Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/226

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NOTES AND QUERIES, [ii s. vm. SEPT. 13, 1913.

4 Broadsides.' Mr. Medley says of ' The Copy- right Act ' : " There are many problems yet to be settled, and we much fear they will be solved at the expense of the litigants of the future, and not by text- writers, however ingenious. But we may be grateful for the labours of those who try to ease our way over this troublesome ground." Mr. Everard Meynell continues ' The Plain Dealer ' ; Mr. Edward Johnston, ' Decoration and its Uses ' ; and Mr. J. H. Mason his articles on ' Printers' Devices of the Rev. T. F. Dibdin.'


MB. FRANCIS EDWARDS'S August Catalogue (No. 328) starts with two important collections of original drawings, the one relating to Surrey, the other to Wiltshire. The latter is that series of 690 water-colours, done in 1808-10 for Sir Richard Colt Hoare by John Buckler, which at the Stourhead Sale in 1883 fetched 465Z. It is here offered, bound in 10 folio volumes, for 400Z. The former, which runs to 800 items, is the work of many hands, and 2501. is asked for it. Mr. Edwards has also Fisher's portrait in oils of Robert Browning painted in 1854 at Rome, SOI. "We noticed good copies of recent works on English engravers Ward, J. R. Smith, and Frankau ; and a complete set of The Naval Chronicle, 1799- 1818, offered for 18Z., of which the first part contains some of Pocock's work. Surtees's Sporting Novels, first editions, with sAl the coloured plates by Leech, 5 vols., cost 45Z. The Proceed- ings of the Zoological Society, complete from the beginning (1830) to 1905, with the Indexes from 1830 to 1900, and many hundreds of fine coloured plates, in 68 vols. bound, are to be had for 651. Two other items of outstanding importance are the ' Monumenta Historica Societatis Jesu, 1894-1909, in 36 vols., of which the price is 221. ; and a complete set, original and extra series <1864-1910), of the publications of the Early English Text Society, for which 851. is asked.

MESSRS. MAGGS have sent us Part II. (L-Z) of their " Old Time Literature," which forms their Catalogue 313. The item which bibliophiles -will naturally consider of surpassing interest is Milton's copy of Browne's ' Britannia's Pastorals ' the two '"' bookes " together in one volume, -which bears in its margins 160 MS. notes in Milton's autograph. An owner (c. 1800) has inscribed on the fly-leaf a brief account of the history of the volume, 1616, 1501. There are three good MS. books : a fourteenth - century Psalter, 25?.; a Roman Breviary of fine late -fifteenth-century work, Italian-French, with the autograph signature of the poet Philippe Des- portes on the first leaf of the Calendar, 1201. ; and a good Persian MS. Firdausi's ' Shah Nama ' of the eighteenth century, 210Z. A first edition of Fitzherbert's ' La Graunde Abridge- ment,' in 3 vols., bearing no printer's name, but thought to be by Wynkyn de Worde, is another tempting book, 1516, 105Z. ; and scarcely less attractive is Avendado's ' Avico de Cacadores,' printed by Joan de Brocar in 1543 an early Spanish book on hunting 42Z. 10s. Another Spanish item which we noticed is a small quarto tract of 48 pages, on the Inquisition, printed at Granada in 1672 by Francisco Bahonez, 10Z. 10s. "We have not space to do more than mention the

following first editions, a few taken more or less at random out of many : Suckling's ' Fragmenta Aurea,' 1646, 24Z. ; Pope's ' Rape of the Lock,' Bernard Lintott, 1714 an early issue with two errors in pagination 14Z. 14s. ; Sir Thomas More's " Apologye. .. .printed by W. Rastell in Fleetestrete in Saynte Brydys Chyrch Yarde, 1533," 131. 13s. ; a complete set of the 272 original numbers of The Tatter, 12 April, 1709 4 January, 1711, 181. 18s. ; and Matthew Prior's ' Poems on Several Occasions,' a presentation copy inscribed by Prior to Mr. Twybell, 18Z. 18s. There is also a good example of Notary's work : Herolt's ' Sermones,' with two woodcuts, and the printer's small and large device, 55Z.

MR. JAMES THIN'S Edinburgh Catalogue contains the Baskerville ' Addison,' 4 vols., royal 4to, 1761, 41. 10s. ; Burton's ' Arabian Nights,' 61. ; and Lane's ' Arabic-English Lexicon,' 4Z. 4s. Under Architecture are Fer- gusson's ' History,' 5 vols., 3Z. 5s. ; and Viollet- le-Duc's ' Dictionnaire Raisonne",' 10 vols., 81. 8s. There are works under Bibliography and Botany. The Vierge edition of ' Don Quixote ' (one of 155 copies), 4 vols., 1906, is 11. 10s. Under Chronicles of England is a collection of quarto editions, 15 vols. in 14, 1807-12, 10Z. 15s. A fine copy of Davenant's Works, folio, calf, panelled sides, 1673, is 6Z. 6s. ; and a copy of the ' Dialect Dictionary,' 6 vols., royal 4to, 81. 8s. Under Fielding are handsome sets. Freeman's 'Norman Conquest,' 6 vols., new half calf, is priced 61. ; and Gardiner and Firth's ' History of England,' 18 vols., new half morocco, 35Z. There is a set of Hansard, 1667-1892, 120Z. Works under Heraldry include Nisbet's 'System,' 2 vols., 1816, also supplementary volume of plates, originally intended for the 'System,' found in the library of W. E. Lockhart, with notes by Andrew Ross and others, Edinburgh, 1892, together 3 vols., 10Z. 10s. Under India is Watson and Kaye's ' People of India,' with its beautiful illustrations, 8 vols., folio, 1868-75, 10Z. 10s. There is a handsome copy of Lilford's ' Birds,' 7 vols., royal 8vo, 1891-7, 52Z. 10s. The Catalogue is full of standard and scarce works, but we can quote only one more : the edition of Swift, 19 vols., calf, Edinburgh, 1824, 10Z. 10s. Mr. Thin gives a view of his saloon on the ground floor, which looks very inviting.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

MR. T. B. BLATHWAYT (Cape Town). Many thanks ; answer anticipated ante, p. 34.

MR. M. L. R. BRESLAR. ST. S WITHIN desires to have the words of the prayer about twins in the Hebrew Liturgy which you referred to at 10 S. iv. 176.