Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/184

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I wonder, is there a list of the Abbots of Conway to be found anywhere ?

If "Deen" = Dean, then in this case it must be equivalent to our modern " rural dean," because Lleyn is the southern portion of the present county of Carnarvon.


Yspytty Vicarage, Bettws-y-Coed.

COMPANIONS OF GEORGE I. (11 S. vii. 268, 334). Tindal in his continuation (1744-7) of Rapin's ' History of England,' vol. iv. pt. ii. p. 401, foot-note, gives a list of those of the Household who were to attend the King to Great Britain :

The Baron de Kilmanseck, Master of the Horse.

Baron Bernsdorf, First Minister of State.

Baron de Goritz, President of the Finances, and Minister of State.

Monsieur de Bobethon, Privy-Counsellor to the King.

Count Platen, Great Chamberlain.

Baron de Rhede, Great Chamberlain.

The Marquiss de la Foret, Chamberlain.

Baron Schutz and his two brothers, one Gentle- man of the Bed-chamber to the King, the other to the Prince.

Monsieur Reiche, Privy-Counsellor, and Secre- tary to his Majesty.

Baron de Hartoff, Counsellor of War.

Monsieur Schraden, Secretary of Ambassies.

Monsieur Hammerstein, Gentleman of the King's Bed-chamber.

Monsieur Kempe, Gentleman of the Bed- chamber to the Prince.

Two Physicians, Dr. Steigerthal and Dr. Chappuzeau.

Two Surgeons, and two Valets de Chambre.


INVERNESS BURGESS ACT: W. CURTIS (11 S. viii. 128). The subject of L. A. W.'s engraving is probably a relation perhaps an uncle of Sir William Curtis, Bt. (1752- 1829), who was Lord Mayor of London in 1796, and represented the City in Parlia- ment for thirty -five years. In 1822 he accompanied George IV. to Edinburgh, and appeared in a kilt. L. A. W. might receive accurate information by applying to two obvious sources : the present Sir William Curtis (great - great - grandson of the first baronet), and the Town Clerk of Inverness. HERBERT MAXWELL.

CROMARTY (11 S. viii. 130). See Old- Lore Miscellany of Orkney, &c. (Viking Society), v. 14, where the meaning is given as Little Place of the Bend ; old form Crum'bauchtyn (accent on first syllable) crom, bent, developed b, terminations -ach, place of, and -dan or -tan, diminutive. The second r was developed at an early stage through sympathy with the first r.

As a person-name this occurs in Orkney as Cromate and Cromadie in the sixteenth century, but now spelt Cromarty. Curiously- enough, Orkney appears to be the only place where this name occurs as a person-name. The founder of this family may have come from Cromarty, or may have been a returned Orkney sojourner in that place. In 1420, 1442, persons called Krummedike were in Norway : a name which looks like a corrup- tion of Cromade, or vice versa, through the influence of the Scottish place-name.

Cromar is one division of Marr, viz., Braigh Mharr (Braemar). Cro' Mharr (Cro- mar), and Mig Mharr (Midmar). See Old- Lore Miscellany, vi. 67.


29, Ashburnham Mansions, Chelsea, S.W.

According to J. B. Johnston (' Place- Names of Scotland ') Cromar means " circle or enclosure of Mar, from Gaelic crd, ' circle.' '

Cromarty may be crom-adha, " crooked bay," or crom-arde, " bend between the heights," referring to the two cliffs, called the Sutors, on either side of the firth near its mouth. I myself am inclined to prefer the latter derivation. C. S. JERRAM.


[MB. TOM JONES also thanked for reply.]

" HOLLO!" (11 S. vii. 489; viii. 55, 95.) In South Lancashire, of which I am a native and where I have lived for forty years, I have always heard this word pronounced " Hello ! " At the Manchester Hippodrome there has been performed recently a " play- let " by Edgar Jephson entitled ' Hello ! Exchange.' It is, I suppose, being given at other music-halls. It would be interesting to know if the name of the piece is spelt in this way when given in the South of Eng- land. F. H. C.

HARVEST CUSTOM : ALSACE AND LOR- RAINE (11 S. viii. 130). I have never been able to ascertain for certain why sticks are placed in the field after harvest, but I have been told that it is like the bouquet placed on the roof after building, and the sheaf of corn is offered after harvest in order to receive a gift from the proprietor or his friends. S. M.


RUXTON (11 S. viii. 109). Try Broadoak,. Brenchley, Kent. The brother of G. F. Ruxton was for many years Chief Constable of Kent. R. J. FYNMORE.
