Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/214

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NOTES AND QUERIES, [ii s. vm. SEPT. 13, 1913.

of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, stamped " E.P.," with the Neville arms on the cover. It contained a detailed record of the Nappers, or Napiers, of Holywell. Inquiries about this volume ended in a cul- de-sac, for the Bodleian Library had made proffers to secure it, and Quaritch's belief was that it had been sold to that illustrious bidder. But the book is not, and never has been, in Bodley. Did sentiment or laws of literary propriety rule the auction world, Bodley should have won, for the manuscript beyond doubt belonged to the old Catholic family of the Napiers of Holywell Manor, Oxford, to their kinsman Edmund Powell, and to their last descendants the Nevilles of Holt Neville, Leicestershire. Does any one know to whom it really was sold ?

L. I. GUINEY. Longwall Cottage, Oxford.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. (1) THE HON. EDWARD CADOGAN, fifth son of Charles, first Earl Cadogan, is said to have been a captain in the 49th Foot, and to have died of fever at St. Lucia in 1779. I should be glad to ascertain when he entered the Army, and the full date and the place of his death.

(2) WILLIAM CALVERT was admitted to Westminster School 1 Oct., 1824. Particu- lars of his parentage and career are desired.

(3) ALEXANDER CAMPBELL was admitted to Westminster School 16 Feb., 1784 ; Charles Campbell 13 June, 1774 ; another Charles Campbell and Donald Campbell 4 March, 1776 ; and Henry Campbell 15 Jan., 1787. Can correspondents of ' N. & Q.' help me to identify any of these Campbells ?

I am anxious to obtain particulars of the following boys, who were educated at West- minster School : (1) Plomer Allway, ad- mitted 20 Jan.. 1845. (2) Charles Falconar, admitted 23 Sept., 1776. (3) W. Farley, admitted 23 Sept., 1806. (4) R. T. Faw- cett, admitted 5 Oct., 1808. (5) Tarver Richard Fearnside, admitted Michaelmas, 1811 ; and W. G. Fearnside, admitted 10 Jan., 1807. (6) Thomas Fearon, admitted 7 July, 1783. (7) Robert Finlay, admitted 1 Oct., 1821, aged 12 ; and Thomas Finlay, admitted 21 Jan., 1822, aged 13.

G. F. R. B.

INWOOD OR INWARD. Wanted, informa- tion regarding the origin of the family of Inwood or Inward, probably Surrey. Arms : Or, a griffin passant vert ; on a chief gu, three laurel leaves or. Are these arms carved on any tomb ? VERUS.

SOAP -BUBBLES. What are the earliest known references to, or representations of r this pastime ? It has been stated in books that there was an Etruscan vase in the Louvre representing children blowing soap- bubbles. M. Pettier, however (author of the catalogue at the Louvre, ' Vases antiques de Terre cuite '), says there is no repre- sentation of this kind in the Louvre. G.

SMYTH OF NEWBOTTLE. Can any one tell me anything about Dr. Smyth of Newbottle r Northamptonshire ? What was his Chris- tian name ? and did he hold a degree in divinity, in medicine, or in law ? He appears to have lived at Newbottle about 1750, and was son of Joseph Smyth of Corley,. Warwickshire. JOHN ARTHUR.

ARMIGALL WADE. Can any reader give me a list of the sons of Armigall Wade (died 1568), or of his grandsons of the name of Wade ? Armigall Wade, " the British Co- lumbus," was of an ancient family of York- shire, went to America in 1536, was Clerk of the Privy Councils of Henry VIII. and Edward VI., M.P. for Wycombe 1547-53, died at his house of " Belsize " near Hamp- stead, and was buried in the parish church at Hampstead. He left twenty children. I am trying to find out whether the Armigall Wade who died in York County, Virginia,, in 1644, was any relation to him.

DUTCH AMBASSADOR IN PARIS, 1779. I should be much obliged if any one could tell me the site of his residence in Paris at the above date.

LYDIA S. M. ROBINSON. Paoli, Pennsylvania. [For Armigall Wade see 8 S. x. 376, 524.]

" WHISTLING OYSTER." Can any one kindly give me a reference to the " Whistling Oyster"? It gave a name to an oyster shop in Vinegar Yard by Drury Lane Theatre some time in the forties. It was mentioned, I think, in Punch, and, if I remember rightly, in * N. & Q.,' but I have no means of finding out here. A. BELL.

14, Buskin Road, Ipswich.

[See 7 S. vi. 349, 435.]

PAULET OF EDDINGTON. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' tell me who was the wife of Sir William Paulet of Eddington, co. Wilts, one of whose daughters, Frances, was wife of Col. Thomas Leveson (who died 1651), and another, Elizabeth, the second wife of Robert Devereux, third Earl of Essex ?