Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/286

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NOTES AND QUERIES. ui s. vm. OCT. i, 1913.

Edmund Vale's account of the ascent of the Japanese volcano " Asama Yama " is simply written, but fresh and vivid. But perhaps the most arresting of all the papers is Mr. Charles Boyd's 4 George Wyndham.' Deeply loved, Wyndham. has been made to live again as few men do in the portraits his friends have drawn of him, but no one has depicted him more movingly and dis cerningly than has been done here.


MR. F. B. MEATYARD sends us his Catalogue No. 1 of Old Engrarings. These number some 400, half of which are portraits. We may single out for mention Bartolozzi's ' Lady * Butts,' printed in colours after Holbein, 1796, 21. 2s. ; Ward's * Lord Dundas,' after Jackson, a lettered proof, 31. 10s. ; and Smith's ' Mrs. Montagu,' after Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1776, 41. 4s. Of the other drawings and engravings, some of the best .are J. B. Smith's ' First Interview of Werter .and Charlotte,' stipple in brown, 1782, 4Z. 4s. ; and ' The Happy Family saying Grace,' mezzo- "tint, proof before letters of the American engraver Greenwood from Van Herp, 4Z. 15s. The most important item in this group is, however, a pair of oval stipples in red by Blake, after Watteau, ' Morning Amusement ' and ' Evening Amuse- ment,' 10 L 10s. The Catalogue includes numerous Aaews in the British Isles, a few etchings, some caricatures (coloured), and some twenty original drawings among these last three examples of Cigoli and one of Caracci.

MESSRS. MYERS'S Catalogue No. 195 is that of A private library recently acquired by them, which comprises items of various interest. We noticed a copy of Sir Thomas Parkyns's ' The Inn- Play or Cornish-Hugg Wrestler,' which had been presented to Frederick, Prince of Wales, 1727, 15Z. 15s. A good item is a first edition, extra- illustrated with 50 inserted plates, of Alfred Legge's ' The Unpopular King ' (Bichard III.), Tjound by Sangorski, 1885, 9Z. 5s. Voltaire's 4 CBuvres Completes,' edited by Condorcet, illustrated with nearly 300 engravings, in 92 vols., 1785-9, is offered for 121. 12s. There is a collec- tion of about 70 old Almanacks for the years 1823 to 1832 (' Gentleman's Diary,' ' Poor Bobin,' ' Vox Stellarum,' and others), bound in blue morocco, 10 vols., which is to be had for 5Z. 5s. Eight volumes of William Morris's ' Works,' printed at the Chiswick Press with Morris's " Golden " type, cost here 7Z. 10s. ; and the Bibliophilists' Society's ' Heptameron ' Saintsbury's translation from Margaret of Na- varre, illustrated by Longeuil, Halbon, Dunker, and others in 5 vols., costs 4Z. 4s. The following also deserve a word : Hazlitt's edition of Cotton's ' Montaigne,' 3 vols., 1877, 21. 18s. ; Burke's ' Works,' large Library Edition, 1826-7, 4Z. 10s. ; the "Black -Letter Acts of Parliament, at the Parliament holden at Westminster, May 8th until July 30th, 1661, Bill & Barker, 1661," 9s. Qd. ; a first edition of Byron's ' Hours of Idleness,' Newark, 1807, 21. 10s. ; 18 vols. of 'Book -Prices Current,' Dec., 1887-July, 1905, 11. 7s. ; and a collection of over 1,100 franks and autographs, principally of members of Parlia- ment between 1820 and 1838, 81. 10s.

In their Catalogue No. 196 Messrs. Myers offer some 425 Engraved Portraits, many of which are interesting. Thus they have Edelinck's engraving after Hellart's portrait of Louis, Due de Bour- gogne (grandson of Louis XIV.), 61. 10s. ; Cousins's ' Miss Rosamond Croker,' after Lawrence, 4.1. 10s. ; Keating's ' Lady Hamilton as St. Cecilia,' after Bomney, 4Z. 4s. ; Bartolozzi's ' Erasmus,' after Holbein, a stipple engraving in colours, 2Z. 2s. ; and the Maryborough family, Ladies Bagot, Burghersh, and Fitzroy Somerset, painted by Lawrence and engraved by Thomson. There are several of the Arundel Society's chromo- lithographs, in particular Botticelli's ' Venus rising from the Sea,' 4Z. 10s., and Lippi's ' Vision of St. Bernard,' 2Z. 2s. ; and about a dozen prints of views of Oxford and Cambridge Colleges

MB. CHARLES SAWYER sends us his Catalogue 33, which includes a number of attractive items belonging to various fields of interest. He has a unique copy, extra-illustrated with water- colour drawings, of ' Une Amazone sous le Premier Empire : Vie d'Ida St. - Elme,' by Henri Lachize, Paris, 1902, 16Z. An illuminated copy on vellum of the reproduction made in Dublin, 1880, of the ' Book of Leinster ' render- ing exactly the whole of the original MS. in the T.C.D. Library, with its capitals and ornaments, and bound by Bedford is offered for 36Z. A good copy, bound by Boot, of ' The English Spy ' with 72 coloured plates and 38 woodcuts, the work chiefly of Cruikshank, but including a plate and cuts by Bowlandson 1825-6, costs 42Z. There are some pleasant Dickens items the most interesting, two volumes from, his library bearing his crest and name, and the label attached to his books by his executors : ' A Family Tour through South Holland ' (1836) and ' Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity' (1837)- 5Z. 10s. each. A first edition of Lamb's ' Specimens,' bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, is also worth mentioning, 1808, 5Z. 10s. ; and we must not omit a complete set of the " Edition de Luxe " of Buskin, issued 1907-12, for which 27Z. is asked.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


We must call special attention to the folio icing notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- Ushers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

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H. I. H. and G. VV. E. R. Forwarded. CORRIGENDUM. PROF. BENSLY writes : " P. 237, col. 1, 1. 27, for please read /teu."