Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/324

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. vm. OCT. is, ma

In ' Ham's Revenue and Mercantile Vade- Mecum ' (1876), pp. 606-16, much informa- tion will be found on smuggling, such as the ' Regulations of the Board of Customs,' ' Restrictions on Small Craft,' ' Search,' ' Seizures,' ' Offences and Penalties, &c.'

There is an article on ' Tom Potter the Smuggler ' in Cassell's * World of Adventure,' vol. i. For smuggling in Essex see Essex Notebook and Suffolk Gleaner, and ' South- end-on-Sea and District,' by J. W. Burrows.

G. H. W.

' THE LAUGHING CAVALIER ' (11 S. vm. 189). A ballad entitled ' The Knight's Leap,' written by Charles Kingsley, and to be found in any complete edition of his poems, contains the following lines :

I have fought my fight, I have lived my life, I have drunk my share of wine ;

From Trier to Coin there was never a knight

Led a merrier life than mine. Were these the lines which H. F. H. saw ? The rest of the ballad is not particularly applicable, but these four lines might have been extracted from it as a motto describing the picture. T. S. O.

CHARLES LAMB'S " MRS. S " (11 S. viii. 262). It might assist- MR. ROGERS REES in his researches under this head to mention that there was the well-known Dr. S pinks of the Temple, who must have been in practice during the middle of the last century. He paid me a visit when I was a boy at school in or about the year 1863. It is quite likely this gentleman was a rela- tive of the Mr. Spinks named. He was, I think, also a " Serjeant." Perhaps SIR HARRY B. POLAND would kindly inform us as to Dr. Spinks's precise position in the legal world. CECIL CLARKE.

Junior Athenaeum Club.

FERGUSON OF KENTUCKY (11 S. viii. 250). Col. Ferguson, of Lemon Hill, Kentucky, left by his wife Cecilia Herbert two daugh- ters. Beatrice, the elder, married John Try on, and died leaving issue. Francesca, the younger daughter, married the Rev. Den- wood Harrison, and has no issue. The representative of the Hon. and Rev. William Herbert is Mr. W. G. Herbert of Folkestone.

A. F. H.

EXTRACTING SNAKES FROM HOLES (11 S. viii. 85, 173). The story of the bathroom cobra which retreated tail first, " steadily, slowly, his face to the foe," heard by COL. PRIDEAUX " long ago in India," may be

found in ' Lays of Iiid,' by Aliph Cheem (Second Series), published at Bombay in 1873. under the title ' As Wise as a Serpent ' ; but according to this " bathroom epic " the cobra entered the bathroom only once, not on three successive days a version more artistically complete. S. G. D.


RALPH ANTROBUS (11 S. v. 268, 417). I find my query at the first reference to be completely answered in Dom Henry Norbert Birt's ' Obit Book of the English Bene- dictines ' (privately printed recently), at p. 10. JOHN B. WAINEWHIGHT.

REFERENCE WANTED: CICERO (11 S. viii. 269). A clue to the source of this quotation may be furnished by a reference to the essay on ' Ciceronianism,' by A. S. Clark, in ' English Literature and the Classics ' (Oxford, 1912), where the idea may be traced, but not the exact words.

K. H. H.


'GADARA' (11 S. viii. 249). I am able to inform your correspondent that the above named poem was written by the late Rev. Alfred Adolphus Cole of Walsali. Mr. Cole was, at the time of its publication, pastor of the Baptist Chapel at West Haddon, Northamptonshire. He was a native of Gloucestershire, born 4 Nov., 1821, and entered on his first pastorate at West Haddon at the beginning of 1845, departing thence for Walsali at the end of 1856. Here he became pastor of Goodall Street Chapel, an office which he retained until 1890. when he retired in favour of his co - pastor, the Rev. B. A. Millard. To Mr. Cole's guiding hand Walsali is chiefly indebted for its fine Science and Art Institute. He died some- what suddenly on 10 Feb., 1893. His funeral took place on the 14th, and was of a quasi-public character, being attended by most of the clergy and Nonconformist ministers of the town, by the Mayor, and a large number of the leading tradesmen j the Chairman of the Cottage Hospital, in which the deceased had taken an enthusi- astic interest ; the whole of the masters of the Science and Art Institute ; prominent members of the Unionist party, &c.

I may add that a volume of ' Hymns/ written by Mr. Cole, and containing his photograph opposite the title-page, was published by Simpkin, Marshall & Co. in 1882. JOHN T. PAGE.

[MR. S. A. GRUNDY-NEWMAN, who mentions that a second edition of ' Gadara ' appeared at WalsalL in 1882, also thanked for reply.]