorter (Clement) on Joseph Hill, Cowper's friend, 390

Shorting (Ernest H. H.) on Elizabeth Cobbold, her descent from Edmund Waller, 109, 257. Pritchard (John), Shropshire solicitor, 1759- 1837, 61

Sigma Tau on London M.P.'s, 1661, 473. Mor- daunt's ' Obituary,' 209. Norbury : Moore : Davis : Ward, 188

Simpson (Charlotte) on " We '11 go to Kew in lilac time," 18

Sleuth-Hound on French recruiting before Napo- leon, 189. Heraldic queries, 280. Lydgate : reference wanted, 149. Source of quotation wanted, 108

Smith (Prof. G. C. Moore) on authors of quotations wanted, 477. " From China to Peru," 6. Henrietta Maria's (Queen) Almoner, 93. Name of play wanted, 7. Pullein (Rev. Samuel), translator of Vida, 338

Smith (J. de Berniere) on French flag and the Trinitarian Order, 235. Prayers for animals, 330

Smith (Reginald G.) on Horncastle, 362. Struth (Sir William John), 170

Solomons (Israel) on Alt Ofen : Sarajevo, 360. Biographical information wanted, 49. Breval (Monsieur de), 322. Colonia : Cologne, 402. Copley (Joseph), 431. Costa (Da) : Brydgea Willyarns, 234. Croze (Maturinus Veyssiere de la), historian, c. 1730, 130. Davidsone (Guilielmo), 148. Disraeli's Life : Ernanuel, 477. Ecclaston (Daniel), 190. Hughes (Hugh Price), and Baron Plunket, Primate of Ireland, 453. " Jew," 473. King (Jew), 437. Medici (Francesco Maria, Cardinal de), c. 1700, 341. Poland (King of), 1719, 379. Vieira (Antoino), 109

Sparke (Archibald), F.R.S.L., on Andertons of Lostock and Horwich, 21, 118. Apollo of the doors, 116. Armitage (Edward), 93. " As sound as a roach's," 18. Authors wanted, 306, 401. Birthplace of Archbishop Bancroft, 104. Blakeway (Rev. J. B.): bibliography, 286. Braddon (Mary Elizabeth): bibliography, 283. Breval (Monsieur de), 423. Campbell (Mungo), 476. Clerical Directories, 158. Costa (Da): Brydges Willyams, 218. Dawson (Nancy), 460.

Ecclaston (Daniel), 238. Families of and Key, 136. Floating ironclad batteries, 482. Founder of the Hulme Trust, 7. ' Glosso- graphia Anglicana Nova,' 76. " Inchalffe hesper," 327. " Janus," 497. " Lady of the Lamp," 406. List of Nonconformist ministers, 458. Mankinholes, 369. ' Mirage of Life," 387. Necessary nicknames, 480. Nightingale- (Florence), 207. Our National Anthem, 113. Pack-horses, 330. ' Rise of the Hohenzollerns,' 304. Roberts (William), Esq., 215. Robinson (Luke), M.P., 55. Rolls of Honour, 178.. " Roper's news " : " duck's news," 174. Scots Guards : regimental histories, 15. ' Slang: Dictionary,' 31. " Spruce "=" natty," 33. " Statesman," 325. Tephrensis (Gregentiua Archiepiscopus), 97. Trusler (John), 289. " Tune the old cow died of," 309. Vieira (Antonio), 156. Vispre" (Victor), 476. " Was- trel " = waste land, 154

Spielmann (M. H.), F.S.A., on " Conturbabantur Constantinopolitani " : ' The Comic Latin Grammar,' 174. Inglis's (Robert) edition of Shakespeare, 188. Ludgate or Grafton picture: of Shakespeare, 442

Spooner (B. C.) on spon : spoon, 431

Squires (E. E.) on duck's storm : goose's storm,. 188

Stafford (E.) on Barbados filtering stone, 310. House of Normandy, 386. Scarborough warn- ing, 233. " Tune the old cow died of," 309

Steuart (A. Francis) on Maria Catherine, Lady Blandford, 86

Stewart (Alan) on " By hook and crook," 215. " Cyder Cellars," 256, 366. D'Oyley's Ware- house, 1855, 216. Marybone Lane and Swallow Street, 325, 410. Mortimer's Market, Totten- ham Court Road, 287

Stilwell (J. Pakenham) on Napoleon and the Bellerophon, 438

Stockley (W. F. P.) on Burke's wife, 319. ' Haj Warrior ' and Nelson, 162. Lady chapel, Shakespeare's French, 470

Stopes (Mrs. C. C.) on site of the Globe, 447

Stunt (B. G. M.) on author wanted, 321

Sykes (H. Dugdale) on black wool as a cure for deafness, 247. Prologue to Jonson. Chapman,, and Marston's ' Eastward Hoe,' 5. Was Webster a contributor to ' Overbury's Cha- racters ' ? 313, 335, 355, 371

T. (A. N.) on " Andrew Halliday," 409

T. (C. E.) on early English toymakers, 130

T. (De) on bishops of Belgium and Northern: France, 341. Chapters of Denain and Maubeuge,. 321

T. (J. T.) on author of hymns wanted, 217. Origin of medal, 341

T. (M. S.) on names on coffins, 92

T. (T. W.) on ancient trusts, 151

T. (W. L.) on starlings taught to speak, 270

T. (W. M.) on " Pecca fortiter," 148

T. (Y.) on alphabetical nonsense, 57. MacBride, . 345. Pronunciation of " ow," 36

Tannitsow on East Anglian families : Elizabeth Stainton, 9

Tapley-Soper (H.) on Boucher family of Somerset,. 451. Locks on rivers and canals, 194. Prin- ters' work, 368. Rolls of Honour, 178